I'm Ready For A New [BLANK] RPG

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B/X Known World
Out of curiosity, have you looked at it since the beta. I have read that the final version is much improved, but haven't seen it myself.
I tried looking at the beta but it was too painful. I’m reading and playtesting the full release. I’m sure it’ll be someone’s first and they’ll love it forever. I’m not impressed.


I tried looking at the beta but it was too painful. I’m reading and playtesting the full release. I’m sure it’ll be someone’s first and they’ll love it forever. I’m not impressed.
I would be interested in your review once you have had a chance to assess it.


  • Dungeon World: DW leans a little too hard into an old school aesthetic and not the D&D of nowadays. Also PbtA games have improved since DW.
  • 4e D&D
  • True 20: AGE is close but it's split between Modern, Fantasy, etc. I just want a revised True 20 system that doesn't show the wornout age of the 3e d20 system.
  • Cypher System: evolve the game to its next stage, MCG!

(Maybe a sort of 4E OSR - even though it wouldn't have the massive appeal of 5.x.)
can i offer you an orcus in this trying time?
I kinda think it will tank a bit. They spent all this money on surveys, try all these changes, only to roll most of them back. They released the SRD into Creative Commons, are publishing essentially errata in 2024, and they're bragging about how no printer can handle how many books they want to print. After the OGL catastrophe, most of the 3PP have already pivoted to making their own core 5E rulebooks. Critical Role and MCDM, two of the bigger and more well-known 3PP, are straight up making their own new games using entirely new game systems. This could be a perfect storm of WotC taking a massive hit.
god, i hope you're right.

Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy. I know we got new d100-based versions (somewhat) recently, but I would love to see a take on this with another system as its foundation, e.g. an adaption of the d6-based system Cubicle 7 uses for Age of Sigmar.
(I know there's also Wrath&Glory for 40K, but I found the design to have too many fiddly bits and often more reminiscent of a - rather fiddly - tabletop game than an RPG)


I want official licensed Savage Traveller, Savage Shadowrun and Savage Car Wars.
I want full digital support for D&D4e.
I want Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e Essentials.
I want someone to fund a full Foundry adaption of Savage Darwins World.
And I want my table of players to magically get a burning interest for anthropology so they can embrace Runequest.


Have you tried PF2? Honestly curious not being argumentative.
Yes, but I would still love a polished 4e that was cleaned up the way OSE cleaned up B/X and AD&D. There are things that are nice about PF2 but there are also many things that I loved about 4e’s design choices that aren’t in PF2.

Actually I would almost prefer a 4e that leaned harder into the World Axis Mythos rather than D&D’s sense of “tradition.” But a polished 4e would be my first priority.

Voidrunner's Codex

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