(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


GM: The rest of you can go in whatever order you like!

Father Yeti (AC 12) = asleep (sleep) & Fear of Fire (temporary) & 13 of 51 HP

Mother Yeti (AC 12) = 43 of 51 HP

Yeti Tyke (AC 11) = 3 of 9 HP

Jack = asleep (sleep)

Alma = mirror imaged (3)

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Alma flinches as the snow explodes against the cavern wall. The ground trembles from the impact of the male yeti and the pained cries of the others fill the air. The cavern is absolute chaos. Amidst it all, she sees Jack go down. Not hurt, but still seemingly unconscious. Her head whips towards the entrance. Notes the instability of the rocks there, how careful they need to be about causing more damage. Whatever they're going to do, they need to move fast. And they need to all be on their feet.

Alma bolts over to Jack, attempting to shake him awake. She calls out telepathically, digging into his unconscious mind to rouse him. Wake up. If you remain here, you will be left behind. A yeti will consume you in one bite.


Keeping his cool (made easier by the literal chill in the air) Zeth focuses on the power of his pact and with a gesture and a word spat out in Infernal he launches a bolt of force at the awake adult Yeti.

Eldritch Blast:
Attack Roll: 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14 hits yeti's AC of 12.
Damage Roll: 1D10+4 = [3]+4 = 7

Zeth lets his confidence show as he calls to the rest of the group.

"Anyone know if these things are worth harvesting for parts? I'm not the type to leave money on the table."
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Steve Gorak

Aric chants ancient Druidic words laced with magic. His bond fire disappears but the area where it was seems eerie.

Aric tells his companions “Don’t move closer to the mother. My magic has made the ground dangerous

He then moves forward to the exit of the cave, after the turn in the walls as to have cover. He then hides.

OOC: action: Aric casts Spike growth about 10 feet in front of the mother yeti. The intent is for the spell (20 ft radius) reach to end just where he is. This should put about 30 ft of spikes between the group and mommy yeti.

Move to the turn in the cave (east and north, 2 squares up from the sleeping yeti). He should have enough movement to get there.

Bonus action hide: check: 17 (3 rolled + 5 proficiency + 10 pass withou trace). Aric should have cover now from mommy yeti and should be hidden if the check is successful.

I recommend labeling the grid just like in excel to make it easier to tell which position we are moving to.


I recommend labeling the grid just like in excel to make it easier to tell which position we are moving to.[/ooc]

GM: I will not be going the extra mile of labeling maps with a coordinate system.

If you guys want to play that way and post a coordinate version of every map, though, be my guest and I'll play along!

The intent for this game as PbP is not to create the burden-of-GM-prep as would be present with a VTT game.

And that was part of my hesitation in posting gridded-maps at all (and why I'm hesitant to post the Owlbear Rodeo link), because I don't expect everyone to be checking a VTT and I find it onerous compared to theater-of-the-mind - IME the benefits are minimal and not worth the effort.


Alma flinches as the snow explodes against the cavern wall. The ground trembles from the impact of the male yeti and the pained cries of the others fill the air. The cavern is absolute chaos. Amidst it all, she sees Jack go down. Not hurt, but still seemingly unconscious. Her head whips towards the entrance. Notes the instability of the rocks there, how careful they need to be about causing more damage. Whatever they're going to do, they need to move fast. And they need to all be on their feet.

Alma bolts over to Jack, attempting to shake him awake. She calls out telepathically, digging into his unconscious mind to rouse him. Wake up. If you remain here, you will be left behind. A yeti will consume you in one bite.
Alma's desperate psychic pleas seep into Jack's unconscious. His bleary eyes flutter open, only to meet her frantic gaze, and for a brief moment his eyes shimmer with bewilderment. Jack's vision continues to swim as he glances around, stands, and steadies himself against a nearby icicle.

"Well," he quips, taking in the state of the continuing chaos, "this is no time for a cat nap, is it? But I was having the most amazing dream, Alma! Remember the story of when I attended the Winter Whisper Ball? Oh, what an event! Every dance move would create a miniature blizzard. Took a wrong step with the Frost Nymph of the North, and we both ended up trapped in a snowglobe for half the night. Delightful once you get past the initial shock."

Groggily, Jack tries to grasp his crossbow, fingers fumbling more than usual. He manages to aim in the general direction of the mama yeti, releasing a bolt that veers a little off-target and slams into the ice wall behind her.

As the bolt whizzes past, Jack goads the yetis, shouting to the yeti child with a grin, "You know, kid, when your mama yawns, the whole mountain holds its nose. It's like an avalanche of odor!"

Logrim looks at the now sleeping Yeti he sees the others continue to fight and moves over to the unconscious creature. The gnome presses a button on his wrench and it begins to glow with a crackling blueish light. He strikes down at the sleeping yeti connecting and the glow transfers from the wrench to the creature.

OOC: Movement: Moving over to the sleeping daddy Yeti.
Action: Casting Booming Blade and attacking the Yeti with my Wrench. Booming Blade attack on sleeping Yeti w/ advantage: 2d20k1+3 20 2d6+1 4

If the Yeti moves it will take Booming Blade thunder damage: 1d8 7 thunder damage. Not sure if standing up counts as moving.


''I don't believe the yeti understand Common. It won't comprehend your insult,'' Alma said, straightening up. Looking past the new wall of spikes, she let out a slow breath that flowed past her lips as steam. Centering her mind, she reached out psychically. Grasping for the mother yeti's own mind in the cold dark. Pushing into it a sharp, sudden pain to distract her.

[Mama Yeti must succeed on a DC 13 INT Save or take 5 psychic damage. Additionally, it must subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of my next turn.]
Mind Sliver: 1D6 = [5] = 5


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur looks back at the downed yeti and sees the attack by Logrim. His eyes darken and he moves there.
"With their fur, they look resistant to hits by... ... blunt weapons." sort of a grunt comes out and short twitchy movement during last step.
Drawing a dagger, gnomes face changes in a moment, the voice deepens and he turns toward mother yeti to ensure she is looking.
"This is how it is done!"
Vor pushes the dagger deep and draws it slowly and evenly across yetis neck, the eyes close for a moment as the warm blood gushes from the wound. When he opens them again they are aglow with fiery reflection, the tongue darts out wetting the dried lips as they pull out from the teeth in a snarl.
"THIS is how it is DONE!"
The yeti shudders and dies and small pebbles and ice chunks dance on the floor near the entrance, few more fall from above as the air gets pregnant with tension, sort of feeling you get just before a predator attacks. The sneer on the Vor's grey face turns into surprise as one of the chunks flies up and hits him in the nose and then to resignation or even sadness as Lumrolur looks down on his bloodied hands, shaking his head speaking seemingly to yetis corpse in gnomish
"Always the same. I try. I'm sorry."

(total 11 damage)
neurotic: 2D20H1 + 5;D4 + 3 + D6#lumrolurattackvsyeti → 25; 6(high 1 of 15; 20 = 20 + 5);(2 + 3 + 1)#Lumrolur attack vs yeti
neurotic: D6#lumrolurseconddiceforsneakattack → 3(3)#Lumrolur second dice for sneak attack - mistake in the above roll, only 1d6 for sneak attack
neurotic: D4#lumrolurcritdamage → 2(2)#Lumrolur crit damage - crit from the dagger


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Staggering and shaking her head in a low groan, the shaggy mother yeti tries in vain to shake off Alma's magic, making her an easy target for Zeth's bolt of force rippling through the air right over Aric's head. Crackling brambles begin to break through the ice at the goblin's bidding, causing to mother yeti to instinctively shove her tyke behind her with a confused growl, lifting up hands and feet as her gaze darts across the dangerous ground before her.

The yeti's abrupt movement makes for a daunting target, Jack's tiny whistling crossbow bolt landing in the wall behind her, just above the yeti tyke's head.

The two gnomes make swift work of the horned father yeti, as Lumrolur dispatches him in a grisly display. An enraged roar from the mother yeti seems to presage that she'll stomp forward into Aric's spike growth, but Corse steps forward to launch a quick sphere of flame that singes the yeti's fur and burns away the torn bear furs hanging from her. "Come on, Perilou! This is perilous enough for my companions to handle!" She grips the shocked halfling's arm and pulls her toward the cave entrance.

GM: @domminniti It is Russet's turn! The mother yeti will act after Russet.

Father Yeti = DEAD

Mother Yeti (AC 12) = 27 of 51 HP & Mind Slivered (-1d4 on next saving throw before end of Alma’s next turn) & Fear of Fire (disadvantage attack & checks until end of yeti’s next turn)

Yeti Tyke (AC 11+2 = 13 due to half cover from mother) = 3 of 9 HP

Alma = mirror imaged (3)

Mother Yeti FAILS save vs Mind Sliver mother yeti DC 13 Int save vs Mind Sliver: 1D20-1 = [12]-1 = 11

Corse HITS Mother Yeti with Produce Flame for 4 fire damage
Corse Produce Flame vs mother yeti AC 12: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
Produce Flame damage: 1D8 = [4] = 4

Voidrunner's Codex

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