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D&D 5E [IC] Uller's Out of the Abyss


A small troop of 8 kuo-toa march along the path in a ridiculous mockery of military order, lead by a much larger fishman with bulging muscles and an even more bulging belly. They wear ragged clothing that appears to be pieced together to look like uniforms of some sort. The group pulls a rope attached to a barge that follows along the shore beside them. On the barge are four more kuo-toa and another large one with a konk shell attached to him by a thin strap. These ones are also in a uniform but these are mocking those of sailors. The large kuo-toa look almost as if they are a different species. Shuushar is definitely more like the more numerous smaller ones. All the smaller ones are equipped with spears and nets. The two larger ones have no weapons and are effectively naked beyond the shells and leather straps they wear for jewelry. They all wear "medallions" made of an assortment of shells attached to some sort of small dead creatures similar to the giant tentacled beast you fought a few days ago. Their tentacles are obscenely spread across each kuo-toa's chest.

There are two pathetic humanoid creatures tied up on the barge, their hands bound behind their backs, their feet tied and sacks bound over their heads. It is difficult to tell what kind of creatures they might be. Possibly goblins.

As the group approaches and finally notices Shuushar standing at the crossroad, the bulbous one leading the land group brings everyone to a halt and begins to speak in what you can only assume to be the language of the kuo-toa.

Land Leader: "Shuushar! .... Sloobludop ..." He speaks in an accusatory tone, motions toward the village and to your group.

Shuushar responds "I wandered away from the lake. I found this group. They are a trading party that wishes to do business across the lake and they wish to purchase passage."

Land Leader: ".... LEEMOOGOOGOON!!!" He goes on for quite awhile but finishes with what is unmistakably a name he speaks with great reverence.

Shuushar: "Deep Father demands it? False gods do not concern us. My friends just slew three hook horrors. I don't think you'll be sacrificing them! Where is Ploopploopeen? We would speak with him!"

New voice: "I am here, Shuushar!" (this voice is in Undercommon and Derendil is able to translate for you). Another group of kuo-toa approaches the intersection. They are still a good distance away but close enough to hear the echoing voices. This group is a bit larger than the first. They do not wear the "military" uniforms of the others. The one speaking stands out. He wears resplendent robes and carries a staff or scepter of sorts, upon which is a lobster looking creature. "Slibligool, you'll bother Shuushar no more. Go back to my daughter. Tell her that Leemoogoogoon will have to satisfied with whatever flotsam you have on that barge and these persons will stay with me as my guests."

Land Leader: "Leemoogoogoon .... Shushar .... Ploopploopeen ... Sloobludop!" Whatever he is saying is clearly a threat and a taunt directed at the archpriest but he motions toward the others to continue moving and to leave you alone.

Ploopploopeen and his group remain. Shuushar and the archpriest exchange some tense pleasantries (you get the distinct feeling that Shuushar is not very popular among the leadership of Sluubludop. Then Shuushar turns to you and tells you that Ploopploopeen had foreseen you coming and would like to welcome you as guests. His camp is just outside the village (Shuushar doesn't say it but it is obvious you have come to Sloobludop at a moment of civil strife if not outright civil war).

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"Well, at least we have some support. Thank you, Shuushar," Ezraen lets out a breath that he wasn't even aware that he was holding, "And thank your friend as well."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"False gods?" Erevan mutters to himself, shaking his head. Every elf knows that a schism within a people's pantheon can be disastrous, so Erevan is very concerned. The new group, however, seems welcoming enough. At least by Underdark standards he has seen so far.

The elf silently follows Shuushar but remains on guard. He particularly watches for signs of the other group returning for them.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
While everyone is taking time to rest and getting to know the kuo toa, Erevan decides to have a private conversation with Sarith.

"Thanks for helping and not betraying the lot of us at the earliest opportunity," the elf says sincerely. "Thanks for showing me that not all drow are evil bastards, even if you won't admit it. Glad you're with us. On that subject, do you have any plans for when we find passage out of Sloobludop? Are you coming with us, or will you continue alone?"

Erevan hesitates for a moment, before continuing, "When I was attacked by your people, I was with my cousin Raevion. Do you know what happened to him? Is he still alive, perhaps captured as well but brought elsewhere?" A sliver of hope has crept into Erevan's eyes, but he dares not hold on to it.


Sarith responds to Erevan "That I haven't betrayed you is simply because there has been no reason to. Our fates are tied together for now. We are evil bastards. All of us. Or at least the ones that retain the favor or the Queen of Spiders. You would do well to remember that." "If you are going to Neverlight Grove we will part company once we get close because I am going to Gracklestugh to find and kill Buppido. I don't know what time I have left but that is my aim."

When you ask about your cousin he says very matter of factly "If he was not captured with you then he is dead." Seeing the hope fade from Erevan's eyes he adds "There is always the chance that he escaped. Hope has kept you and your friends alive this long. So maybe...".


You arrive in a small camp situated among the oddly shaped boulders between the shore of the lake and the sloping cavern wall. Tents make of some sort of skin are scattered among the rocks. Several kuo-toa sentries mill about. In the center is a larger tent near a sort of plaza and simple shrine. Smaller rocks have been cleared away and piled up for makeshift seating. A small pool is in the center in front of the larger tent. It is filled with the carcasses of many small water creatures (fish and various crustaceans) in a reeking mess. There are many shells and even a few coins and bits of shiny metal or rock. It is evidently for offerings of some sort.

You are beckoned to sit among the rocks and offered water and "food" (various bits of raw fish and other water creatures...there are no fires and nothing is cooked...you begin to understand why Slubloodop has no smoke from fires common to surface settlements...no one here cooks anything and they probably don't forge metal).

Ploopploopeen (Archpriest of Blibdoolpoolp) -from here on "Ploop" - sits down with you. Although he is definitely one of the smaller variety or kuo-toa he is fat. Very very fat and has trouble maneuvering to sit. His "monitors" (which is what Shuushar refers to the muscular unarmed larger variety) stand behind him glaring at you (or staring...or just watching...you are never sure what to make of kuo-toa expressions...for all you know they could be smiling at you).

He exchanges some polite small talk with Shuushar and attempts to exchange it with you (you can reveal whatever you want of your ordeal up to this point) after which he explains to you that he foresaw your coming. He was driven out of the village by his daughter, Bloppblippodd - from here on "Blopp". She and her followers have taken to worshiping Leemooggoogoon, the Deep Father and have been sacrificing any and all humanoids they can to him then scattering them as "chum" into the lake. Something is devouring the carcasses, but he knows not what. Blopp has backed up her claims with a great increase in magical powers which has made her followers all the more fervent. To avoid violence, Ploop and his followers left the village proper but lingered among the rocks awaiting your arrival.

He tells you that he will aid you as he can and you are welcome to take your rest and resupply here with food and water. Once you are rested he would like to speak to you again as he has a favor to ask of you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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