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Innocent encounters.

I'm looking for (perhaps 101) innocent encounters. I'm wary of the phrase "red herring" as I don't want to intentionally throw off players/their characters in game.

However, I do feel as though there are not enough options where the villager doesn't turn out to be an archmage/werewolf/villian. I'm looking for suspicion where it leads to either small time problems or no real problems at all.

So, I'm looking for either very low level (1 or 2 max) villians or completely non-conflictual encounters.

To start:

1. The town guard are drunk and pushing an excessive duty/toll on those entering the town.
2. A man has been out late every night for the past month, his wife is concerned.
3. The town herbalist is known to be taking substantial risks to procure more potent herbs.
4. Farmer Brown has been acting very fidgety of late, and panics when people ask him about money.
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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
5. A wagon rolling by loses a wheel and the driver asks help in putting it back on the axle. As you (if you) do so, you notice someone hidden in the hay in the back of the wagon.


Old School Blogger
6 - The town Priest hasn't been himself lately. Townfolks don't know it,but he just got word his sister did from a lethal disease, and he never rose in the ranks high enough to cast Cure Disease. Basically, he's depressed.


A shy young girl gives the PCs an apple.
Thousands of blackbirds in the skeletal branches of dead trees.
A black cat or a raven starts following the PCs.
The PCs discover a cast-away bit of wood, one of their deeds expertly detailed on it.
An eagle circles something in the distance.
Flies buzzing around a dead body.
A pair of young lovers enjoying a secret tryst.
A lone goblin sitting in the shade of a willow, paring an apple.

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
15. A street urchin attempts to pick a PC's pocket.
16. The church bells have rung at an odd hours the last couple nights. (Turns out the bell ringer has been sleepwalking.)
17. A shopkeeper is extremely paranoid about shoplifters, and keeps a loaded crossbow behind the counter.
18. Right as the PCs pass by a pub, a drink troublemaker is thrown out into their midst. The drunkard attempts to follow the PCs.
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First Post
19. A merchant is giving back more change than he was given.
20. Someone sees a villager attempting to follow another one.
21. A travelling minstrel is evasive as to where he was last seen.
22. A farmer or other peasant class person has an item of jewelry or clothing far above what their station would imply.
23. A fish is found with a gem or ring or otherwise expensive trinket in it's stomach.
24. A traveler is chased into town, running from a wolf or other predator before it turns away, rather than run into the town itself.
25. The family of a local noble is coming down with a mysterious illness.

Edit: Did you want possible resolutions as well?
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Well, in terms of resolutions, these could either be plot hooks to something more if needed, or, as I intended, basically are simply people living their lives, with no real hook at all (perhaps beyond solving mundane, non adventuring problems, which can be its own reward).


Young children run through the streets playing with wooden swords.

A dog steals link sausages from a street vendor.

A group of mercenaries is resting at the inn between jobs.

A very pregnant woman struggles to carry a large basket of eggs to the market.


A troupe of halfling acrobats has set up at the edge of town for a performance.

A couple of kids are hiding in the bushes outside the open window of the inn. On the window sill are half a dozen freshly baked fruit pies.

A young couple encounters the party on the road and asks any PC wearing a holy symbol if they are a priest/ess. They want to get married, right now.

The PC's are given short measure when buying supplies from the general store, in violation of local law.

The group notices a teenage kid who seems to be watching them all the time. If any of the party practice their weapons outside, the kid is seen trying to copy their moves holding a stick. Later he or she approaches one of the group, begging to come with them to become a great adventurer.

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
35. A patron in a bar nonchalantly tries to walk off with someone else's drink.
36. A fellow fishing from a bridge snags a small sack from the water, brings it up, looks around, and peers into it.
37. A band of flagellating pilgrims passes down the street moaning in pain and screaming exhortations to their god.
38. A carriage whizzes by at high gallop, followed closely by three horseriders in pursuit. Neither the carriage nor the riders show any moarks that might identify them.
39. A wheel falls off a peasant farmer's cart, spilling a pile of potatos and parsnips onto the ground.
40. A leper begs for alms. Among the folds of his flithy grey cloak, an astute observer might notice a flash of gold: an old but still fuctioning spyglass with brass fittings.

Voidrunner's Codex

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