I see a lot of this, its the style most popular around here. I personally often GM bought adventures. But adventure paths often does not support their own story, or at least does not advertise themselves enough, making it hard to make suitable characters. My main experience is with Paizo adventure paths prior to PF2.
As an example I actually GMed, Savage Tide sold itself as a city adventure in the City of Sasserine, then turned into a swashbuckling sea voyage/lost island exploration, and finally planar war in the Abyss. Each of these parts were great, but it was hard to build and manage player expectations. We actually had a spin-off campaign that Stayed in Sasserine.
Jade Regent is perhaps the worst bait-and-switch, it begins as a polar expedition from a land of vikings and ends as a horror anime in a Japanese court environment. Not exactly easy to make a character suitable for this, especially if the GM is stingy with information beforehand.

I never tried to actually play this one.
Paizo got better at this, the later adventure paths stayed closer to their original theme.