I'm looking for some fun/easy-ish modules for a player of mine who's starting to DM.
Since I'm going to be a player, please at least spoiler your spoilers.
I was looking around at vague outlines of published campaigns and saw that Dragon of Icespire Peak is considered pretty good. Just from the name, it seems it might also be easy enough to tie into Rime of the Frost Maiden if we choose to continue at higher levels. Is this doable? If so, how? (If you put spoilers I can just link this to the DM so he reads the explanations).
Other than that the group is coming out of Curse of Strahd, and other modules we've played are Tomb of Annihilation and Out of the Abyss.
Any other tips? I'm trying to keep as blind as possible so I can't look at the modules myself to give advice on what to play or fix, so any experience is appreciated
Since I'm going to be a player, please at least spoiler your spoilers.
I was looking around at vague outlines of published campaigns and saw that Dragon of Icespire Peak is considered pretty good. Just from the name, it seems it might also be easy enough to tie into Rime of the Frost Maiden if we choose to continue at higher levels. Is this doable? If so, how? (If you put spoilers I can just link this to the DM so he reads the explanations).
Other than that the group is coming out of Curse of Strahd, and other modules we've played are Tomb of Annihilation and Out of the Abyss.
Any other tips? I'm trying to keep as blind as possible so I can't look at the modules myself to give advice on what to play or fix, so any experience is appreciated