[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon nods gratefully at Thorbin before sharing a drink with Theremin and whoever wants to join in. Anyone sober enough to notice may see that the monk is uncharacteristically holding back on the amount of liquor he consumes, instead acting funny and loving the attention for his seemingly drunken antics.


Swithun nodded, "Tomorrow we will march to Slees and then head directly east. We will find the ford, cross, and turn north for Loos'sass. From there, we will search north by north-west between the two ridges."


Surina nods her agreement. "May Essembri, Palientar, and ....." she pauses a moment, as though she is straining to remember, before continuing, "Issostle guide our path tomorrow." She is careful to thank their hosts for the meal and a place to stay. She raises a brow ridge at Brother Pelegon's antics: she has not missed that he is consuming less than usual. She keeps her eyes out for the lizardfolk younglings and, if they are around, engages them in conversation (and even play) if they are amenable. She will retire to the sleeping place early and spend a while in prayer before settling in for the night.

The night passes peacefully. The arrangements are actually quiet comfortable. In the morning you rise, a lite breakfast is provided. Thorbin arrives as some of you are still getting ready. He gifts the party six greater healing potions (4d4+4 hp). "Hopefully you won't need these," he says, though he knows that's unlikely.

At the edge of the village, a few scouts are gathered with Warchief Wesspra. "Good luck to you." One of the scouts steps up to Surina and says in Draconic, "If you find him and kill him, plunge this dagger into his hide." He hands her a small knife, almost one for a child. "Do this for my Lassasso, please."

GM: Marching order. I would like a list of "we are always doing this?" "periodically we do that." that applies to the group and to each pc individually.


Surina nods, to the scout and secures the dagger among her belongings.

OOC: how should we divy up the greater healing potions? One each? I think that leaves us one extra, unless I'm misremembering our party count.


Missed the marching order request. Surina will happily go first or second. Combat wise she does best in melee. But her perception isn’t great, so she will gladly yield first place if someone else is better at keeping an eye out for things. She will have her shield strapped to her arm. Despite not being particularly perceptive, she will be trying to watch the landscape carefully. She will take time for prayer each time they take a break, and can be frequently heard praying under her breath as they travel.


Swithun alternated his time between conferring with Surina in the front of the group, and scouting slightly ahead. With his four legs, he was able to quickly move back-and-forth, and he was both quiet and observant.

Steve Gorak

Theremin waited for everyone to wake then started an inspiring tune on his lute. He talked about heroes Of the past that went on noble adventures similar to theirs.
After this, he ate breakfast, and periodically peaked out of their dwelling to see how the lizard folks lived. All of this while getting ready for the day.

He grabs two healing potion from the lot. “Many thanks Thorbin! Companions, I am taking two because I am not much of a frontline fighter. My intent is togive these to others when needed. We should split the rest”

OOC: are we 6? If so, he grabs only 1 potion

use of the inspiring leader feat (7 temp hp to all) Theremin will always use the feat after short rests.

he is not particularly observant, but a decent sneak and a great face. I see him going in the middle to the end of the marching order

Voidrunner's Codex

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