D&D 5E Ideas for all-Planetouched groups and their characters


In the 1800's sense of being a social club? Or the modern sense of being a strip club?

Or like a little of both like a Hellfire Club.

Which might be interesting because a club like that could be a center of a conspiracy/secret society of Planetouched, as much as it could just be a place for different Planetouched to hook-up with each other.
Either the first or third. I don't see a pure strip club being all that interesting, story-wise.

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So with this club where Planetouched from across the planes meet, who's the staff and who's the elite? Would it be something where lowly initiates get tasked with being housekeepers and some menial jobs, or is it a bunch of hired outside help, or something magical like Unseen Servants and Homunculi?

If it's more of a secret society, I guess it would be the type that dresses in robes and has rituals and the like. But if it's just a social club then it's a bunch of Planetouched coming back with trophies from their journeys across the planes.


So with this club where Planetouched from across the planes meet, who's the staff and who's the elite? Would it be something where lowly initiates get tasked with being housekeepers and some menial jobs, or is it a bunch of hired outside help, or something magical like Unseen Servants and Homunculi?

If it's more of a secret society, I guess it would be the type that dresses in robes and has rituals and the like. But if it's just a social club then it's a bunch of Planetouched coming back with trophies from their journeys across the planes.
First, is this a club where the Planetouched are trying to get away from everyone else (like in a No Women Allowed Victorian gentlemen's club)? If not, then the staff (at least the lower-ranked ones) can be basically anyone.

If yes, then younger Planetouched--not necessarily initiates--would make up a lot of the staff. Constructs, whether physical or purely magical, and mephits could make up the rest.

As for a secret society... what would they be secretive about? What conspiracy are they working towards?

As for a secret society... what would they be secretive about? What conspiracy are they working towards?
They could be like that conspiracy in Disenchantment that half of Dreamland belongs to, which happens to be the power behind the throne for some planar metropolis/hub/neighbourhood, but in practice don't really do such a thing.

Is it a good show?
I like it, though I guess that depends on how much one likes Futurama. There's certainly some jokes that are repetitive, but I feel it's a good fantasy-based comedy. It's definitely more serialized than Futurama or Simpsons, which has become obvious in it's most recent season.

Though back to the subject Planetouched groups, for individuals often it's a struggle between the mortal part and the planar part of their nature. But I feel there could be a group out there that seeks to overthrow their planar progenitors. Perhaps it started as a bunch of individuals who wanted to get back at one of their ancestors.

So with a group of Planetouched dedicated to hunting down their progenitors:
-We got the Tiefling who fights against the fiendish wherever they are. They use their own nature of the Fiend inside to understand fiends to better hunt them down.
-An Aasimar who views celestials who interfere with mortals as dangerous, and something that must be purged. They might be from a "fallen" celestial.
-The Axani scavenger of a more mechanical origin who hunts down Modrons and Inevitables for parts, that they use to replace or enhance their own. They're waiting for the next Great Modron March to happen, as it would be like a big dinner buffet.
-The Cansin of Slaadi origin, who's seeking contain the corruption and madness spread by the Slaadi when they decide to spawn. Some of the victims saved from Slaadi eggs or diseases become Cansin themselves.
-The Genasi revolutionary who seeks to free their people from enslavement and exploitation by the tyrannical Genie nobility.
-The Liminaire who seeks to seal the leaks from the border planes to other worlds, because the planar leakage is diminishing the emotional energy they consume on the border planes.

Another idea is an Orphanage for Planetouched, which probably would be mostly Tiefling children since they commonly are abandoned and unwanted by their parents. But there could be a few Aasimar children who were abandoned by a parent not wanting the pressures of having such a child, or they were orphaned in an outright tragic way. Not to mention the other types of Planetouched who might have been left there, simply because they were too unusual or a sign of something their parents didn't want hanging over them.

The Orphanage would serve as something in the background connecting a party of Planetouched adults together.

Another idea is an Orphanage for Planetouched, which probably would be mostly Tiefling children since they commonly are abandoned and unwanted by their parents. But there could be a few Aasimar children who were abandoned by a parent not wanting the pressures of having such a child, or they were orphaned in an outright tragic way. Not to mention the other types of Planetouched who might have been left there, simply because they were too unusual or a sign of something their parents didn't want hanging over them.

The Orphanage would serve as something in the background connecting a party of Planetouched adults together.
Neat idea! I'd have the patrons be a hound archon descended aasimar and an arcanaloth descended tiefling, and call it The Rescue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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