
Might be easiest if we know each other. Daxio is kind of a court wizard type, but a bit mercenary. He's kind of a "fixer", though not violent. He knows people that can get things done, trades favors for favors, power behind the throne, kingmaker type. I could definitely see the kobold maybe hiring him, for enough money, perhaps.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I would help especially if you promise to promote the idea that Thunderscale kobolds are helping, holding off Drow and their demonic allies, scouting, guiding humans through the forest and similar.

Oh, I also updated the lore file for the game. No need to read it, but for those who want to take a peek, it has two pages on the provinces and Ministry religion. Nothing major, and as usual it can be changed, according to your needs and preferences! (@Neurotic, I'm well aware of your taste for elaborate backgrounds, so feel free to change the world as you see fit!)
Permission to access request sent.

I did not see this link the first time.

I went to the RG thread to look at other histories to find points where Zyara might have met the others but not everyone is posted in the thread and not all entries there have histories. Can you get those posted or post links to where we might find your character histories?

As for Zyara, she is basically a wandering traveler. She tries to help those she can. So she could have run into anybody at any time and helped them with some mission and the gone separate ways afterward.


I went to the RG thread to look at other histories to find points where Zyara might have met the others but not everyone is posted in the thread and not all entries there have histories. Can you get those posted or post links to where we might find your character histories?

As for Zyara, she is basically a wandering traveler. She tries to help those she can. So she could have run into anybody at any time and helped them with some mission and the gone separate ways afterward.

LOL Sorry! I didn't have a huge history in my head for Daxio, just some talking points. I was more concerned with getting a high level character right at the time. What I gave above is essentially it. Low noble background, working his way up in Laholt, trying to make himself "indispensable" to someone important, working as a kind of "fixer" to get things done for powerful, influential people.

Cool! Sorry for the lapse with the info! I’ll replace the links quente I’m back today! Nice ideas for our start! If you guys have more let me know! I got the hook outlined!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cool! Sorry for the lapse with the info! I’ll replace the links quente I’m back today! Nice ideas for our start! If you guys have more let me know! I got the hook outlined!

In Moss' background there is reference to dragon oracle :) That is Shayuri link.

Voidrunner's Codex

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