Search appears to be broken


Follower of the Way
Is there something wrong with the forum search? I've attempted to search for things on multiple devices, multiple browsers, and basically everything else I can test, and all searches of any kind, whether by keyword or by username, whether quick search or advanced search, consistently produces an error page or frame saying, "Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later." This has been ongoing since at least last night (~11 pm Pacific time).

I haven't seen anything else on the site not working correctly, so I'm not sure what's going on here.

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Many sites offer a search functionality. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this search function is brutally inferior to simply using Google instead.

Just add the following to your Google search and you're golden:

You're welcome


CR 1/8
Not working for me right now, either. All searches return the "Oops" error message.
It was fine last time I used it a few days ago.


CR 1/8
When I click on the "Messages" in someone's pop-up profile (when you mouse over their username, eg, to the left of a post of theirs), that appears to be broken, as well.


Guest 7034872

Is there something wrong with the forum search? I've attempted to search for things on multiple devices, multiple browsers, and basically everything else I can test, and all searches of any kind, whether by keyword or by username, whether quick search or advanced search, consistently produces an error page or frame saying, "Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later." This has been ongoing since at least last night (~11 pm Pacific time).
I've seen this happen from time to time and usually after a few hours it gets cleaned up. When I try to go to the list of my own past posts right now, I get that same warning message. I'm only guessing here, but I expect it's something as simple simple as a VBulletin update causing a few temporary fits (which is common).


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Still happening now, many hours later. "Ooops" searching for any posts by user @Morrus .

EDIT: It's the weekend, we can cut some slack. Once it hits weekday I expect there will be someone to look at this.


The site's search engine is much better for zeroing in on posts by a particular user or before/during/after a specific time period. The Google tends to be less useful for that.
I have no issues finding my own posts. Of course, if you're searching for posts from a user named something incredibly common, it might be another matter.

You can definitely search Google for a given period.

Voidrunner's Codex

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