"You will be traveling to the Middle Menthis Plateau, in that section of the city you will find the Little Plains district, a place with which you are no doubt familiar. Many halflings reside there so you will have no difficulty going unnoticed. There is a bar there, the Glidewings Perch, where you can find your contact. His name is Rupa, and is the barkeep there."
He turns to Bloodtalon and says, "Your task will be much more dangerous I'm afraid. There are few places outside of Khyber's Gate where you can make contact with the Daask. Of our limited choices, the Callestan district in the Lower Dura is the one you'll use to reach them. It's a district with numerous inns and was a former stronghold of the Boromar clan. In the last two years however the Daask has been raiding it heavily and forced the Boromar clan back. Other criminal organizations are also moving into the power vacuum left by the retreating Boromar, creating a crossroads of criminals so to speak. Look for the inn called "Sky's Shelter". There are usually more than a few goblinoids there and they should be able to put you in contact with the Daask. Unfortunately I don't have a specific person to send you to. The Daask is a very fluid organization and it can be difficult to maintain ties."