I'm Ready For A New [BLANK] RPG


Let's make a thread for all the potential follow ups of the Star Wars and TMNT threads. No real rules. Don't have to be licensed games.

For example, I'm ready for a new Earthdawn RPG. I don't really want a new edition but an actual new imagining of it -- something that embraces its core concepts while streamlining play and modernizing systems. I actually think Genesys would be a good foundation, but there are other options too.

What old RPG are you ready for a new version of?

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With you on Earthdawn.

I want a new SAGA game. Never played Star Wars SAGA, but I adored Dragonlance SAGA. The system hits that sweet spot of how I like my randomness.

Earthdawn is a great choice. I ran some 4e and while I love the setting the rules were not for me. Genesys would be awesome here, a credible SWADE hack, even something crunchy like HERO or GURPS.

My choice would be Shadowrun. It has great, great setting content but the rules are a hot mess. Every edition. I’m not sure what use system wise. Something that handles gear-porn.


My choice would be Shadowrun. It has great, great setting content but the rules are a hot mess. Every edition. I’m not sure what use system wise. Something that handles gear-porn.

So umm . . . you haven't checked out Interface Zero 2.0 for Savage Worlds yet?

I'm not exaggerating when I say it's easily one of the top 5, possibly top 3 RPG hardcovers I've ever owned. I freaking LOVE IZ 2.0. It's an amazing sourcebook for Savage Worlds. And it's absolutely gorgeous cover to cover. I will never sell my copy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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