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Icemist and Beyond: Characters from Small Beginnings


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Meepo the Mighty...

I just got a chance to look at the most unlikely hero out there, and his stats match up exactly how I picture the little guy running. With his surprisingly high Con score, the little bugger can rage a long time, and if he stays on this path, the Queen may have to watch over her shoulder should she mouth off in the wrong direction....:)

Great work as always guys, and feel free to put some more OOC stuff out here for us...


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I apologize for not posting updates for awhile. Work has been ultra-busy and then the holidays hit. With the holidays came a new distraction- XBOX! I pestered my wife enough to get me one this year. Most, ok all, of my free time over the past week has been taken up by HALO. I love this game. I played it before, but now that I have it to myself I am ensorceled by it. Of course I need to get dshai and Enk over for some multiplayer on the surround sound! I'm sure they would still get the update done.:p


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HMMM...I have finished HALO and am posting to the Rogue's Gallery again! Coincidence? You decide.

"He was new to this forest that the locals called Orloff’s Woods, but since he was given the sole rights to hunt and trap in it he felt responsible for any persons who disappeared or found themselves lost in it. He did find it odd that the Trapper family had given him charge of the largest track in the area, but he figured they were just comfortable with their usual grounds. Small village folk tended not to like change, he guessed."

Ander guessed wrong and encountered the most fearsome creature he had ever imagined-Orloff the Bear.

Not much is known of the beast Orloff, but there are plenty of rumors. Some say that he was the animal companion of the Great Druid of the North before his madness overtook him. Others say that he was the Avatar host of the Great Mother when Cronus returned and cast the Gods from the heavens and now he guards the One tree, source of life. Some even say that he is nothing more than a myth, or an overgrown brown bear.

What is known is that he haunts the northlands, especially the area now called Orloff's woods, protecting these lands from any who dare trespass, and he has done so for a long time. Even the dwarves who mined the area long before humans ever settled here, recorded tales of the great bear with mithral claws. The barbarians of the north worshiped the legend as an extension of the Earth Mother Goddess, and it was a test of manhood to sleep one night in the protected woods.

In recent times his legend keeps the trappers from entering the northern woods of Icemist and protects the city from barbarian attacks. Many hunters have come to claim fame for tracking the beast and only a handful have ever returned, and those that did never speak of the tale.

Few have seen him past or present, but those who have say he is as tall as the trees and swift as the wind. He moves silently and without a trace. His fur is knotted and hard, clumped with rocks and bark, like makeshift armor. His eyes are intense and full of rage and his teeth and claws are as long as swords. His gaze would unsettle a dragon and his roar would scatter an army.

Only Icemantle is known to enter the woods on a regular basis, and some believe that it was Orloff, not a pack of Winter Wolves, that raised the Ranger. Icemantle is a mystery himself and has never answered when queried so. The ranger does warn those who come seeking fame that Orloff is not natural and the forest will protect the bear just as the bear protects the forest, so if you hunt the bear then the spirits of woods are your enemy as well.

Orloff Large Awakened Dire Bear/ Druid 3 / Barbarian 3
Str 37 Dex 19 Con 25 Int 12 Wis 16 Chr 13
HP: 255
AC: 24 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +7 Natural, +4 Armor)
Ref +14 Fort +21 Will+12
Speed: 50 ft
Attacks: 2 claws +26 (18-20 threat) Bite +21
Dmg: 2d6+13, 2d10 + 6
Skills: Hide +16, Listen +20, Move Silently +16, Spot +10, Swim +21, Wilderness Lore +15
Feats: Scent, Improved Grab, Improved Bull Rush, Combat Reflexes Class Feats: Trackless step, Rage, Increased move, Uncanny Dodge, Animal Companion, Woodland Stride, Nature sense

Combat: Orloff likes to gain surprise and try to scare his opponents into fleeing. If he considers them a threat to his home than he will attack from this surprise. He prefers to bull rush and push groups together and use his combat reflexes to attack as they try to scatter, but he is not opposed to bear hugging his opponents one at a time. He will use the terrain to his advantage and retreat if necessary.
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Onkus Barrelbuilder

And when you get a chance, Fett, could you post the stats for Onkus the Cooper in the other thread?

Back in December Rel had made this request, here is what dshai provided me with:

Onkus Barrelbuilder
Half Orc Expert 4 / Warrior 2

Onkus has lived in Icemist since the End of the Demon Wars 10 years ago. Until Worm was adopted by Lizon he was the only half-orc residing there and he was also the strongest person, though no where near Worm's strength or that of the local barbarians. It is rumored that his mother was actually a half-elf and not human, and mixing of elf blood and orc is why he is not as strong as others of his kind. It would also explain why he ages slower and why he cannot grow hair. Also unlike most of his kind he is calm and even tempered.

In Icemist he is considered the local handiman, and does all the odd jobs. In the summer and spring he repairs houses and does iron works, in the fall he concentrates on building chests and barrels for food storage and transport during festival. In the winter he acts as the messenger service checking on the locals to see if they need any additional supplies and carries the latest news and small barrels of Lizon's soups.

Onkus has had a very big impact on the young warrior Worm. He has taught him that in order for people to look beyond his skin, he must contain his temper and show what is on the inside.


Liquid Awesome
In so many ways, this last post sums up everything that is good about the world of Small Beginnings.

Dude, I was KIDDING about wanting the stats for Onkus the Cooper! He's the town barrelmaker for Zuras' sake! Nobody would expect that he'd be important enough to have a personality, much less have his levels laid out and stuff. But NO, leave it to the Small Beginnings crowd to have an interesting history and tie-ins with the party for the town Cooper!

You guys amaze me.

I don't mean to give the impression that my campaigns are flat and lifeless. I try to pay attention to the details of my world and give thought to some of the minor players. But you guys make my efforts look weak by comparison.

In all seriousness, not since I saw Old One's Faded Glory setting have I seen a campaign setting that I would consider stealing whole-cloth. You folks, both players and DM, should be damn proud of the world you've crafted. You guys raise this hobby to an art form. If you were to ever publish this setting, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

But of course I wouldn't HAVE to buy it now that I've been shown the cornerstone of all of Icemist: Onkus the Cooper!


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Always another request from the public..

Well, I apologize for my limited posting as of late, and I promise to one day tell all of you what it is this ol' Badger has been up to, but for now, let's just say it has nothing to do with anything James Bondish, and all along the lines of Bob Villa. Who ever said doing housework on your own to save cash was the best route to go needs to be horsewhipped and kicked in the jimmy's until he sings like a twelve year old girl on Star Search...:)

After reading the latest update to the main thread, quick WOW btw, I really started thinking about who could play who, as well as how to get those uber cool John Carpenter points. The question I had was even though we had primary stats on the guys, could we their ages and heights? Granted in Hollywood size doesn't really matter, but as I see this movie filmed "Blair Witch I" style, we need it to be on point.

Just imagine the shock value of Ashrem screaming demon and Pack dropping the camera, or Meepo cam for that matter..*L*

Thanks guys, and expect my casting call soon...

Badger (the formerly one armed man after stupid ladder got knocked over by playing doggies. Insert cartoon scream and fall here...)


First Post
Rel said:
But of course I wouldn't HAVE to buy it now that I've been shown the cornerstone of all of Icemist: Onkus the Cooper!

Actually Rel the cornerstone of Icemist would be Lizon, but I digress.:D

To give you an idea of how developed the town of Icemist was, dshai handed us a sheet with all the major inhabitants and outlying families. He outlined their role in the town and their personalities. We took that listing and wrote up what kind of interaction or relationship each of our characters had with the townsfolk. It's much more fun and involving than just saying your group has been adventuring together awhile now or you randomly come upon some people and defeat a common threat and someone says "Is this the part where we all band together?" (Sorry, inside joke-had to be done).

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