D&D 5E Integrating a story-resistant player

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Yay for first session! Boo that people didn't make it. Good luck with forming a stable party.
One reason I aimed to start with a bigger group... room for attrition, if people left the game. Even if you end up with a party imbalance, story trumps stats, and I can adjust difficulty on the fly.


I never ask players to develop a big backstory at first, because, to put it bluntly, not every low-level character makes it to the top of Tier 1.

Plus, having one or two players with 'mystery backgrounds', so to speak, leaves you a little room as DM to 'fill that in' on your own if it makes for an interesting plot hook or story point later in the campaign.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
This seems multiple red signs. I would actually cut them now before their character has ever had any interaction with the group, so their exit does not affect the ongoing narrative.

If he replies to your missive and seems contrite and willing to change, tell him the minimum you need from him is his call to adventure - why does he wander and help people?


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Personally, I would not re-invite someone who ghosted the first session. I just don't see that sort of relationship ending well.
Mistakes happen. I wouldn't assume someone 'ghosted' the first session rather than actually forgot. That said, in this situation, it does sound like he isn't all that engaged with the game anyway - so it's no wonder he forgot, it that's what he truly did.

Voidrunner's Codex

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