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In the beginning...(new storyline idea)


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Someone complained about vampires...and I came up with the black grey and white idea. Then, somewhere else, there was an issue with the amount of current storylines; so I decided to put thought to the issue, pen to paper, then paper to keyboard.

I came up with this:

Alright...so I'm brainstorming.

The best way I know how to do that is with other people. Since I have no friends XD...well none in RL that RP; I figured you guys'll have to be my subs.

I have a problem. I have an evil mind. And I'm not just saying that. But I do. My mind is creatively geared towards being on the bad side of things. Which undoubtedly sucks, because as a general rule of thumb, the bad guys always lose. Not that I'm complaining. I have fun while I'm losing. But it does suck to lose all the time. Besides that point. The biggest drama with setting up an 'evil' group. Is that you need someone to come up with a good group to combat them. If there's no one to stop you. It just gets so -yawn-. So. I'll put the outline of my ebil group here. You can pick it to pieces all you want. I dont really care. But what I really want ya to do, is come up with an equally insteresting opposite side which can be run to combat it.

The idea:
Black team
  • Works a bit like a pyramid scheme...(dont shoot me just yet)
  • Begins with approx 3 members - they make up level 1
  • 2nd level has 4 people, 3rd has 5 etc (and no I dont expect to get past 2nd level)
  • recruitment for the team is based on passing of tests
  • any new recruit must pass a test on each level
  • each new member must create a test, which new recruitments might have to pass
  • a new recruit must begin at the lowest level and work up.
  • if a new recruit inquires at a level that is not the lowest, that member recommends someone on the lowest level to begin at.
  • tests logically get harder as the levels increase
  • to complete membership, a test from each level must be passed; and possibly to finalise it, begin the process with one new recruit?
  • Some form of evil...lawful, neutral (probably not chaotic) must be a prerequisit...?
  • All members can claim to be 'leader' of the group (to lead spies astray)
  • The group (once there's enough members) will be divided into factions.
  • 3-4 factions eg intel, offense, defence and substitues?
  • each new member chooses/is assigned to a faction
  • factions require 3 members, preferably from different levels
  • each member must supply a character available for grey-team (a victim)...it can be the same character.
  • And I have no idea, what the goals of this group would be...other than anhilate the world (which is so -old- and worn out...) so i need ideas for that too!

So there you have it. That's plan B (Black), now all I need is plan G (Grey) and plan W (White). Or do ya all just think I'm being an idiot? I will admit, sometimes my ideas get way outa hand...

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Hey I like the idea count me in as one of the evils to help you...online is the only place where I can play evil....my group refuses to let me because last time I play NE with a friend we ended up killing all the good guys as cannon fodder which pissed the other players off cause they had to start over and my friend and I attempted to kill them as well...so yeah I like the idea and I have the grey for it already......


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Hmmm so I'm not quite up to enlisting people yet. As a rule of hope, I actually am not sure if I personally will be RPing in this storyline, or whether I will just run/organise and idea-pool for players who do end up climbing aboard.

The beginnings of plan (W) are just starting to evolve. But I seriously need help. Another RPer from round here suggested:

the group is called White Deva. There a group of good dooers that are out there to heal the wounded and defend the weak against evil. They will not under any cirucmstance help someone of evil aligment. Infact all wear an amulate be it ring, pendent or brooch that allows them to detect evil. The only reason they would assist evil is if they are trying to redeem them from evil. The group is led by a half celestial being.

The group was intended to be all new, new characters. All would have the prefix of Deva infront of there name.

Now I've thought about how to prove you're a good person/character. And came up with a vague 'test of faiths' idea. I was thinking something along the lines of an obstacle course. Now dont laugh, because I did when the idea first dawned on me. But it could actually not be such a ludicrous idea, given some of it might be performed on a mind level, and other parts on a physical level. Or ideally both at once?

I dont know...bah, see what I mean by I'm evil. I like to actually RP recruitment, because it helps create the bonds that characters are going to need further on in their storylines. And it gives us all something to do in the 'off-times' when no one of the 'other' side is online/available.

I'll keep thinking, and when my mind evolves onto an idea, I might put it up, if I dont think it's too silly.

Oh, and for the record, I wont be taking any suggestions that dont abide by CoC. I like the rules, live by it!


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A little on Black (evil), Grey (neural) and White (good) theory.

Not so long ago, I came up with a theory, that it's hard to be evil when there's no one to pick on. And it's hard to be good, when there's no one to save. So I came to realise, that if one started a new group, be they evil or good, they'd need to also create a partner group of victims with which to play. Now it is -exceedingly- difficult to amass a large amount of players to one storyline, and even harder, when the opposing team is designed as well. So I suggested, that anyone who becomes part, of the opposing teams (black and white), should also have to play a victim. The victims make up the grey team. They're caught in the middle of a struggle, that's not really anything to do with them. I figured it is entirely possible, for any particular player, to actually manage two characters, a grey and a black, or a grey and a white. But it doesn't necessarily need to be two characters. Your character could be a grey to begin with, then convert to either side with a little gentle persuasion! Or they could be a white to begin with, and become a victim of the black and end up dead...or converted...or whatever you choose really. And vice-versa. You could also have a grey, who grudgingly converts to black side, then is victim of a white and ends up on the other end of the podium. The possibilities are as broad as you like!

an idea for the initiation (for either side) could be a mind thing.. like, you get some one that specializes in telepathy i guess to see if that particular person is truly on their side. it could prove to be interesting to see if any spies CAN get into the system kinda thing.. or even a test to see how well you can stand against charms or ah.. persuasion of the mind techniques?

just throwing that out there.


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Hmmm, it is a good idea, for a telepath to be enlisted. That might be an idea saved for the White team, on account that the Black team's testing procedures will (as far as I can figure it) dispose of anyone white minded. The grey team might have a chance...;) but that's all part of the game now isn't it!

I was awake last night, for the better part of two hours past my normal bed-time, mind split between how much I hate insurance companies (one month later and my vehicle is still not getting repaired when I got run up the back of)...and how to set up the white team's test of faiths.

I figured, what there really needed to be, was a set of say (5) rules which the group abides by, and the test seeks to teach (beyond doubt) these 5 rules. Kinda like if you dont believe you dont receive. I wont get to put it on paper until the weekend, but there's possibly 5 stages to the test, which should be pretty strenuous. What I dont have, is how other members of white team are to become a part of the training. So any ideas are welcome.

What's the possibility of generating a 'hive mind' for white team? No secrets, common knowledge etc. It'd have it's boundaries of sorts, and I'm not sure if anything like this has been done or is a good idea...

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