Info from the WotC 2007 January to April Catalog

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Banshee16 said:
Use it :) name's very French, and outside of Quebec, very few anglophones can come even close to pronouncing it. Many don't even bother trying.

It gives me an easy out when telemarkers call. Can I speak with Mr. Blah blah blah? Nope, you have the wrong house,


I'll certainly consider using it when traveling through France in the coming year.


(he, him)
Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Twiggly the Gnome said:
Yea, I'm afraid WotC will use the existence of this book as an excuse not to do a Heroes of Intrigue. :(
They didn't use Races of Destiny as an excuse to not do Cityscape.
Since when do they need to make excuses? They make the books they think will sell, and don't make books they think won't. Excuses don't enter into it.

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philreed said:
That's pretty much exactly what I've been thinking.

Nightfall said:
Funny, Ivid, I felt the exact opposite about this year versus the start of 1st quarter 2007 so far. We'll just have to wait and see.

Of course, one can say nothing with certainty, but this change of release policy is remarkable. Certainly, the time of expanding the settings and going more into the rule structure, is passing.

This might be due to a high fan demand of new adventures, or simply to the fact that one needs the settings to evolve. - Maybe this evolvement will just lead to more d20 updates, like the *revised FRCS* or the *revised revised 3e manual*, but I personally cannot believe that. ;)

Knight Otu

First Post
Ivid said:
This might be due to a high fan demand of new adventures...
I'd say this is it - there was a fan demand that Wizards thought would be filled with d20 products. That didn't happen, though. While several d20 publishers released adventures, those either weren't enough to fill the demand, not "good enough" to fill it, or quite simply not known about. Then there's the whole specific/generic debate that has been explored in other topics, especially about Dragon Magazine.

I'm not saying 4E isn't coming - it'll probably be at least in the last stages of playtesting sometime in 2008, or already out - but extrapolating a pattern from one or two data points is not necessarily accurate. When the Spell Compendium was announced, a few people also mentioned that the AD&D Spell Compendia came out during that edition's 'death knell,' so to speak. History does not necessarily repeat itself.


Eternal Optimist
It should also be noted that Wizards can produce adventures that Dungeon magazine can't - long ones. Although Dungeon can create episodic adventures, by their nature they're not quite as integrated as they could otherwise be (no backtracking to a previous issue, for instance).


Yeah - this sounds convincing to me. :)

After all, the many, many regional sourcebooks released formed settings that still lie to be explored, and most DMs might get tired from having to implement either very short adventures or generic/d20 stuff into their campaigns if they don't want to run something homebrew.

After all, the relaunch of Star Wars under the d20 banner might point out that Wizards isn't tired of 3e yet...

Also, since WotC since the d20 books from WotC apparently continue to sell well, this might be indeed only an answer to the year-long fan demand. :)

Anyway, one will see...


Lots of good stuff...

looking forward to the demon web pits adventure. plus this quote seemed interesting "The adventure uses a new combat encounter format designed to make the DM's job easier and to speed up play."

Hmmm wonder what that is....thoughts?


Gundark said:
Lots of good stuff...

looking forward to the demon web pits adventure. plus this quote seemed interesting "The adventure uses a new combat encounter format designed to make the DM's job easier and to speed up play."

Hmmm wonder what that is....thoughts?

I assume it's a refined version of the delve format that we've already seen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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