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In the Middle of...Somewhere

The book that Bonamius picks off of the shelf is extremely old. The pages are falling apart and the binding barely holds, but there is enough to at least open it up and look at some of the few remaining pages. On them is an odd, rune-like language written both horizontally and diagonally, almost scribbled in places, checkered with small, seemingly magical diagrams...though what, exactly, they show is impossible to decipher.

Victor is, in fact, able to grab the book out of the figure's hands. Though the book looked to be the same transluscent colour at first, grabbing it revealed it to be a brown-backed ancient tome that looked to match many of the others. The figure on the bed jumped slightly when the book was removed, and then immediately began looking around with a rather panicked expression on his face, though he didn't say anything and still didn't seem to take any notice of anyone else.

The book that Victor took from the figure is much like the one Bonamius found on the shelf, filled with seemingly-random notes and magical inscriptions, all of which were written in an odd language that was almost familiar and yet altogether alien. Save for a few pictures of vague humanoids here and there, it was all text and circles and other diagrams.

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Voda Vosa

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Disapointed, the warlock throw the book to his left, which reduce to dust as it touch the floor. The he surprises as the ghostly figure reacted to Victors intromision.
"Wonderful, they do not see as, as if we where the ghosts, he must be thinking, 'wheres my book?' Ha ha ha! Lets see how does he reacts to this!" he says, taking the book self and pulling with all his strength to one side, to make it crumble. "Raaa!"

The bookshelf is, considering its apparent age, surprisingly stable. However, with a bit of work, Bonamius is able to completely topple it and, at the same time, manage to not bring it down on anyone else.

Now standing in front of the bed and looking around curiously, the transparent figure doesn't seem to take any notice of the fallen bookcase. In a short few moments, he walks over to where it was standing and begins to reach up to where it had been, looking as if he is checking the covers of the books despite all of them now scattered across the floor in various states of disrepair.

Voda Vosa

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"This bloody ghost is getting me angry, I should terminate him now" with that said Bonamius manipulates the chaotic energy around him and send a bolt of eldrich energy to the standing ghost.


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Slim, attempting to get close to see the covers of some of the downed books, hastily steps back at Bonamius' outburst. "Goodness," he exclaims to the others, "he means business, doesn't he? Sure doesn't mess around."


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Victor merely shakes his head at Bonamius's outburst. He then turns and steps away from the dwelling and moves on to the next one. He looks over the contents, and tries to find anything of value or anything that would help them survive. Dry wood, food, water. If the books would work well for fire starters, he's gather up a few of them and put them in his backpack.

Bonamius' blast of energy doesn't strike the figure at all, instead going right through it and colliding with the opposite stone wall with enough force to bring down a few stones on the ceiling. Thankfully, they don't hit anyone, but the whole structure seems a bit more unstable than it had been before.

Despite the attack going through it, the figure seems to have at least noticed something odd, looking down at its torso where the blast went through and then opening its mouth and speaking words that didn't have any sound attached to them at all.

Victor, having moved to the next building, finds it empty of any other figures, but not of objects. It is roughly the same build of the other building, circular and one room, but here the ancient fixtures seem more intact than the other. Bookshelves with boxes, books, and other random pieces of junk line one wall, while a series of stacked crates sits next to the entrance. They smell terrible, like something dead or rotted, but the books and other papers that are scattered around do look useful enough for starting a fire.

"Who is that?!" a haunting, unearthly voice echoes into both buildings from outside. It sounds more worried than threatening, though the very feel of the voice is almost enough to chill bones.

Voidrunner's Codex

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