[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


Surina stands before the Lizardman, with her sword drawn. She says in draconic “You have done great evil. You deserve no mercy. Tell us where you have taken the other villagers and why, and perhaps mercy will be offered despite your evil. If you do not, I will enact the justice of Essembri sooner rather than later.”

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The lizardman is looking around wild-eyed. You may have thought reptiles did not express emotion but this guy is freaking out. He looks at the dragonbord woman, sword in hand like she is a traitor to all reptile-kind. In draconic, he replies, "Why have you freed the pink skins? They would work for the glory of our lord in the swamps if not for you. Essembri smiles on our lord far more than on these filth. We do them a favor by working them in the mine."

"Ha, living among the pinks has clouded you. Essembri is the god of vengeance and who does not need more vengeance than our kind. Lord Ariamhodary (Arr Ee Ah Mo Dree is how he pronounces it) seeks to bring our kind back to dominance, as it was before the plague of warm fleshed beings swept the land." The lizardman groans as Swithun leans forward a little and then eases back. "Kill these fools. He might take you in as his mate."


Surina suppressed the sudden surge of anger and asked, “If I were interested in such a offer, where would I find this Lord Ariamhodary? And what does he want with the pinks?”

"Heh heh heh, just go east to find him," the lizardfolk says. "He needs slaves to build his glorious empire. They're squishy, but they're plentiful."

"Dispose? Such a polite word. I'm detritus you need to sweep away. You pinks think you are better than the other kinds of life. You are just as brutal. Your false sense of superiority will be your downfall." He continues to rant in a similar manner.


Everett looks at the lizardfolk. He begins calmly but his volume grows with every word. "Forgive me. Where are my manners... ah yes that's right. All sense of politeness flew to the seven winds when your constituents decided to carve up my family." He regains his composure, having began to lean forward in his anger. His next words are calm. "I do not believe I am superior to anyone unless it is proven, ergo our superiority to you and yours, in this instance, is obvious." He looks to Surina, a ball of fire manifesting in his palm. "Are we done here?"

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