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How do celestial traits carry over(for an aasimar)? Do hound archeons, look dog like?(weredog?)Do Avoral have the the little tail feathers on their legs? Do Ghaele have white eyes?

Also are there any other celestial creatures?Is it possible to get black eyes?(as in all, Kinda like willow, when she goes kinda, magic possess)

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It's all pretty much a matter of DM's perogative. As a rule of thumb, textual descriptions of the various planetouched tend to be "human, possibly with one strange feature," while illustrations tend to be more stylized and less human.

If I were your DM, I'd have no problem with an Aasimar with all-black eyes. (Descended from a Vorlon?)

Vorlons are a race from the TV series Babylon 5. I think it was better than Star Trek, because plot for all 5 seasons were decided on before the series was even aired (ducks flames). The 5th season wasn't all the good (ducks fewer flames).

The Vorlon ambassador lived in this weird encounter suit whenever he was among humans or other races. Only Delenn and Lyta got to see what the Ambassador Kosh Neranek looked like until season 4.

That's shortly after the first Ambassador was murdered and replaced with a more evil Vorlon. The first Ambassador hid a portion of himself in the main character's head ("Did you know you have a Vorlon in your head?"), and when the second Vorlon's encounter suit was cracked open by a huge electrical shock, the two Vorlons fought (you could see the two of them in their real form).

...there's more, but this is probably more than you want to know about Babylon 5.


And when Lyta (the telepath whose powers had been magnified considerably by the Vorlons) used her telepathic abilities at full strength, her eyes became completely black.


NO...I have that program as my favoured enemy!Watched like half an episode, made no sense, sounded bad, look ludicrous the plot sucked, and it was too complex and I've started to troll, damn. Give me voyager or, SG-1 any day!


First Post
We might suggest that having celestial blood does not require the offspring to possess physical traits corresponding to the ancestor. The reproductive capabilities of seraphim need not be Mendelian: consider physical contact with regards to the procreation of angels entirely optional.

What if the physical form of that numinous parent is determined soley by its occupation or duties? Would, therefore, the offspring of human and angel be required to fulfill the same duties? For an aasimar, then, consider his own outlook, motivations, personality and potential fate. If he is of martial character then he might have eagle's feathers in place of hair; he might have the paws and tawny colour of a lion; his arms might be bathed in pure white flames when called to action; &c, &c. Other types of people would show their empyrean heritage in some other fashion.


First Post
As it says under aasimar "Graced with a touch of the holy, aasimars are usually tall, good-looking, and generally pleasant. SOME have a minor physical trait suggesting their heritage, such as silver hair, golden eyes, or an unnaturally intense stare."

Note the emphasis on some. Id construe that as many look like normal humans, meaning that they dont have to look anything like their ancestor. Since in the description of half celestial(of which all aasimars would be descended) it doesnt mention anything about looking like their celestial parent, except that they might have wings, id say that they can look however you want. Personally, id like a tiefling with eyes that glow red when he wants. Its entirely possible.

NO...I have that program as my favoured enemy!Watched like half an episode, made no sense, sounded bad, look ludicrous the plot sucked, and it was too complex and I've started to troll, damn. Give me voyager or, SG-1 any day!

OT! Some episodes sucked, of course (about 20% of them). You have to watch the whole series in order though, or it will make no sense at all.

On Topic! Lyta's eyes glowed white when possessed by a Vorlon.

Really On Topic: I suggest that descendants of LG martial outsiders be paladins, the offspring of a cleric (eg solar) be a cleric, etc. The aasimar rarely knows who its parents are, so they may not know why they feel the calling of a paladin, or a bard, or a (etc).


He knows his great grand mother was a half celestial, and him being a monk, I swatched some abilities for aura of coruge, divine grace and lay on hands. Shall post his whole Background?(And if I do, he was about 15 when it happened and 18 ish at the end)

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