• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Ideal DNDNext Digital Support


Same tools that DDI has available now (Tabletop, Character and Monster builders) available for 3.5, 4e and 5e.

For 5e, DDI has to be fully running when it is launched!!!! That was one of WoTC's big mistakes when they launched 4e. They promised a lot, and delivered a little.

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I want tools and a library optimized for iOS, including iPhones.

I'd also like the tools to be completely unnecessary, at lest w/r/t to default complexity level game...


Things I will ignore:

- Anything requiring a subscription.

- Anything requiring an Internet connection to use.

- Electronic documents that cannot be printed.

- Any electronic content that cannot be used on a PC laptop.

This a thousand times this. I'm not into renting content.


Community Supporter
Here are my wishes/desires for DDI for D&D Next.

The following tools need to be available at launch:
Character builder
Monster builder
Compendium-type tool
DM suite of tools to build adventures
VTT with map generator

Then, I would like to see two levels of service, one free, one at a subscription level.

The free level provides the following:
CB, with no house-ruling ability (or limited ability)
MB, with no sharing of monsters (or limited access)
Full Compendium
DM suite, VTT with no sharing

The subscription level provides all of the benefits of the free level with the following in addition:
CB - Full house-ruling ability (within limits of program), sharing of characters
MB - Full access to shared library
Full Compendium
DM Suite, VTT with sharing/importing/exporting of maps and adventures.

Another option I thought of that would be interesting is to have the following levels of access:

Intro level (for the person who is just starting out) (free)
Character Builder (limited either by level or number of save spots)
VTT (join games only by invite)

Player level (< $1 a month)
Character Builder (unlimited access)
VTT (ability to browse games and join/apply to join)

DM level
Unlimited access to everything.

The magazines need to, IMO, take advantage of being in a digital format. I want wiki-style functionality. Hyperlinks and everything. Tooltip popups. I don't particularly care if the magazines are compiled or not. Never really made much of a difference to me. I want tags to be attached to all of the articles so that filters can be applied in order for easy searching to be done: Class, race, Campaign Setting, weapon, spell, background, adventure, monsters, level, dungeon/urban/wilderness... That sort of thing, so that I can look for a L5 dungeon with stirges

Oh yeah.

iTunes-model storefront for DDI. There need to be three levels to the store.

Tier 1 - WotC releases and featured products.
Tier 2 - WotC affiliates (This would be 3pps and freelancers who have been noticed by WotC to consistently put out good work. They have previously worked on a WotC project.)
Tier 3 - Everyone else.

There would of course be a ranking system, etc. The prices of the content could be limited by Tier unless exception given by WotC.

Frex - I (nobody with no publishing credits) release something on the store, I am limited to a top price of $10 and end up in Tier 3.
[MENTION=82885]Matt James[/MENTION] or [MENTION=47921]pamenard[/MENTION] (well known freelancers) release something. They are limited to a top price of $20 and end up in Tier 2.
WotC releases what they want, price it what they want, it ends up in Tier 1.

Monte Cook releases Ptolus via DDI Marketplace - Goes to Tier 1 and he can set the price he wants.
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I've seen a few posts heading in the direction of micro-transactions, and frankly, that's the LAST thing I want to see with DDI. Sure, if there's NO sub fee and NO initial setup cost, I'm okay with some microtransactions. But on the whole microtransactions, or as DDI would have it "play to win" are completely unacceptable systems.


The On-line tools almost always remember me. What are you doing differently than expected?

Like Piratecat, I'm not doing any out of the ordinary. I have the problem at home and at work, and none of the other sites that I stay logged into on either computer ever drop. I'll log into the DDi, hit "remember me" and things will be fine for a few days. Then it forgets me, and I have to log in again.


1. Properly formatted ebooks through Amazon etc. This would get rid of WotCs worry about pdfs and allow instant updating of errata.

2. Digital tools that work on PC, iOS and Android or platform neutral

3. Using the tech of G+ or Xbox Kinect to provide picture and sound for long distance gaming.

4. Combine the above with a good VTT, also put it on the xbox 360 and get a new generation playing.

5. Make the chargen allow for rules limitation for custom DM campaigns.

6. Have at least the current set of tools for 5th that are now available for 4th hopefully with improvements

7. Oh and I am more than willing to continue to pay monthly for these features

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