[IC] Eberron: The Plumbers


Upper Central Plateau/Mithral Tower/Street
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/0820
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 0

Once everyone was loaded onto the skycoach, Sergeant Vilroy lifted off into the skies between the towers. “So what have you learned so far?” the Watch sergeant asked casually, eying the Plumbers.

OOC: DePoe is still Poisoned (disadvantage on all rolls) for about 16 more hours. You have all had a Long Rest.

Ultimate: Figure out what’s going on in Lower Sharn. (25 gp each)

Alara (+1) 20 AC 11 HP 9/9 PP 12
Liutbrand (+3) 19 AC 14 HP 13/13 PP 15 Darkvision
Korra (+1) 19 AC 18 HP 14/14 PP 13 Darkvision
DePoe (+3) 18 AC 14 HP 10/10 PP 11 Poisoned (24 hr/9598)
Ogham (+1) 10 AC 15 HP 11/11 PP 15
Rotom (+2) 7 AC 16 HP 10/10 PP 9 Darkvision

207 gp
16 gp, 15 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.

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Seeing Liutbrand hesitate, Alara decides to jump in. "We found the dig site Coal told you about," she explains. "There was a goblin gang overseeing a work crew of chained up warforged. The goblins attacked us, and we were forced to kill them. But when we interviewed the survivors, we got a tip that the operation was being run by the Daask. We have the location of what could be a Daask safehouse." She inclines her head to the sargeant, as if to emphasize that the constable got her money's worth from their work.

OOC: See how easy it was to leave House Orien out of this? :)


Upper Central Plateau/Mithral Tower/Street
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/0825
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 0

“Well, if you know where this safehouse is, there is no time to waste!” Sergeant Vilroy said. “This sky coach is probably the fastest way to get there. I could take you. Where is it?”

OOC: DePoe is still Poisoned (disadvantage on all rolls) for about 16 more hours. You have all had a Long Rest.

Ultimate: Figure out what’s going on in Lower Sharn. (25 gp each)

Alara (+1) 20 AC 11 HP 9/9 PP 12
Liutbrand (+3) 19 AC 14 HP 13/13 PP 15 Darkvision
Korra (+1) 19 AC 18 HP 14/14 PP 13 Darkvision
DePoe (+3) 18 AC 14 HP 10/10 PP 11 Poisoned (24 hr/9598)
Ogham (+1) 10 AC 15 HP 11/11 PP 15
Rotom (+2) 7 AC 16 HP 10/10 PP 9 Darkvision

207 gp
16 gp, 15 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.


Lower Tavick’s Landing/Terminus
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/0850
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 1

Sergeant Vilroy continued to ask questions as she guided the sky coach in zipping through the air toward Terminus in Lower Tavick’s Landing, where the Plumbers had informed her this Garra had a safe house. It was certainly faster than walking!

Zipping between the towers of Sharn and converging on the Plumber’s location were five creatures riding disks of crackling green energy. Each creature was a lanky humanoid covered in fur, with the head of a hyena. They cackled maniacally, nocked arrows, and took aim at the Plumbers with their longbows, sending a shower of arrows at them.

Sgt. Vilroy’s eyes open wide in surprise at the sight of the gnolls and the incoming arrows. “Traveller’s tits! Garra didn’t pay me enough for this!” she said. Sergeant Vilroy’s face faded away, revealing the pale features of a changeling, and she leaped out of the skycouch, activating a feather token to slow her fall into the city below.

The sky coach started to waver with no one at the helm as arrows peppered the occupants.

Sky coach[/b]]If you are proficient in air vehicles, you may make a DC 12 Intelligence check to take control of the sky coach. If you are not proficient, roll at disadvantage. Sky coach will crash in 1 round if no one takes control.

An arrow struck Rotom in the chest. (Crit! 12 damage, unconscious, need to roll a death save unless you get healing.) Another hit Liutbrand in the shoulder. (9 damage) A second arrow caught Rotom as she fell. (1 failed death save) Another arrow caught the changline Sgt. Vilroy as she leaped out of the sky coach. (6 damage)


OOC: DePoe is still Poisoned (disadvantage on all rolls) for about 16 more hours.

Ultimate: Figure out what’s going on in Lower Sharn. (25 gp each)

Alara (+1) 21 AC 11 HP 9/9 PP 12
Ogham (+1) 21 AC 15 HP 11/11 PP 15
Korra (+1) 17 AC 18 HP 14/14 PP 13 Darkvision
DePoe (+3) 8 AC 14 HP 10/10 PP 11 Poisoned (24 hr/9347)
Liutbrand (+3) 5 AC 14 HP 4/13 PP 15 Darkvision
Rotom (+2) 5 AC 16 HP 0/10 PP 9 Darkvision

Sgt. Gilroy (+2) 21 AC 13 HP 10/16 PP 12

Gnoll 1 (+1) 19 AC 13 HP 29/29 PP 10 Darkvision
Gnoll 2 (+1) AC 13 HP 23/23 PP 10 Darkvision
Gnoll 3 (+1) AC 13 HP 16/16 PP 10 Darkvision
Gnoll 4 (+1) AC 13 HP 15/15 PP 10 Darkvision
Gnoll 5 (+1) AC 13 HP 20/20 PP 10 Darkvision

207 gp
16 gp, 15 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ogham ducks automatically when the battle starts - some lessons from the War are never unlearned.

Assessing the situation, the warforged quickly realizes that this fight is almost unwinnable with a falling sky coach, and the one most likely to steer it, Rotom, was just felled by two arrows!

The druidic energies underneath his plating already gathering, Ogham strides over to the fallen kobold and... he doesn't know the words that come out, except that they are the focus of primal power, and the druids he once knew seem to understand it. The effect is instantaneous as the life force of Rotom is returned, albeit diminished from what it was.

OOC: Casting Cure Wounds on Rotom. Regain 1D8+3=4 hitpoints (and no longer dying).


Alara threw herself flat as the arrows arced toward them, then pushed forward in horrified desperation as the craft began to tilt. She studied the controls for a moment.

The wizard was familiar with the arcane principles underlying the sky coach, but this device was designed for a manifest zone and she had never studied the details of Sharn's arcanogeography. She attempted to level their flight, but the craft moved as if it had a mind of its own.

Well, botched that.

attempting to control skycar: 1D20+3 = [7]+3 = 10
1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12

If it matters, Alara has Feather Fall which can accommodate 5 people, so if it's a reaction to yell "Jump!" and cast the spell she will. The the gnolls can use them for target practice on the way down.

It's a shame the gnolls aren't in a dirigible. Then we could say the shots came from a gassy gnoll.


Possibly a Idiot.
Rotom has a flashback to the ally the night before: A kobold with an arrow sticking out of her chest and the smell of blood in the air.

It wasn't till the second arrow landed, that she realized this time it was her. The artificer's guidance shatters from Liutbrand as she fell to the deck of the sky coach, which in turn started to fall.

A scene unfolded before her eyes. A mountain, shaped in the form of a dragons head, with eyes glowing a familiar shade of green. The words "TI SJERIT", Not Yet, being spoken as the dragon-mountain's face fades into that of Ogham.

The sensation of falling reminds Rotom of the situation. Franticly, she reaches for the controls, but fumbles at the last moment.

The kobold shouts a warning to any who might be below them "Khyber, we are going down!" And readies herself to bail.



Lower Tavick’s Landing/Terminus
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/0850
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 2

The sky coach overturned, spinning out of control, tossing the Plumbers out into the skies of Sharn before spiralling to the base of the towers and crashing violently. Alara was quick with a spell, catching most of them and allowing them to drift slowly instead of plummeting.

[OOC=Alara]You said your Feather Fall can catch 5. There are six of you. So which 5 do you cast the spell on. The sixth will have to use their feather token.[/OOC]

The gnolls on their disks started to split up, following some of you down. Two went after Alara and two followed Korra, while the last went after Liutbrand, firing their longbows.

One arrow caught Alara (3 damage) in the side as she fell, the other whipped harmlessly past her as it was caught by a gust of wind.

Two arrows shot at Korra missed her completely.

The arrow shot at Liutbrand missed, as well.

The changeling that had been impersonating Sergeant Gilroy landed on a nearby bridge, looked up, gave a wave, and darted for the crowded street.

OOC: Autoing Ogham per request this round. I will try and not spend resources, so he’ll do a cantrip.

Ogham lashed out with a thorn whip, entangling one of the gnolls by Alara and yanking it off its magical disk toward the warforged. The gnoll was now falling without benefit of a spell.

OOC: All players are up! Next round I will roll on the falling table for you. Roll a DC 10 Athletics check, and I will have you land safely and gently on the same bridge the changeling did.

OOC: DePoe is still Poisoned (disadvantage on all rolls) for about 16 more hours.

Ultimate: Figure out what’s going on in Lower Sharn. (25 gp each)

Alara (+1) 21 AC 11 HP 6/9 PP 12
Ogham (+1) 21 AC 15 HP 11/11 PP 15
Korra (+1) 17 AC 18 HP 14/14 PP 13 Darkvision
DePoe (+3) 8 AC 14 HP 10/10 PP 11 Poisoned (24 hr/9346)
Liutbrand (+3) 5 AC 14 HP 4/13 PP 15 Darkvision
Rotom (+2) 5 AC 16 HP 4/10 PP 9 Darkvision

Sgt. Gilroy (+2) 21 AC 13 HP 10/16 PP 12

Gnoll 1 (+1) 19 AC 13 HP 29/29 PP 10 Darkvision, after Alara
Gnoll 2 (+1) AC 13 HP 23/23 PP 10 Darkvision, after Korra
Gnoll 3 (+1) AC 13 HP 15/16 PP 10 Darkvision, engaged with Ogham, free falling
Gnoll 4 (+1) AC 13 HP 15/15 PP 10 Darkvision, after Liutbrand
Gnoll 5 (+1) AC 13 HP 20/20 PP 10 Darkvision, after Korra

207 gp
16 gp, 15 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.


The sensation of falling brought words of power to Alara's lips, and she and her companions righted themselves and began to settle gently through the air. But even as she cast, she realized she could not bring the magic to bear for so many, and reluctantly chose to let the kobold fall, hoping the skilled artificer could make the best use of the Orien token.

The arrow that caught her in the side left her gasping, but she still managed to stretch her arms and guide her fall. She remembered the game that she and her fellow apprentices had made of it among the towers of Wynarn, and managed to bring her feet to rest on the bridge.

The wizard noted with approval the Ogham had successfully dispatched one of their assailants. She gestured at another, and abruptly the beast-man was standing atop a slick platform as he tried to bank above the city.

Made her athletics check:
Alara Athletics roll to land on bridge: 1D20+0 = [12]+0 = 12

Casting Grease on the platform of a nearby gnoll, it needs a DC 13 to avoid going prone (falling off?) the platform. It has a 10' area, so if two of them are close together she'll try and get both.

Voidrunner's Codex

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