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[IC] Wandering Star : Heroes of the Middle Reaches (Part One)


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Zarathas Moonscale
High Noon on June 21st

You grunt with satisfaction as your shield deflects the arcing slice of your opponent's blade. Stepping forward, you make a quick thrust with your longsword, hoping to strike a blow to his throat.

A sly grin faintly showing in the dark shadow of his brow, he dips and your blade passes through the empty space above his head. You hardly have time to react before his other arm, brought low and across his chest in the same movement that caused him to dip, strikes against your sword hand.

The sun blasted courtyard flares red and for a heartbeat it feels like you're carrying a handful of wasps. Then your hand goes numb. Roaring at yourself, you try to will your mutinous appendage back into some semblance of order, but it's no good. Your blade clatters to the cobblestone floor. Hoping to give yourself a chance to regroup, you take a step back.

It's no use. He has you to rights and he knows it. Hissing in triumph, the thick muscles of his legs bunch beneath his scaled skin and then flex, launching him into the air and at you like a living bolt of rage. His clawed hands splayed and his toothy maw wide with the roar of an ancient battle cry, he slams into you, knocking you backwards and off your feet.

You fall, writhing in an attempt to escape the scaled hand at your throat, but it's no use. You thud to the ground, your breath rushing out, leaving you gasping.

Utterly calm now and fixing you with his iron gaze, he pushes your head against the ground, his forearm across your throat. His other hand, held behind his back, whips forward like a viper strike. The dagger it holds, reappearing from wherever it disappeared to right before he jumped, stops only a thumb's width from your left eye.
His stern gaze breaks and a wide toothy smile breaks across his face.

Around you, the watching crowd breaks into applause and cheers. Even though your pride stings at being bested by this odd southerner, you have to admit that his strange fighting techniques were impressive and quite effective.

To your right, you hear the low rumbling chuckle of Zargesh d'Zariel, High Priest of the Shining Redoubt. "Both of you, well fought!! Selkath, your fighting techniques are strange but very intriguing. I'm sure there is much you can teach us. Perhaps you can discuss the matter with Master Thoman."

The pressure on your throat relaxes and the southerner pushes off, throwing himself back up onto his feet. Selkath nods at you, then at Zargesh and then pads silently over to Master Thoman with his odd loping gait. Zargesh reaches down and offers you his hand, helping you to your feet.

"You fought well, young Moonscale. I've only encountered the Katari of the Southern Tribes a few times in my journeys, but it has always impressed me with its quick and decisive brutality. Life in the Great Southern Desert is harsh and unforgiving, and I think that has strongly influenced the fighting style of our brethren there."

He bends down and picks up the wooden sparring sword you dropped, examining the grain intently as if hoping to divine some hidden message within its whorls. He claps your arm with his other hand and guides you across the courtyard, towards the door to his private meditation chamber.

"I could see from your sparring with Selkath that your training is complete. Facing off against your brothers with false weapons of wood in controlled matches will teach you nothing you haven't already learned. It is time for you to go out and make your stand, as all Bahamuti eventually must. Thus, I come to you with a task."

Reaching the door, he opens it and leads you inside. As always, his chamber is in stark contrast to the brilliantly lit courtyard outside. Dimly lit and filled with strange scents from the unfamiliar plants growing in pots against the walls, the room belies Zargesh's northern heritage and reflects the less tropical climate of his youth. Releasing the grip on your arm, he walks to a small writing table in the corner and opens a drawer. From within he pulls out a small velvet wrapped bundle, closes the drawer and returns to your side. He hands you the bundle.

"This is yours. It was given to me when I ended my novitiate and I now give it to you. It served me well in my darkest moments. All of the Brethren of the Shining Redoubt can see the prowess and the skill you posses and there is no doubt that your Stand will be one that is worthy of the ages."

Carefully untying the platinum thread holding the bundle together, you unwrap the gift. It is an ornately carved holy symbol of the Platinum Dragon. Made of smooth black stone flecked with red crystals and inlaid with silvery metal, the symbol somehow has the air of great age and a heavy burden.

"Sages I have spoken to tell me that this symbol is quite old. As you can see, the Great Seal of Bahamut is different from what is commonly used and the Sages said it could quite likely be an artifact of Long Lost Arkhosia. It carry's no magic within, and in fact seems to be quite resistant to such things. No scholar I tasked with the matter has successfully fixed an aura to it, and my own skill in such things is non-existent."

Returning to his writing table, he picks up a small box and pulls out a thin stick of incense. Placing a tip in the small bronze vessel containing hot coals, the incense flares and a thick earthen scent begins to fill the room. Taking the incense, he walks to one of the many thin cushions arranged throughout the room and sits, indicating that you should do the same. He inserts the incense into a small iron holder in the shape of a turtle and drops into silence for several minutes, his half closed eyes seemingly fixed on the whorls and eddies slowly drifting up from the smoldering stick. Eventually, his low voice rumbles back to life but his eyes remain fixed on the thin ribbon of smoke.

"I have no doubt that the Great Lord will have many deeds for you to accomplish before he calls you to serve in his Shining Armada, but for now I have something that is a bit more mundane. As you know, in Helen's Reach the dead, with the exception of murderers and those that consort with the darkness, are interred within the catacombs beyond the House of Silence.

It has recently come to my attention that portions of the Catacombs have become infested with fiery beetles of some sort. Two masons who were expanding a section were attacked and one of them was nearly killed. Until this infestation is removed, the Catacombs are unsafe and the dead cannot be put to their proper rest there. In time, this could become a serious problem. I would like for you to take upon yourself the task of cleansing the Catacombs of this infestation. You will likely need friends to help you in this endeavor. Additionally, the Keeper of the Raven Queen's shrine holds the key needed to safely enter the House of Silence.

His voice falls silent again, though his gaze indicates he awaits your response.
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The rain continued to pour down on the dark-cloaked elf. He knew he was supposed to love nature in all her guises, it went with being an elf, but he couldn't help hating the rain. For someone who spent his time in equal parts on the roofs and in the sewers, the rain offered little to love.

Tonight, he was on the roofs, watching. He wasn't sure what he was watching yet, but something was different about the city, his city. He couldn't find anything different as he looked down on the street in front of the Nereid, easily the busiest area of town after midnight. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. There was Ample Annie, calling out to passing sailors, and the usual collection of skulking forms just visible in the alleyways leading away from from the well-lit street. By all signs it would be a perfectly average night of death and debauchery.

Frustrated, he stood silently and made his way across the roof. He would have to keep looking, but eventually he'd discover what had changed. He'd discover it, and find some way to use it to his advantage.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Zarathas' pride suffered a bruise for being bested by this southerner, but it also gave him an important lesson of not underestimating opponent with small weapons. He gathered himself from the ground and gave Selkath a warriors greeting, before being led inside by the honorable high priest.

Zarathas is surpriced by the valuable gift that came so suddenly and takes it to his hands with reverance. "I thank you for your generosity Sire. I will cherish it."

Still holding the symbol in his hands, as if afraid to put it away the young silvery dragonborn listens to Zargesh's words. Bowing his head down in thought he finally answers. "It is an affront that the dead can't rest in their peace. If these bugs are interfering with proper rituals they should indeed be driven out. Your trust will not be placed in wrong hands Sire. I will take it to me to rid the catacombs of these creatures."

[sblock=OOC]I picked an honorary title for the high priest, hope it is appropriate. Since he is a member militaristic religion I though that the older use of Sire would be good: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sire . If you wish that I use something different please tell. It just felt more appropriate than "your eminence" :D.[/sblock]

The Digger

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"Another ale over here Mac." Charle was bored. She would love to get out and do something but that rain...!

She glanced around the inn hoping beyond hope that some of the regulars had come in since she last looked. She knew Zarathas would be at the temple - he seemed to be always there these days, maybe he was hoping for a promotion.

She doubted Variable would be in, he spent most of his time in the sewers, for some reason she could never fathom, and the rest of his time up on the roofs. That she could understand, she spent a lot of time up there herself! 'Variable!' She smiled at the nickname that she had never yet had the courage to use to his face.

She was surprised Ranver wasn't in. He seemed to be able to spend a lot of time here so he obviously didn't have much to do at the temple. Maybe he was down the catacombs again with that strange old sister Whatsherface.

She sighed and took a deep quaff of her ale.

Walking Dad

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As Charlotte looks at the door, another regular enters.

Coming back from Gilldi's 'Buy and Sale', Jorje seeks to escape the rain.

As he seldom resists such an opportunity to make a good entrance, he uses some minor magic to mimic a lightning in his background and the growling of a distanat thunder (just minor [but clever] applications of Ghost Sound and Prestidigitation) as he enters through the door.
Not that he wasn't obvious enough at he is, wearing dark leather clothes and having nearly white skin and hair.

"An ale in a clean glas, as usual, Mac!"
He calls, before cleaning up his clothes with another minor spell. (Show what you got, and you don't need to suffer stupid questions!)

He waves Charlotte before coming to her table.


First Post
"Oh great, another regular," Horto mumbles sarcastically over his now empty tankard. His lack of good cheer betrays his likely hangover. "Say barkeep," he says a little louder, "anything interesting going on? New, I mean?" After hearing that no, nothing has changed in the last hour or so since he last asked, Horto looks longingly into his tankard. "Well," he sighs, "guess I'll need another one of these, then."

"Say you two,"
he says, glancing over at Charle and Jorje's table, "anything fun going on? It's getting slow in here. Again."


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[sblock=OOC]Let me break in here real quick.[/sblock]

Jorje, Master of Illusion
Early in the evening, June 21st

While heading over to the table, Charlotte and the waiting mug of ale, Jorje revisits the odd encounter he just had in the alley outside . . .

It's pouring buckets. Pretty much the usual for this time of day during Thunderheight. Not much lightening to speak of, but only because the storms had already spent their fury. Now it's just rain. Rain, rain, rain and more rain. So much rain, the whole sky'll empty out and by morning there'll be nothing but blue.

But the weather isn't the source of the oddness. No, that's coming from the carriage. A really nice carriage. Black with silver trim. The sort of thing only a rich man looking to impress can afford. And there's that voice, calling your name. At first it isn't clear where the voice is coming from. Beside the carriage? Behind the carriage? Inside it? The constant hiss of the rain makes it hard to tell.

No. It's coming from inside the carriage. Someone's calling your name. You can't see a driver and there aren't any guards to speak of. The pub's bouncer's smoking a pipe under the porch across the street and you can see the ruddy glow of its cherry. If someone wants to make mischief, they'll be hard pressed to do it and get away without being noticed.

The thick curtain in the door of the carriage parts and a thin white hand slowly unfurls from inside. The voice is louder now.

"Come closer, young Jorje. We have much to discuss."

The voice, clearer now with the shorter distance and the parted curtain, is easy to recognize. Roger MacTegul, a trader in "collectible antiquities" and a "lurk in the shadows" sort of guy. Generally speaking, you come to Roger, not the other way around. Whatever he wants, it must be important.

He holds a thin case in his hand, the sort of thing rolled up sheaves of parchment are stored in. It's hard to tell with all the shadows, but he might be trying to look you in the eye.

"I have an important task that needs doing and I'm willing to pay handsomely to have it done and done right the first time. You'll have to travel to a small bit of land between here and the Dragon's Isle. Don't worry, it's not considered under her 'protection.'

There, you'll seek out and collect a rare herb found only on that island. You'll need to process this herb immediately after it's taken and that process will require someone familiar with the Arcane Arts. That's why I've come to you. My associates tell me you're good with that sort of thing.

If you're interested, send word to me via messenger and I'll have this case delivered. It contains all the relevant instructions. I can afford to pay you 300 gp and not a copper more. As a gesture of good faith, if you take the job I'll pay half up front and the other half after successful delivery.

And with that, the pale hand retreats back into the carriage, taking the case with it, and the curtain snaps shut. The driver, who you somehow failed to see before, snaps the reins and the horses start off down the dark street. Before long, the carriage is lost from sight.
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Walking Dad

First Post
"Oh great, another regular," Horto mumbles sarcastically over his now empty tankard. His lack of good cheer betrays his likely hangover. "Say barkeep," he says a little louder, "anything interesting going on? New, I mean?" After hearing that no, nothing has changed in the last hour or so since he last asked, Horto looks longingly into his tankard. "Well," he sighs, "guess I'll need another one of these, then."

"Say you two,"
he says, glancing over at Charle and Jorje's table, "anything fun going on? It's getting slow in here. Again."
Jorje thinks about the question a short time before he answers: "Actually, there may be something interesting going on. Come, join us at the table, we have something to discuss." He winks Horto to them and cojures a floating hand to take his own ale from the bar.

The Digger

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Charlie snorted into her ale as Jorje and the dwarf made their way to the table. That floating hand trick was typical of wizards. It wasn't that she dislike Jorje, he was an all right sort of guy, but there was something about wizards that was just plain...creepy. Having said that, warlocks were even worse. You always got the impression that there was something strange inside them just waiting to burst out of their stomach and gobble you up.

She shivered at the thought but then smiled. That would make a great show - she should mention it to those travelling players who came around now and then, they could surely make something like that work.

"Hello Jorje. Who's your new friend? And what do you mean about something going on?"

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