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[IK] The Corvis University Discreet Investigation and Retrieval Union (OOC)


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Karl Green said:
Hit Points: 4 +1d4 +4
Note that I've changed his point allocation above. In your case, you now have (4 + 3.5 +3.5 +6) 17 hp. Not bad for a third level sorcerer! You also are considered disabled betwen 0 and -2 hp, and dying between -3 and -14.

Karl Green said:
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +3 [base +1, con +2]
As you stated earlier that you wanted to be a Midlunder, you have a +1 racial bonus to your Fort save.

Karl Green said:
Armor Class: 13 (greatcoat + dex)

There are two other flavors of greatcoat, which cost and weigh more but give you more bonuses, none of which require light armor proficiency and stack with any light armor.
A regular greatcost costs 20 gp, +1 armor bonus, no ACP, no ASF, 5 lbs.
An armored greatcoat costs 75 gp, +2 armor bonus, +6 max Dex bonus, -1 ACP and 5% ASF, and also gives you DR 5/bludgeoning, 10 lbs.
A reinforced greatcoat costs 35 gp, +1 armor bonus, +8 max Dex bonus, 0 ACP, no ASF, and gives you DR 3/bludgeoning or slashing, 7 lbs.

Karl Green said:
Military Pistol (600gp) 5lbs
Military pistols have fallen in price and only cost 300 gp now. Here are also some other pistols you may want to consider:


Carbine, military: 600 gp, 2d8, 19-20/x3, 150' RI, 10 lbs.
(Halfway between a rifle and pistol; reload 2 S, DC 10, Ammo 10-12 gp)

Clockwerk Arms pepperbox: 325 gp, 2d4-2, 19-20/x3, 20' RI, 8 lbs.
(Allows you to make up to 4 attacks before reloading; 5 S, DC 14, Ammo 5-6 gp)

Grappling gun: 500 gp, 1d8, x3, 30' RI, 12 lbs.
(Fires grappling hook; 3 S, DC 12, Ammo 10 gp)

Pistol, small: 200 gp, 2d4, 19-20/x3, 40' RI, 4 lbs.
(9" in length; 1 S, DC 6, Ammo 6-8 gp)

Pistol, military: 300 gp, 2d6, 19-20/x3, 80' RI, 5 lbs.
(One full foot in length; 1 S, DC 8, Ammo 8-10 gp)

Radliffe quad-iron pistol: 375 gp, 4d4, 19-20/x3, 20' RI, 6 lbs.
(Four-barreled pistol, hard to find; 1 S, DC 16, Ammo 16-18 gp)

Rynnish holdout pistol: 225 gp, 2d4-2, 19-20/x3, 20' RI, 2 lbs.
(Easy to conceal, swivel barrel for two shots; reloading single shot: 2 S, reloading both shots 3 S, DC 12, Ammo 5-6 gp)


Firearms can be constructed as masterwork (+1 attack, +300 gp), accuracy [+1 attack (stacks with masterwork), +300 gp], embellishment (enhance appearance, 10-200 gp), breakdown (gun disassembles easily for hiding, -2 attack, doubles cost), lightweight (reduces weight by 1/3, +120 gp). Rifles also can get barrel baffle, and scope.

Karl Green said:
Ammo 20 shots (180gp; assuming 9gp each) 2lbs

Ammo also comes in two new flavors, incendiary and precision.
Incendiary rounds: +6 gp per charge, add +1d6 fire damage (Unfortunately, it tends to heat-soften the lining of the firearm's barrel; after twelve to fifteen incendiary shots, the barrel will need re-boring (75 gp per barrel).

Precision rounds: +5 gp per charge, +1 accuracy bonus which stacks

Karl Green said:
two Ammo Bandolier (1gp each holding 10 shots) 2lbs
Each bandolier now holds 12 shots.


Here's some more info on Midlunders:
Automatic class skill: Knowledge (history)
+2 racial bonus on Craft (blacksmith) and Gather Information checks
Base Height (male): 5'0" +2d10"
Base Weight (male): 130 lbs + height mod x 2d4 lbs)
Automatic languages: Cygnaren (spoken and written)
Bonus languages: Caspian, Khadoran, Llaelese, Ordic, Rhulic (spoken), Rhulic (written)

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.
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Note on Spellcasting and Material Components

In the Iron Kingdoms, battle spells do not rely so heavily on material components as they do on a wizard's or sorcerer's ability to harness and create patterns with magical energy. As a result, players can ignore the need for any material component or arcane spell focus with a value of 100 gp or less required for any offensive or defensive combat spell. This includes all evocation spells and directly offensive necromantic and transmutation spells like flame arrow, ghoul touch, and horrid wilting, but not spells like animate dead, command undead, fly, or polymorph. Furthermore, this includes all abjuration and transmutation spells that directly protect the caster such as iron body, protection from arrows, and repulsion. This never applies to spells from the schools of divination, enchantment, or illusion; and only rarely applies to spells from the conjuration school.


First Post

Here are some non-divine means of healing. Most have a primary and secondary effect (which takes effect after one minute).

Ansleigh's Wound Seal: 20 gp
Primary: Converts 1d6 points of damage to non-lethal.
Secondary: Fort save (DC 14), if successful 1d3+2 healing, if failed temporary loss of 1d3 Wis.

Blackroot Balm: 90 gp
Primary: Heals 1d6.
Secondary: Fort save (DC 16), if successful 1d6+3, if failed temporary loss of 1d6 Dex.

Corben's Wound Closer: 30 gp
Primary: Heals 1d3.
Secondary: 1d6.

Corben's Invigorating Elixir: 180 gp
Primary: Heals 1d6.
Secondary: Heals 1d6+3.

Corben's Essential Elixir: 450 gp
Primary: Heals 1d6+5.
Secondary: Heals 2d6.

Corben's Healing Elixir: 750 gp
Primary: Heals 2d6.
Secondary: Heals 2d6+7.

Cure-All Cream: 20 gp
Each jar contains three applications, which each heals 1d8+1 points of damage after it dries (1d4+1 minutes).

Doc Petrok's Rejuvenator: 15 gp
Originally developed by a Khadoran "doctor" working with brawlers in the bare-knuckle fighting rings, this elixir restores nonlethal damage and relieves the effects of fatigue.
Primary: Heals 2d8+6 nonlethal.
Secondary: Fort save (DC 14), if successful removes effect of fatigue or improves the exhausted condition to fatigued, if failed, temporary loss of 1d3 Dex.
If the person imbibing the rejuventaor has not suffered any nonlethal damage, the initial healing converts 2d3 hit points of damage to nonlethal damage.

Solovin's Seal: 150 gp
On initial application, Solovin's seal stops all bleeding and a dying creature is immediately stabilized. Solovin's seal triples a creature's natural rate of healing. One dose lasts for 8 hours.


First Post
Karl Green said:
One more question, well just to make sure... potions and scrolls also cost twice as much also correct?
How much would a hat like this one cost... but all black and weather proof ;)
Oy, you got me, Karl. I double checked the figure on magic items, and it's actually 150%. I also was not very specific. Most scrolls and potions are fairly common (except for healing potions, which fall under different rules). Let me quote a longer passage from the book which will explain this a bit more.

Increased Magic Item Creation Costs
In the Iron Kingdoms, the creation costs and market prices associated with standard magic items are increased as follows: 150% x price. Note that this also increases the XP cost, as it is derived from the total cost fo the item. These costs represent the difficulty associated with acquiring the necessary materials, as well as the increased energy investment required to fabricate such items.

Finally, creating permanent magic items can be incredibly dangerous. Creators of magic items risk a permanent loss of hit points when creating permanent items that drain 200 or more XP from the creator. This risk does not apply to single-shot items. There is a flat 20% chance that the creator of a magic item permanently loses 1 hp per 200 XP in the item creation costs.

So the market price of most 1st level arcane scrolls would be 37 gp 5 sp, while the cost of most potions based on 1st level spells would be 75 gp.

As for the hat, it would be included in the cost of your outfit.


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Unless Krug has his heart set on a rogue, my idea would be to create ex-patriate Idrian who has "fled" from the Menite tyranny. He claims that his parents were noble "leaders of the dunes" whose rightful position has been usurped. They now live in Caspia where they travel the land trying to generate support for a coup agaainst the Protectorate of Menoth. Their still sizable wealth supports him as a student at the university where he is acquiring the knowledge he needs to eventually take his fathers place.

The truth is not far away from his fictional background. He is actually a refugee from the Protectorate, but his wealth comes not from a wealthy and doting family, but rather from the coin he steals from fellow students, teachers as well as homes and business near the university. Motivation for travelling and adventuring comes from recent "close calls" and the police attention his successes have generated.

Thoughts, comments and suggestioms are most welcome.
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Sounds like a good idea Devyn, although you would definitely stand out in Corvis, being of Idrian ancestry. Another thing to consider is whether you have joined the local criminal gang or not. If you've been "practicing your trade" for any significant length of time, you will have run into them, and if they've seen you "working" then they would have put major pressure on you to join them. On the Western side of the river, where the University is located, the Griffons gang hold sway.

Another thing that everyone could start thinking about is figuring out why you're working for the University as "troubleshooters". Are you just interested in the money? Are you drawn to the danger? Or are you passionate about research and exploring history? Remember that in Cygnar (the country where Corvis is located), natural philosophy (i.e. science) is quickly becoming a serious study, especially when it is melded with magic. Yes, most natural philosophers are still rich dilettantes, but especially when it comes to weapons technologies, governments realize that there are major advances in warfare which can be achieved through study.

Yet another note is that I am setting this adventure in the month of Tempen (the fourth month of the Morrowan calendar), A.R.603, a mere month after the city has been liberated by the undead Legion of Lost Souls. For those of you unfamiliar with the events which transpire in the Witchfire trilogy, I will briefly summarize.


It all began last Longest Night, about four months ago. Longest Night is a triennial event, which is basically a huge celebration (think Mardi Gras). As the streets of Corvis were filling with revelers, troubadours, vendors, musicians, actors, a horde of shambling, undead creatures started spilling out of the sewer entrances and walking out of the river and attacking the townsfolk and heading for the cathedral of Morrow. The leader of the undead was a vile necromancer named Alexia (who also happened to be the niece of the current Prelate of Morrow). It seems her mother had been executed as a witch 20 years before, and she was here for a bit of payback. Luckily, a group of adventurers intervened, and were able to convince her to call off the attack. With a word (or so it’s told), she withdrew her control and the undead collapsed into a piles of dead bones.

A few months after this event, more chaos erupted when most of the city council was murdered in their sleep by members of the deposed King Vinter Raelthorne’s secret police, the Inquisition. They co-opted the City Watch (either through enticement with riches, or holding their families hostage), and began a reign of terror. Within a few days it was rumored that the deposed King himself (long thought dead) had returned to Cygnar, and was in the city. He brought with him soldiers of an unknown race, who helped him maintain order through fear and intimidation.

It turns out these soldiers, later named the Skorne, were only holding the city until a larger invasion force could make its way through the Bloodstone Marches. Just as the Skorne army was entering the city unopposed, however, Corvis was saved by yet another undead army, once again led by the necromancer Alexia. In a large battle on the Black River Bridge the armies clashed, and the Skorne were eventually defeated.

A week after this battle, the 3rd and 5th Mounted Fusiliers from Fort Falk finally entered the city, and began mop-up operations against the Skorne and any Inquisition sympathizers.

So needless to say, Corvis did not have an easy winter. Now that spring, and Tempenfest, the annual week-long celebration of rebirth and fertility, are upon us, people are still bruised and beaten, but a little more optimistic. They are ready to start putting the nightmare behind them and get on with their lives. One thing is certain, however, their lives have been changed by the events of the previous four months.
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If this works for you, my plan would be something along the lines of the following ( again full write up tomorrow)

-by being a "publicly devout" follower of Morrow, as well as a firebrand against the Protectorate, I am hoping that will counter the distrust that many may have against an Idrian living within Corvis. But having said that I do anticipate some racial persecution and will use a fast tongue (and faster feet) to hopefully get out of any real trouble.

-Perhaps I can use a disagreement over territory, the % cut they want or targets with the Griffons, instead of the local militia, as a motivaing factor in my "volunteering" to help the good professor. How does that fit?

Would Professor Pendrake have an open invitation for help or is their such a supply of readily available talent that he can pick and choose "the best" for his expeditions?

What is the reputation of the Professor and his status ( and that of his relic hunting expeditions) within the university?



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I have a copy of all the books except the IKCG which I loaned to a friend who is currently going through a hermit phase so I will most likely not be able to reclaim it in the near future. I plan on playing a midlunder as well so I need any changes between lock and load and the IKCG on the ranger class. I would also like to have a customized long rifle so if you could post any changes on the long rifle and customization options it would be greatly appreciated. Background wise I was thinking of having completed my enlistment I left the military and travelled to Corvis. After having briefly preused some of the good professors works on creatures while completing ranger training I decided to come and take a class at the university in order to meet him and further my meager knowledge on wild creatures. Let me know if this is workable or if you have any suggestions. I will flesh it out once I complete my character.

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