I'm Ready For A New [BLANK] RPG

Tony Vargas

As far as past editions of D&D, the original OGL/SRD works well enough for 3.x and earlier versions of the game (as PF1 & OSR games more than amply illustrate), and while 5e.2014 is about to become a past edition, it, too is readily cloneable via not only its own OGL/SRD but Creative Commons, as well.
That leaves 4e, though even numbered, the odd edition out in that sense. While it's futile to hope for an official retread of or ongoing support for 4e from WotC, if they'd at least release it into the wild via CC ...

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Maybe I'm weird, but I'm not really ready for a new anything. Except maybe some new players, or a new DM. ;-) I own tons of RPGs that I've never even cracked the cover on.

5E is a versatile enough framework to play any genre of any game I could want, from Star Wars to Call of Cthulhu, and from old D&D classics to the new RPG hotness. I'm good.
… I uh, largely agree with your first paragraph. I have a lot of games that I can use to play anything I want.

I assume by 5e you mean D&D 5e* but that is the absolute last game i would think of using to play anything other than high powered heroic fantasy. And even then you would probably have to skew the setting a bit to make it line up.

*I would have an easier time converting Shadowrun 5e to those settings…


Tony Vargas

I assume by 5e you mean D&D 5e* but that is the absolute last game i would think of using to play anything other than high powered heroic fantasy. And even then you would probably have to skew the setting a bit to make it line up.

*I would have an easier time converting Shadowrun 5e to those settings…
lol. d20 is a core system that has been used to create myriad RPGs, the 5e version of the SRD isn't so different from the 3e version that it couldn't be used the same way.

But, yeah, 5e D&D is far from flexible. It can hardly handle varying the number of encounters in your adventuring day, or the duration of Short Rests....


I'd like a Warhammer 40k RPG that's more along the lines of Warhammer Fantasy, where you play regular people just trying to get by and having adventures amidst all the grim darkness. I mostly say this because I ran Warhammer Fantasy 2e campaign for a year and change, and I thought it would be fun/interesting to do a far, far distant sequel in 40k. Alas, Dark Heresy didn't really do what I wanted it to do.

I'd like a Warhammer 40k RPG that's more along the lines of Warhammer Fantasy, where you play regular people just trying to get by and having adventures amidst all the grim darkness. I mostly say this because I ran Warhammer Fantasy 2e campaign for a year and change, and I thought it would be fun/interesting to do a far, far distant sequel in 40k. Alas, Dark Heresy didn't really do what I wanted it to do.
Can I interest you in Imperium Maledicum from Cubicle 7? It’s the new 40k rpg to replace the Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Always War games.

Voidrunner's Codex

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