(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

"Hide! And attack as soon as the creature appears at the entrance. If we can disable it and not kill it, it might consider not coming after us."
Diminutive rogue rushes forward and dissapears from sight in what appeared to be a shadow. But after a second look, there was a small niche. Although he was nowhere to be seen.

OOC: If he needs more then a single move to get into a good position, use Action to dash

Move: forward and to the right wall
Bonus: Hide 37 (natural 20) neurotic: D20 + 7 + 10#lumrolurstealth → 37(20 + 7 + 10)#Lumrolur stealth

Action: ready to attack
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Jack casts an incredulous look, his wings giving a playful flutter, as he whispers, "Zeth, maybe keep the cursing to an inside voice? The yeti will think you're inviting him to tea with all that racket."

Before anyone can reply, Jack swiftly flits to a shadowy nook and attempts to hide in the shadows. "I'm going to prepare a little spell for our furry friend. Just give me a moment!" He winks, readying his magic.
BTW, the Pass Without Trace spell gives a +10 bonus on stealth (dex) checks, so Zeth's got a 14, if that matters.

Jack's stealth check: 26

Readied action: Cast a spell once the yeti is within line of sight. Jack might hesitate just a couple seconds to see what everyone else is doing before casting the spell, though.

Movement: I'm imagining we are crossing the ice bridge as we do this, so gathered together on the entrance side of the bridge? Or are we crossing the bridge as the yeti appears at the entrance?

Zeth scrambles along after the gnome, trying to stay hidden as well.

1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4

His efforts are hampered by his fear, lack of training in stealth, and the fact he's cursing under his breath.
OOC: you also get a +10 to this from pass without trace

Aric focuses and whispers some arcane words, and fire erupts on the ice bridge. He then goes behind a rock and hides.

OOC: Action: cast create bondfire on ice bridge
Bonus action: nimble escape (racial from goblin) allows bonus action hide. Hide check: 19

Alma quickly follows their lead. She keeps an eye on Perilou, making sure the halfling can scurry into a hiding place as well. Zeth's fumble catches her attention, making her hesitate. She gestures silently for him to follow as she finds a space between some rocks. Tucking herself down into the shadows as best she can.

Under her breath, she begins to whisper. A cacophony of voices not her own. She channels her magical energies, her throat seeming to strain and stretch and flex in unnatural ways as she attempts to manipulate them.

(holding action to cast dissonant whispers and infuse it with metamagic - heightened spell, if possible)


Movement: I'm imagining we are crossing the ice bridge as we do this, so gathered together on the entrance side of the bridge? Or are we crossing the bridge as the yeti appears at the entrance?
OOC: you also get a +10 to this from pass without trace

Aric focuses and whispers some arcane words, and fire erupts on the ice bridge. He then goes behind a rock and hides.

OOC: Action: cast create bondfire on ice bridge
Bonus action: nimble escape (racial from goblin) allows bonus action hide. Hide check: 19

GM: I was trying to let you all have a brief moment to decide that @Aethmud – whether you were on the north side of the ice bridge (towards little yeti)... or the south side of the ice bridge (towards entrance with approaching big yeti).

@Steve Gorak With the bonfire on the ice bridge, are you wanting the bonfire between your party and the approaching big yeti? (i.e. implying your party is north of the ice bridge)

Everyone's Stealth checks so far are high enough to surprise the approaching big yeti!

GM: I was trying to let you all have a brief moment to decide that @Aethmud – whether you were on the north side of the ice bridge (towards little yeti)... or the south side of the ice bridge (towards entrance with approaching big yeti).

@Steve Gorak With the bonfire on the ice bridge, are you wanting the bonfire between your party and the approaching big yeti? (i.e. implying your party is north of the ice bridge)

Everyone's Stealth checks so far are high enough to surprise the approaching big yeti!
OOC: my intent is for the party to be closer to the incoming yeti, and have the bond fire behind us, possibly preventing the youngling and adult from crossing the bridge


Darting across the bridge and pressing yourselves against the frost-covered stone, you fall so quiet that you can hear the echo of snow drifts tumbling down the chasm. Where hot breath meets the cavern's chill air, white streams leave your mouths. The halfling Perilous scrambles into the dark crevice by a split boulder nearby where Logrim hides himself.

Flickering to life on the ice bridge behind you, Aric's magical bonfire causes the ice crystals to reflect it like a prism.

Guttural rumbling echoes from the snowy mountainside. Filling the mouth of the cave, a yeti with scarred face and two curling soot grey horns stands over 9-and-a-half feet tall, snow shaking from its white fur. Traces of long-dried blood stain its maw and chest. It drags the eviscerated corpse of an elk behind, leaving a bloody trail in the snow. The yeti drops the elk when it sees the bonfire. From some of your vantage points, you can't even make out its eyes, but it appears to be sniffing and scanning the area surreptitiously. It knows something is wrong, and it's on the verge of discovering Zeth's hiding place!

GM: The yeti is surprised by everyone (even Zeth)! Its AC is 12 and it is within 30 feet of all of you (unless you decide you're not with the rest of the party). No need for initiative yet, as this seems possible to resolve entirely within the one "surprise round." You can act in any order you wish.

Lumrolur aims from above on his ledge, targeting the nerve endings at the base of the neck. Hopefully, yeti are not too different from other humanoids as he doesn't plan on killing the brute. Hopefully, others will remember too.
"Yeah, right! You should kill it as fast as you can. Then the other two!" intrusive thoughts just serve to focus him better on the non-lethal attack

Soft twang of his small crossbow and following grunt of the yeti mark the start of the groups escape.


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