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(IC) The Chaos principle

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Things have gotten out of control in Faerun, Sightings of abyssal creatures
have gone up 10 fold, Froglike beings have been sighted all over the kingdoms
little pockets of Chaos have sprung up all over the place. A call has gone out
in the Major cities for adventurers to help find out whats going on.
Suzail, Hillsfar, Zhentil Keep, Baldurs gate and Waterdeep and many
others are seeking powerful adventurers. You have personally been sent
invitations by Khelben of Waterdeep to appear and see what is goin on.

You have shown up in Waterdeep to a City in chaos, Cats and dogs are living together
a gang of frog beings attacked the Palace, Demons have been sighted in the
city several times. You are brought to the palace and brought into a conference
room with several other adventurous types. Khelben is no where to be seen
at this time. The group in front of you looks like your typical adventurous types
as in everyone looks like a mishmash of races and gear, Its obvious tho that the
group assembled here seem to be from demenor and gear very powerful. You are asked to
wait. A server comes in she seems a little nervous being in the room with all of you.

"May i bring you some refreshments??" she asks timidly.

OOC: Please take a moment to check in and describe your character.

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First Post
More than a little annoyed, the lithe form of Susanna steps into the chamber with a measure of false calmness veiling her face. Obviously disturbed, the middle-aged woman frowns at the vanity of many in the room before sitting in an older wooden chair, somewhat away from the more rowdy and excitable 'adventurers', something that she was certainly not.

Dressed in little more than her gardening dress, a dirty smock, and a belt containing all manner of small gardening forks, spades and other strange devices, she looks more prepared to assault the walls of an evil greenhouse than anything else.

Smiling pleasantly at a serving girl (saving her pent up anger for those that deserved it), Susanna sips quietly at the tea offered to her politely. Several in the room curious to all of the arrivals look upon her rusted-grey locks of tangled hair, and unassuming pose in curiosity. Others immediately notice the image of a skeletal arm holding the golden scales of justice resting delicately upon a leather cord about her neck and nod with appreciation.

Her expression is one of impatience, for surely something important enough for Guild Wizards to teleport her to the Castle at full speed, should be prepared for their guests immediate arrival.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Quillia has been waiting for a while, somewhat tense with anticipation. She wears a deep blue robe with silver stars emboidered on it, and underneath clothes in jewel-bright colors of green and topaz with ruby-red embroidery; shirt, breeches, vest, and tunic. At her belt she carries a holstered pistol, a rare sight in most of Toril, though common in Lantan. Her sandy-brown hair is in a bun on her head, held in place with an elaborate hairpin. She's not too terribly old, not even middle aged for a gnome woman, and sits quite erect.*

*Seven different-colored stone circle around her head like lazy bees. On her hands are thin silver gloves, and on each hand she wears a ring, an iron one on her left, and a multi-colored one on her right. Ruby-colored-and-studded slippers are on her feet and an emerald pendent hangs from her neck. Her dark blue eyes have a glow of power about them.*

*A staff carved with runes of power lays across her lap, and on top of it lies a sleek, ruby-red little pseudodragon, three stones circling its head in an imitation of its master. Quillia idly strokes it as the pseudodragon purrs contentedly.*

*Quillia had stopped by Waterdeep after her weekly visit with her parents, hoping to do a little research. Instead she came into the midst of chaos. Answering the call for adventurers, Quillia hopes she can help put a stop to this obvious upheaval of the planes.*

*Turning to the serving girl, Quillia gives her a smile, trying to disuade her obvious fear and nervousness.*

"Yes dearheart, I would like some cider if you have any. Perhaps some cheese. And Preena would adore some fresh fruit, grapes if you have them," she says. After the girl goes, Quillia inspects one of the others in the room.

Probably not a Master Gardener of Kelemvor, perhaps a priest...

"Hello? My name is Quillia, and this is Preena," the gnome says, indicating the pseudodragon on her lap.

*While waiting for her to answer, Quillia ponders what on earth could be causing this disturbance.*

[OOC: Is there anything Quillia has come across in her studies of something like this happening before? Knowledge (arcana) +37, Knowledge (the planes) +36, Knowledge (history) +14.]


Takarna arrives unhurredly, but with purpose. Aware that anything out of the ordinary (which despite his best efforts certainly includes him) is likely to be met with a considerable degree of prejudice given the present situation, he does not tarry but presents himself at the palace with the minimum of delay.


He takes a look round the assembled company, his eyes settling on the meek looking server standing in front of. It's at times like this where he makes a conscious effort to be the least frightning thing in the room, sometimes he even succeeds, "Wine if you would please, well spiced and warm, thank you." He gives an informal looking head bob and a smile before surveying the assembled company for anyone he knows personally or by reputation.

Takarna is a fairly tall and distinguished, graceful looking but not slight, hobgoblin. He obviously looks after himself, not just his armour and weapons (as you would expect of any self-respecting hobgoblin), but his clothes, equipment and personal grooming as well. His hair is drawn back into a ponytail as the back. At first glance he might by put down as a scout or skirmisher of some sort, with his light armour and twin shortswords, but something about his bearing suggests that not the case. Perhaps it is the rather larger number of pieces of magical equipment than a scout might normally carry that gives it away.

The only sign of alleigence he might give out is the ring on his left hand, which bears a symbol of a pointing hand on a blue background.

His gaze finally settles upon what as yet is the only other notable outsider in the room. That odd looking middle aged woman. Some sort of urban druid? Perhaps, but she too bears the symbol of a god of law and as such they can be considered to have something in common.

"Good day mil'lady. I see you also take little interest in the gossip and shop talk of our fellow guests?"


Takarna looks at the gnome woman with interest, not so much her and her draconic companion's collection of ioun stones, which makes his single look somewhat feeble, but the firearm she carries. Smokepowder he was not familiar with, though he had heard much of it - it's practical application something he was anxious to study.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
A sound like faint, rhythmic thunder is heard, as a tremendous man with an equally tremendous beard walks into the room. His weight is only accentuated by his bulky adamantine plate and the greataxe strapped to his back. His long hair is held back by a broad leather headband, bearing a golden sunburst on the center. His forearms are guarded by thick bracers, and his hands by fingerless gauntlets, both seemingly made from the same black dragonhide. He reaches out a hand to a servant, taking the entire pitcher of ale, and downing it without pause. He then looks out over the room, smiles, and says in a booming voice "It's a nice day out, isn't it?"


First Post
Smiling at the newcomers in an attempt and friendliness tainted by vex, Susanana nods at the gnome and hobgoblin each in turn. Moving her legs so that they are crossed in a more comfortable way, she peaks pertly:

"Good day lady gnome, I am Susanna of Trunan, a small city to the far east of here off the borders of Thay. I seem somewhat humbled by your appearance, and that of the people about me, and am unsure whether they have collected the right woman."

The inflections in Susanna's voice upon the last sentence barely betrays the sarcasm and distain towards the open displays of power that many show within the room, though her eyes do not settle on present company. In an attempt to further her social manner her eyes drift across to the well-groomed hobgoblin sitting aside from 'the usual suspects'.

"Good day noble sir, I do believe that the bragging of dragon-slaying and crypt looting can be taken care of by the others, I would rather enjoy a nice hot tea. I don't suppose that we could move our chairs a little further away from the center of attention, I'm half expecting a half-deity childe of the patron of vanity to explode into the room drowning us all in a sea of ego..."

"But I judge too quickly, after all "the clothes a man do not make", or have I erred in the saying? Surely we must make haste in all this showmanship if something truely dire is occuring to need all of us in the same room at once, either that or an assassination attempt is about to occur and I'm half looking forward to it."

Wynter Wolf

First Post
As you all get aquainted and wonder how long you will be waiting. A young man dressed as a squire of the palace steps in,

"Lords and Ladies i hope you are all comfortable, Lord Khelben sends his regards and apologizes for the delay, shortly before you got here a rather large force of creatures the Lord refers to as Slaadi attacked the palace. Lord Khelben is looking to the defenses of the palace and will be along shortly."

With that the young man leaves the room, The serving girl brings the food and drink requested and waits off to the side for nay more requests.

OOC: Quillia the only other time you know of things like this happening was during the time of troubles. this is different tho its not affecting spell casting as far as you know and seems to have a strong Chaos bent.

Tho she has read somewhere that a gate to Pandemonium left open for a long time can cause weird affects in the area around the gate.


First Post
Dalaa Gand, Githzerai Monk

A tall, slim figure enters the conference chamber. His arrival goes almost unnoticed until you catch a glimpse of light green skin and the sharp yellow eyes as he turns to nod and bow slightly to everyone at present. His clothing is nothing you'd expect in a place like this, the gray hooded cloak and robes are clean and decent, but bear no symbols or decorations. Those who study the hooded man closer notice, that he wears no shoes or boots, but only black wrappings that cover his ankles and feet. He seems to be carrying only a small bag strapped to his waist.

After nodding to others he sits down and asks the servant to bring him some herbal tea. Other than that he never speaks a word as he seems to be calmly waiting what's going to happen next, sipping his tea every now and then.


First Post
Your hear some clumsy footseps coming from the hall. When the doors open, a dwarf appears in the doorway. He is wearing some dirty commoner's clothing and have on his belt many craftman items that you can't see there use at first sight.

"Hey lads! Sorry for being late, my last customers wanted some traps to be installed fastly around his mansion, with all those frogs, he didn't feel very safe."

He looks around as he sees everyone looking at him. Than he looks at himself and see he looks like pretty pathetic.

"Oh, sorry, forgot I had still my working cloths." He walks to a seat, and while walking, you see his clothing changing from some dirty rags to a clean and beautifull ceremonial chainshirt of dwarven craftmanship and a cloak with a pattern of moons. He takess his tools' belt, and put it in his backpack. He takes out of his backpack a sword and a mace that he put at his belt, and then takes a mask that he put on his head, but not on his face. The mask have the same pattern that the cloak, and both eyes are made from a clear crystal.

"I present myself, Kharas Rockfall, of the great Rockfall family. Since the first generation, my family proudly work on building traps, and traps hold no secrets to our family. I have even reach a highest degree of perfection, because I have explored many old dungeons, castle, towers or tomb to learn more about the traps they have made. A dwarf spirit ma'am. You need anything to be trapped, just ask me. I can build you any mechanical traps, and my brother is the best to create you some magical traps, a brillant wizard. He is presently finishing the works at my last customer's mansion."

He takes the dwarf spirit the serving girl just put in front of him, and starts to drink half of the buck in one shot.

"By Dumathoin and Selune, I hopes this job is interesting, as my skills are asks by many people since the frogs have appeared."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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