[IC] Eberron: The Plumbers

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Lower Tavick’s Landing
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/1425
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 0

The conductor frowned at Rotom’s words, looking uncertain, but then he pulled two tokens out of his pocket. “Here. You’ll need these tickets to travel the cars,” he said, handing one to Rotom and one to Korra. “VIP passes.” He looked up at the thump as well, wondering what it was.


Prevent Garra’s escape on the lightning rail.

Alara (+1) AC 11 HP 7/9 PP 12 DC 13
Ogham (+1) AC 15 HP 1/11 PP 15
Korra (+1) AC 18 HP 7/14 PP 13 Darkvision
Rotom (+2) AC 18 HP 9/10 PP 9 Darkvision
DePoe (+8) AC 14 HP 8/10 PP 11 Alert, healing potion

Party Ave:


Enemy Ave:

107 gp (Party)
16 gp, 8 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
18 cp (DePoe)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.

DePoe leaps towards the rail car. for a brief moment he hangs in the air, then slams into the car, hands and feet scrabbling, barely hanging on.
OOC: EXACTLY 13 on the athletics check.

Alara looked in concern at DePoe, worried that perhaps his earlier poisoning had taken more out of him than she had thought. But he seemed to recover himself.

The wizard looked up at Ogham expectantly.

Lower Tavick’s Landing
Far, 28 Rhaan, YK 998 (Early autumn)/1440
Weather: Temperature normal for the season (cool), no wind, light rain (outside the towers)
Round 0

Rotom and Korra moved to the next car. This was steerage, the cheapest way to travel the lightning rail. Rows of seats were tightly packed together. They were hardly comfortable, either, with cheap cushioning and no ability to recline. Small luggage filled overhead racks. There looked to be twenty or more people bunched into the car.

On the roof of the last car, Alara and DePoe were buffeted by the wind as the lightning rail raced on toward Wroat.


Prevent Garra’s escape on the lightning rail.

Alara (+1) AC 11 HP 7/9 PP 12 DC 13
Ogham (+1) AC 15 HP 1/11 PP 15
Korra (+1) AC 18 HP 7/14 PP 13 Darkvision
Rotom (+2) AC 18 HP 9/10 PP 9 Darkvision
DePoe (+8) AC 14 HP 8/10 PP 11 Alert, healing potion

Party Ave:


Enemy Ave:

107 gp (Party)
16 gp, 8 sp, banded agate (10 gp) (Rotom)
18 cp (DePoe)
1 unicorn-shaped feather token for each character: When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.

"Ogham!" Alara called up to the warforged urgently. She did not like their precarious position on the roof but could not proceed until the Warforged had joined them.

"Garra is from my homeland, and a Chib of Daask." Rotom mused with some reluctance. "In most of Droaam, the biggest guy is the boss. When we get into the first class car, just look for the biggest and meanest one."

Ogham hesitates.

Unbidden, a memory from the War flashes before his mechanical eyes; the tension before jumping onto the battlefield somewhere in Cyre from an airship not unlike this one. The soldiers lost in that first assault. The casualties during the entire war.

The shouts from Alara and DePoe bring him back. He’s never had this before, and there was no time to dwell.

The warforged jumps, and although he is heavier than his companions, he lands on a hand and both feet without issue.

He merely nods, eager to move on.


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