(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


Jack flutters over to the ice bridge, gesturing his hands toward the cavern's exit and ushering everyone to cross, "Yes, yes, one at a time."

"Careful now,"
Jack says to the halfling as he eyes Perilou's wary countenance, "swift but sure across, no tumbling or somersaults allowed. Playtime is over!" His eyes narrow in mock severity, "Don't make me have to catch you, dearie."

Jack glances over to the ledge, ready to make a diversion should the giant snow beast notice anything amiss. He's ready to be the last one out but, if their gamble pays off, they could even slip out with the yetis none the wiser!

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"Jack, can you create an illusion of the halfling near the edge, but not so close as to appear she's about to slip away?"

Jack quirks a brow, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You want me to create a doppelgänger of our dazed and distressed damsel over there? You know, last time I tried that, the illusion ended up with three legs and a goiter, but... I'll give it another go."

Casting Minor Illusion, a cantrip, so no need for a roll-to-cast check.

Drawing on his arcane powers, Jack channels the magic of the Feywild. Holding his hands out, he weaves them in the air, creating a vivid and tangible image. A spectral form of the halfling starts to materialize not far from the snoozing yeti child, an almost perfect replica of Perilou, down to the disheveled hair and dirt-streaked face. The illusion makes it seem as though the halfling has collapsed from exhaustion. It's a delicate balance, ensuring the illusion appears genuine yet unthreatening. The only difference is that this halfling figure remains eerily still, offering no sign that it might suddenly flee or pose a threat.

Jack glances back with a smirk, his wings shimmering faintly in the icy stillness. He lowers his voice to a whisper as he returns to the group crossing the ice bridge. "I'd recommend we skedaddle before our furry friend there awakes from its beauty sleep and discovers it's been duped. Trust me, my illusions might be captivating, but they don’t hold a candle to an enraged yeti's attention span!"

Chuckling as the party starts to cross, Jack adds, "Oh, and once we're past this bridge, maybe it could use a little melt-down. Reminds me of the time I used a sockful of flaming acorns to escape an army of irate pixies riding war squirrels in the Feywild. Ah, those were the days... but, you know, a story for another time! Right now, melting a bridge sounds about right for our icy exit strategy. Anyone know how to summon a bonfire?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur finally rejoins the group when it became obvious they will not need the ambush. He whispers to Jack
"There is another path made of stone. And this might raise the attention we want to avoid. Let's keep in as an option for later."


Laughing softly, Jack replies, "I've a flair for the dramatic and a certain craving for attention, but when it comes to melting stone bridges... well, that's a bit beyond my usual repertoire of fairy antics." He smiles warmly, "There's a reason deep gnomes are renowned for their pathfinding and wisdom, isn't there? You've got the tactical mind of ten surface folk, Lumrolur. Always keeping us on the straight and narrow."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Laughing softly, Jack replies, "I've a flair for the dramatic and a certain craving for attention, but when it comes to melting stone bridges... well, that's a bit beyond my usual repertoire of fairy antics." He smiles warmly, "There's a reason deep gnomes are renowned for their pathfinding and wisdom, isn't there? You've got the tactical mind of ten surface folk, Lumrolur. Always keeping us on the straight and narrow."
"Those not minding the sound or craving attention in the Deep don't live long enough to spread their heritage. Thus, we're all a bit darker than our surface cousins. I don't know about straight, but thinking tactical especially in full spatial and not just flat as you surface dwellers do...yes, that is what you get after enough practice."
Lumrolur looks sternly at the fairy
"And knowing when to walk in silence is part of that. I'll tell you stories from my home when we camp."

Steve Gorak

Lumrolur finally rejoins the group when it became obvious they will not need the ambush. He whispers to Jack
"There is another path made of stone. And this might raise the attention we want to avoid. Let's keep in as an option for later."
Aric extends the shadowy silence embrace of his spell to Lumrolur when he comes back.

He then whispers '' I will cast my fire spell on the ice bridge after we cross it''


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Aric extends the shadowy silence embrace of his spell to Lumrolur when he comes back.

He then whispers '' I will cast my fire spell on the ice bridge after we cross it''
"Please no. It will not just melt. It will collapse at some point and make noise. Also, heat and steam might be noticeable in the cave. Let's just leave safely."
he frowns for the moment and looks pained as his eyes flash red for a moment.
"RRR-HRR!" comes a gutural sound, but luckily it remains on the level of a soft cough



As Jack alights on the edge of the ice bridge and Russet helps brace the blonde halfling Perilou as she moves hesitantly towards the fairy, Corse can hear something from outside. To untrained ears it might seem like shifting and crackling snow, but to Corse it is movement of a large padded foot designed to spread snow wide to avoid the crunching sound that boots make. Something large is moving in the snows outside, and it is moving toward the cave's entrance!

At the same time, the yawn of the young yeti from the chamber behind you is punctuated by a frustrated high-pitched yowl and a low rumbling from its mother. The corpse-like illusion of the halfling that Jack conjured – for such minor magic is only capable of conjuring objects (at least in the mortal world, the Feywild may be a different story!) – will buy you seconds before the young yeti's roughhousing reveals it is an illusion.

For now, the aura of shadows and stillness emanating from Aric envelopes you, but with movement behind and ahead, that may be a fleeting advantage...


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