Illegal cookies


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With the new boards, every time I view a new page or forum I get two messages from my browser telling me the server is trying to set some illegal cookies. (See attached image for sample error msg.)

I guess I can tell my browser to suppress the message, but this is... disquieting.


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Hand of Evil

The one issue that stands out to me is the address "cyberstreet", I thought it was now.

You may want to delete cookies and history.


Hand of Evil said:
I really going to have to change my sig! I am not Mark, that was a quote. I am Tracy. :)

Mr. Hickman! I've always loved your work! Y'know, the last time I played Dragonlance I had a Ftr5/Pal2/Knight of the Crown4/Sword3/Rose3/Barbarian, and he had agiantswordthatkillsTakhisisinoneblow,andasuitofarmorthatrepels draconianswithaforcefield...


(Ok, smart-aleck mode ceasing in 4...3...2...1...)

Hand of Evil

Henry said:
Mr. Hickman! I've always loved your work! Y'know, the last time I played Dragonlance I had a Ftr5/Pal2/Knight of the Crown4/Sword3/Rose3/Barbarian, and he had agiantswordthatkillsTakhisisinoneblow,andasuitofarmorthatrepels draconianswithaforcefield...


(Ok, smart-aleck mode ceasing in 4...3...2...1...)
arrrrrrrr! :) Now that secret is out!
Last edited:


I have no idea what you're talking about. Waves hand in jedi-like fashion.

Sorry about not actually looking at the username!


First Post
Well, there's another for my list of people I actually recognize from their contribuitions outside the actual forums.
I'm liking the Death Gate Cycle, though I haven't finished Hand of Chaos yet (something about having children being born throws off the whole "reading whenever you want to" thing). The Darksword trilogy was great, too. Oh, and there were those other books, you know, with the dragons and that one dude whatzhisname with a bad cough in the red robes. But I'm sure nobody around here has heard of those ones... :)

Good to meetcha.

Voidrunner's Codex

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