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Inspired by PotC - Dead Man's Chest: Seaclaimed Creature template


Monster Junkie
Spoiler warning in case you haven't seen the movie.

This is a work in progress. Feel free to offer suggestions for additional random changes.

Seaclaimed Creature (template)

Seafaring humanoids who face death's door while on the ocean's are sometimes paid a visit by the legendary pirate Davy Jones. They are offered an opportunity to avoid death, but in return must swear service to Jones and his ship, the Flying Dutchman, for a term of 100 years. Those who accept this fate are changed, becoming more like the creatures of the sea.

Creating A Seaclaimed Creature

"Seaclaimed" is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A seaclaimed creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature gains the aquatic subtype, but its creature type and other subtypes are unchanged. Size is unchanged.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +1 (this stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has). The creature may gain additional natural armor based on random changes, below.

Speed: A seaclaimed creature gains a swim speed equal to half the normal land speed of the base creature (not including any adjustments for feats, class features, or other effects).

Attacks: A seaclaimed creature retains all the attacks of the base creature and may also gain additional natural attacks based upon its random changes (see below).

Special Attacks: A seaclaimed creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and may also gain additional special attacks based upon its random changes (see below), as well as the following special attack.

Deliver the Black Spot (Su): By making a touch attack against someone who has attempted to escape a bargain with Davy Jones, a seaclaimed creature may place a sickly black spot on the target's right hand. All sailors who see the black spot have their attitude towards that marked one have their attitude shifted one category away toward hostile, and Davy Jones and all who serve him receive a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against the one with the black spot. The mark persists as long as Davy Jones pursues the marked one. A seaclaimed creature may only deliver the black spot on Davy Jones' direct orders.

Special Qualities: A seaclaimed creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the amphibious special quality. It may also gain additional special qualities based upon its random changes (see below).

Amphibious (Ex): A seaclaimed creature can breathe air and water equally well.

Skills: A seaclaimed creature has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can move through water at its Swim speed without making swim checks. The creature can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. The creature can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Random Changes: Upon gaining the template, a seaclaimed creature gains 1d3 of the following changes. For every 10 years of service to the Flying Dutchman, the creature gains an additional change. The DM may determine these changes randomly or choose them.

1 - Lobster Claw (Ex): Creature gains a claw attack that deals damage as apporpiate for a creature of its size. Additionally, it gains the improved grab and constrict abilities (damage equals claw damage plus Str modifier). CR +1. LA +2.

2 - Tentacle-Arms (Ex): One of the creature's arms is replaced by an octopoid tentacle. It loses any claw or slam attack it possessed with that limb, but gains a tentacle attack with damage as appropriate for a creature of its size. This attack has an additional 5 feet of reach than normal for the creature. CR +0. LA +1.

3 - Hammerhead Shark-Head (Ex): The creature gains all-around vision and a bite attack as appropriate for a creature of its size. CR +1. LA +1.

4 - Hermit Crab-Head (Ex?): The creature's head becomes a hermit crab. The creature becomes immune to any attack that requires a creature to possess a head (such as vorpal weapons). Additionally, its head can function as a separate creature. Treat it as a creature two size categories smaller than the base creature, with a land speed of 20 feet, a +5 natural armor bonus, and half the creature's hit points.

5 - Starfish Attached to Face (Ex): Creature gains fast healing 1 from the starfish's blood mingling with its own. CR +0. LA +1.

6 - Puffer Fish-Head (Ex): The creature's head becomes a puffer fish. When angered or frightened, its head inflates. This grants it a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Additionally, the creature gains a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poison. CR +0. LA +0.

7 - Lobster Carapace (Ex): The creature gains a lobsterlike carapace, further increasing its natural armor by an additional +5. CR +0. LA +1.

8 - Jellyfish Tentacles (Ex): The creature grows a pair of jellyfishlike tentacles somewhere on its neck or torso. The creature can transfer grappled victims to its tentacles as a move action. The tentacles grapple with the same strength as the creature's other natural attacks but deal no damage. However, they exude a paralytic secretion. Anyone held in the tentacles must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the creature's HD + the creature's Con modifier) each round on the seaclaimed creature's turn or be paralyzed for 6 rounds. CR +1. LA +1.

9 - Shipwalk (Su): As a full-round action, a seaclaimed creature with this modification may meld its body into a ship it is touching and appear out of another ship within 300 ft. The seaclaimed creature must be able to see its destination. The creature's skin takes on the appearance of rotting wood. CR +0. LA +1.

10 - Barnacle Hands (Ex): Numerous barnacles grow from the creature's hand, granting it a permanent spider climb effect. CR +0. LA +1.

11 - Lamprey Mouth (Ex): The creature's mouth twists into the shape of that of a lamprey. The creature gains a bite attack that deals damage as normal for a creature of its size. If it hits with its bite attack, it latches onto the opponent’s body and automatically deals bite damage each round it remains attached. An attached seaclaimed creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC, and can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached seaclaimed creature through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the seaclaimed creature. A seaclaimed creature that begins its turn drains blood, dealing 1d2 points of Constitution damage each round it remains attached. CR +1. LA +2.

12 - Angler Fish Jaws (Ex): The creature's mouth transforms into the oversized jaws of an angler fish, granting it a bite attack that deals damage appropriate to a creature one size category larger than the seaclaimed creature. CR +0. LA +1.

13 - Fishguts (Su): A seaclaimed creature with this change has its innards replaced with dead, rotting fish. Lacking vital organs, the creature is immune to critical hits and sneak attacks. CR: +1. LA +1.

14 - Anenome Head (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's head resembles a brightly-coloured sea anenome. As a free action, the creature may cause its head to glow with furious color, granting it a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks for 1 round. CR: +0. LA +0.

15 - Manta Wings (Ex): The creature grows a pair of powerful pectoral fins like those of a manta ray, which allow it to glide through the water at greater speed. Add +20 ft. to the creature's swim speed. CR +0. LA +0.

16 - Stingray Tail (Ex): A barbed, whiplike tail grows from the creature ending it a venomous stinger, granting it a sting attack as a secondary natural attack that deals damage as appropriate for a creature of its size. The tail is poisonous (Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 seaclaimed creature's HD + seaclaimed creature's Con modifier, initial damage nauseated 1d4 hours, secondary damage 1d3 Dex). A creature that makes its saving throw against the poison's initial damage is instead sickened for 1d6 rounds. CR +1. LA +1.

17 - Bioluminescence (Ex): Numerous patches of bioluminescent matter dot the seaclaimed creature, giving off light equal to a torch. It can suppress this illumination or restore it once per round as a free action. CR +0. LA +0.

18 - Whiskers (Su): Catfishlike barbels sprout from the seaclaimed creature's face, neck, or shoulders. This grants it blinsense to a range of 30 feet in water. CR +0. LA +1.

19 - Bull Shark's Strength (Ex): The seaclaimed creature has the strength and testosterone of a bull shark. It gains a +4 bonus on bull rush attacks. CR +0. LA +0.

20 - Flotsam-dotted Hide (Ex): Bits of flotsam (such as broken bits of masts, hull, and even captain's wheels) dot the creatures hide, granting it a +2 armor bonus, but also imposing a -2 armor check penalty. CR +0. LA +0.

21 - Ink Cloud (Ex): While submerged, the seaclaimed creature can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the creature normally uses to escape a losing fight. All vision within the cloud is obscured. CR +0. LA +0 (+1 in an aquatic campaign).

22 - Krill Laden (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's body is full of krill, and can release a cloud of these tiny crustaceans once per day that appears adjacent to the seaclaimed creature. The swarm returns to the seaclaimed creature's body in 1 minute. If destroyed, a new swarm grows within the creature in 24 hours. Treat this as a spider swarm, with the following adjustments:
  • Speed: Swim 20 ft.
  • Attack and Full Attack: Swarm (1d6)
  • Special Attacks: Distraction
  • Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +11
  • Skills: A krill swarm has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. It uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier for Swim checks. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

23 - Electric Eelflesh (Ex): Once per round, the seaclaimed creature can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 5 feet. This attack deals 2d8 points of electricity damage to living opponents (Reflex half, DC = 10 + 1/2 seaclaimed creature's HD + seaclaimed creature's Con modifier). CR +1. LA +1.

24 - Urchin Spines (Ex): The creature sprouts spines like those of a sea urchin over its body. Any creature grappling the seaclaimed creature takes piercing damage equal to a claw attack of a creature of the sealaimed creature's size. CR +0. LA +0.

25 - Webbed Digits (Ex): The creature's hands and/or feet are webbed, granting it a +4 bonus on Swim checks. CR +0. LA +0.

26 - Spongeflesh (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's flesh takes on the texture of a sea sponge, granting it damage reduction 5/slashing or piercing. CR +1. LA +1.

27 - Kelpcreeper (Ex): The seaclaimed creature sprouts protrusions like those of a sea dragon, granting it a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas of aquatic vegetation. CR +0. LA +0.

28 - Seaslime (Ex): A slimy layer of mucus covers the seaclaimed creature's body, granting it a +4 bonus on Escape Artist checks. CR +0. LA +0.

29 - Shellfish Patches (Ex): Patches of mussels and similar shelfish grow over the seaclaimed, providing an additional +1 natural armor bonus and a 25% chance to ignore extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. CR +1. LA +1.

30 - Tangling Seaweed (Ex): Long strands of kelp and similar plants grow from the seaclaimed creature's body. The seaclaimed can make touch attacks with a reach 5 ft farther than the creature's normal reach and gains a +2 racial bonus on grapple checks. CR +0. LA +0.

31 - Coral Encrustation (Ex): Part of the creature's body is encased in coral. This provides a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Reduce the creature's Dexterity by 1d4. CR +0. LA +0.

32 - Spit Sand (Su): 3/day, the creature can spew wet globs of sand at an opponent within 15 feet. On a failed Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 seaclaimed creature's HD + seaclaimed creature's Con modifier), the opponent is blinded for 1d4 rounds. CR +1. LA +1.

33 - Gummy Secretions (Ex): The creature can exude a sticky secretion from its body. It has a +4 bonus on Climb and grapple checks. Most of the creature's treasure can be found stuck to its body as a form of decoration. CR +0. LA +0.

34 - Blindsense (Ex): The creature can sense the electrical impulses of other living things, giving it blindsense 60 feet. CR +0. LA +1.

35 - Tusks (Ex): A pair of walrus-like tusks grow from the creature's mouth (if it has one), giving it a bite attack with damage as appropriate for a creature of its size. CR +0. LA +0.

36 - Cartilagenous Skeleton (Ex): The creature's skeleton (if it has one) becomes soft and pliable. It gains a +8 bonus on Escape Artist checks and DR 5/slashing and piercing. CR +1. LA +1.

37 - Flipper Feet (Ex): The creature's feet become flippers. Its swim speed improves to its normal base land speed, but its base land speed is then reduced by half. CR +0. LA +0.

38 - Cold Dead Eyes of a Shark (Su): The creature gains a gaze attack that inspires fear in other creatures. This gaze attack has a range of 30 feet. A creature that fails a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 seaclaimed creature's HD + seaclaimed creature's Cha modifier) is shaken for 1d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that seaclaimed creature's gaze attack for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. CR +0. LA +1.

39 - Sea Snail's Eyestalks (Ex): The creatures eyes extend outward on stalks like those of a sea snail, granting it a +4 bonus on Spot checks. CR +0. LA +0.

40 - Driftwood Head (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's head takes on the consistency of driftwood, granting it a +2 bonus on Will saves. CR +0. LA +0.

41 - Gulper Mouth (Ex): The seaclaimed creature grows a distended jaw and a huge, pouchy gullet. It gains the swallow whole special attack and can swallow creatures up to one size category smaller. Its gullet holds one creature of one size category smaller, two of two size categories smaller, 4 of three size categories smaller, 8 of four size categories smaller, 16 of five size categories smaller, and 32 of six or more size categories smaller. The Armor Class of the seaclaimed creature's gullet is 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon by dealing damage equal to 10 + the seaclaimed creature's Con modifier to the gullet. CR +1. LA +1.

42 - Chromatic Skin (Ex): The seaclaimed creature has the ability to change the color of its skin in complicated and stunning patterns. It can communicate without speech with other seaclaimed creatures that can see these colors (thus darkvision does not work) using these colors. The creature also gains a +8 bonus on Hide checks. CR +0. LA +1.

43 - Sea Lure (Ex): The seaclaimed creature sprouts a glowing, mesmerizing bioluminescent extension that it can use to mesmerizes others. Any creature within 30 feet of the seaclaimed creature must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 seaclaimed creature's HD + seaclaimed creature's Cha modifier) or be fascinated for 1d6 rounds. If the seaclaimed creature attempts to harm the victim, the effect is immediately broken. This is a mind-affecting ability. CR +1. LA +1.

44 - Anchor Arm (Ex): A boat anchor on a length of chain replaces one of the seaclaimed creature's arms. Treat this arm as a spiked chain appropriate for the creature's size that can never be disarmed. This is a natural attack, so no Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat is needed. The creature may not use the arm for any other functions, such as wielding a weapon, a shield, material components, etcs. CR +0. LA +1.

45 - Blubber (Ex): The natural insulation of the massive amount of blubber on the seaclaimed creature's body gives it immunity to cold. The leathery skin that holds the rolling frame grants a +4 natural armor bonus. Reduce the creature's Dexterity by -4. CR +1, LA +2.

46 - Gut Eel (Su): Your stomach is an empty hole that has become the nest of a moray eel. Once per round, this eel can strike out at an opponent within 5 feet of you with a +4 bonus to hit. On a successful attack, it does 1d6 damage with a bite. This eel is supernatural and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. It can be pulled from your stomach but it reappears there on your next turn. CR +1, LA +1.

47 - Blindsight (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's porpoiselike mouth allows it to “see” by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allows it to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the seaclaimed creature to rely on its vision. CR +1, LA +2.

48 - Leechlike Mouth (Ex): Attach (Ex): If the seaclamied creature hits with its bite attack, it uses its suckerlike mouth to latch onto the opponent’s body. It deals no additional damage when it is attached, but it drains blood (see below). An attached seaclamied creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC. An attached seaclamied creature can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached seaclamied creature through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the creature. A seaclamied creature that is attached to its opponent deals 1 point of Constitution damage per round. CR +1, LA +3.

49 - Drown (Su): The seaclamied creature can make a special touch attack to try to fill an opponent's lungs with water. The opponent can resist this effect with a Fortitude save (DC equals 10 + 1/2 seaclamied creature's HD + seaclamied creature's Charisma modifier). On a failed save the opponent begins to drown. CR +1, LA +2.

50 - Siren's Song (Su): The seaclamied creature can attempt to beguile creatures with its song. The seaclamied creature sings, targeting a single creature it can see within 300 feet. This is a sonic, mind-affecting ability, and the creature must be able to hear the seaclamied creature for it to take effect. The targeted creature must make a Will save (DC equals 10 + 1/2 seaclamied creature's HD + seaclamied creature's Charisma modifier). If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected by that seaclamied creature's song for one day. Failure indicates the creature is utterly beguiled and moves toward the seaclamied creature, taking the most direct route available. If that path leads into a dangerous area (such as very deep or fast-moving water) the beguiled creature gets a second saving throw. A beguiled creature may take no actions other than defending himself. A beguiled victim who moves within 5 feet of the seaclamied creature must make a Will saving throw (same DC) or be charmed as per charm monster cast by an 8th-level sorcerer. Success means that the character is freed from the beguilement and is immune to that seaclamied creature's beguiling song for 24 hours. The beguiling effect continues so long as the seaclamied creature sings. A seaclamied creature does not need to continue to sing to keep a victim charmed. CR +1, LA +2.

Environment: Any aquatic.
Challenge Rating: Varies. Total the modifiers of the random changes to determine the CR adjustment.
Level Adjustment: Varies. Total the modifiers of the random changes to determine the LA.
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More ability ideas

Shipwalk (Su): As a full-round action, a seaclaimed creature may meld its body into a ship it is touching and appear out of another ship within 300 ft. The seaclaimed creature must be able to see its destination.

Deliver the Black Spot (Su): By making a touch attack against someone who has attempted to escape a bargain with Davy Jones, a seaclaimed creature may place a sickly black spot on the target's right(?) hand. All sailors who see the black spot have their attitude towards that marked one have their attitude shifted one category away toward hostile, and Davy Jones and all who serve him receive a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against the one with the black spot. The mark persists as long as Davy Jones pursues the marked one. A seaclaimed creature may only deliver the black spot on Davy Jones' direct orders.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
You know, I was just going to give skum class levels and cosmetic changes... but this works too. Very nicely. I like SoW's black spot mechanic, too. Clever.

Demiurge out.


First Post
You know, I always wanted to know how to create these guys. Very good work.

How about the undead pirates from the first movie now ? Seem like a hybrid between a zombie and a skeleton, unvulnerable unless standing in moonlight.


Creature Cataloguer
ah, cool, i was wondering why the captain guy looked like cthulhu, and now it makes sense. ;)


Monster Junkie
Servitor of Wrath said:
Shipwalk (Su): As a full-round action, a seaclaimed creature may meld its body into a ship it is touching and appear out of another ship within 300 ft. The seaclaimed creature must be able to see its destination.

Deliver the Black Spot (Su): By making a touch attack against someone who has attempted to escape a bargain with Davy Jones, a seaclaimed creature may place a sickly black spot on the target's right(?) hand. All sailors who see the black spot have their attitude towards that marked one have their attitude shifted one category away toward hostile, and Davy Jones and all who serve him receive a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against the one with the black spot. The mark persists as long as Davy Jones pursues the marked one. A seaclaimed creature may only deliver the black spot on Davy Jones' direct orders.

I like those, and will add 'em. :cool:

Servitor of Wrath said:
How about the undead pirates from the first movie now ? Seem like a hybrid between a zombie and a skeleton, unvulnerable unless standing in moonlight.

We can try to tackle them as well. That sounds like a good start.

BOZ said:
ah, cool, i was wondering why the captain guy looked like cthulhu, and now it makes sense.

It's a fun movie if you get a chance to see it...D&Dish things galore!


First Post
Ha ha ha ha! I love it, love it, love it! :lol:

A couple of things I'd like to suggest... When Will slashed that one crewman across the belly and, instead of intestines, dead, rotting fish spewed out... Any possible game effect for that? I thought it was quite disgustingly cool... :]

Also, I noticed another crewman, Palifico, had a head like a sort of brightly-coloured red sea anenome/coral creature... Any effects for that? Maybe the creature's head glows a furious red at will, granting them a bonus to Intimidate checks?

And what about Davy Jones himself? No squid-head random change? ;)


Props To You

I really like this template! Most excellent. Now here is the million GP question. Can you...or someone do a write up of good ol' Davey Jones and/or some of the notable sailors on the Flying Dutchman?


First Post
Personally, I'd peg Davy Jones as a rogue/barbarian, possibly epic. He is, after all, 'The Devil Of The Deeps'... ;)


Monster Junkie
Olly said:
A couple of things I'd like to suggest... When Will slashed that one crewman across the belly and, instead of intestines, dead, rotting fish spewed out... Any possible game effect for that? I thought it was quite disgustingly cool... :]

Indeed that was cool. How's this?

Fishguts (Su): A seaclaimed creature with this change has its innards replaced with dead, rotting fish. Lacking vital organs, the creature is immune to critical hits and sneak attacks. CR: +1. LA +1.

Olly said:
Also, I noticed another crewman, Palifico, had a head like a sort of brightly-coloured red sea anenome/coral creature... Any effects for that? Maybe the creature's head glows a furious red at will, granting them a bonus to Intimidate checks?

Excellent suggestion.

Anenome Head (Ex): The seaclaimed creature's head resembles a brightly-coloured sea anenome. As a free action, the creature may cause its head to glow with furious color, granting it a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks for 1 round. CR: +0. LA +0.

Olly said:
And what about Davy Jones himself? No squid-head random change? ;)

I wasn't sure if the template should be able to duplicate Mr. Jones entirely. What do you think?

Aries_Omega said:
I really like this template! Most excellent. Now here is the million GP question. Can you...or someone do a write up of good ol' Davey Jones and/or some of the notable sailors on the Flying Dutchman?

Thanks! I might give it a shot. :)

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