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Into the World, Chapter One


"Sounds like we've got ourselves a plan then. While Trid's out gatherin I'd like ta share this fella with yall. That is if one of ya will help me fix it? Rosette is a fair cook ifin I recall, And when Trid gets back we can toss in some o them berries." Riggan tucks a tuft of unruly red hair back under his prized coonskin cap before continuing. "I've not seen mutch more than bird food out there myself but then Trid always knew better where ta look. Sometimes i get tha feeling tha woods just like thatn."

"Things are lookin fair fer once." He thought to himself, "Why dose that worry me?"

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Amazing Triangle

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Trid sets out to go forage in the woods for food. He smiles to himself as he walks, the woods are such a peaceful place. As he goes he finds quite a few roots and enough berries to last a while, but not with our numbers. Maybe stone soup would help it last longer. If we could just find some meat we could last a lot longer out here. Well if we leave this place maybe food would be easier to find.

When Trid returns, "Hey guys. I thinkin' that we should make stew with this stuff. We gots us a bit of a trip at least a couple of days. This ain't gonna make it more than a day or so. So what we planning to do where we planning to go? Anyone actually know anythin' about the surroundin' area? I only know the woods...not what is beyond it only been a half days walk at best."

[sblock=OOC] How many people do we have since I have 8 rations? I know I will have to eat tonight so down to 7. Who else needs one? So every day we will have to "take 10" and I will either roll or take ten one I could not get any the other get 2ish.[/sblock]


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The lifelong friends found solice in their company that night. A party was forming, and from this point on, these people would depend on each other for their lives. Their fates were now in each others hand, and destiny awaited. As the sound of the crackling fire began to dim, some began to dream of riches in far off lands, while others stirred in restless slumber at the uncertain horrors which would certainly await them aloung their path to glory.

The party members awaken the next morning to the sound of a bustling town, of crowds of people leaving. Carts packed to the brim, with their masters walking aside their steeds, the few families in tow, were double timing their way out of town.

Before they could even question the townsfolk as to this sudden, albiet unsuprising, exodus, it became clear all at once. The smell of smoke turned the parties attention to the answer to their query, the blacksmith shop was in flames. A man, dressed in black, lay face down in the dirt with a dagger sticking out of his back. There was no mistaking it, the blacksmith was dead. Karma struck a deadly blow.

With the thorps only source of survival now laying face down in the dirt embraing the last grand adventure, it was apparent that this town was no more. What little life that was left of this backwater corner was draining into the dirt.


Charlie stands a few feet from the corpse while taking the scene in. "Wow, is he dead? I ain't never seen a dead person before. And look at that dagger: someone killed 'im!" The thought that the blacksmith was murdered comes as a genuine shock to the boy. He has difficulty understanding that sort of emotion - the intense anger that leads one to cause suffering in another. He thinks, He deserved a good beating for what he did to Mikhail, but death? That's too much...

The boy comes out of his reverie to the realization that the time to leave town has come. He says to his friends, "I'd say we should make like the others and head out of town. So where do we want to go? Voso? Barlonis? Bastoken?"

[sblock=rolls]Charlie would like to make some knowledge checks to see what he knows about those 3 towns. He is untrained in knowledge (except religion, which probably doesn't apply), so these are all straight d20 int checks.
Knowledge (local): d20[/sblock]


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[sblock=Quoting Dekana]"I'd say we should make like the others and head out of town. So where do we want to go? Voso? Barlonis? Bastoken?"

[sblock=rolls]Charlie would like to make some knowledge checks to see what he knows about those 3 towns. He is untrained in knowledge (except religion, which probably doesn't apply), so these are all straight d20 int checks.
Knowledge (local): d20[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=For Dekana only] Your results: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1527888/
Barlonis is to the northeast. Your thorp is quite familiar with this city. Its mostly a mining town, but you know there are some smaller training guilds. This town is almost two weeks away to the north. Your thorp has traded with this city the most, and gypsy merchants from Barlonis have supplied Sidel in the past.

Voso is to the southeast. Not much is known about this town. It is about two to three weeks due south. Once an adventurous lad traveled to Voso, and came back with stories of beautiful people and pubcrawling marathons. Not too many details there.

Bastoken is the biggest mystery. Nobody is quite sure how far away it is. There has never been any visitors from this city due east from Sidel. Two attempts have been made to travel to this city. Two groups of adventurous people from your thorp have set out. One party never returned. The other party had one survivor, coming back completely out of his mind, muttering something about monsters without skin on their heads, and cloaked black creatures that fell from the trees, devouring his friends.

Anyone who has ventured to the West has never returned. That leads to the Shadow Forest, and the end of the world so you've been told. The forest is so dark its said that travelers simply never see the edge coming, they just fall to oblivion.
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While he ponders the sky, Riggan tries to think of what he's heard about the nearby towns.
[sblock=OOC]Survival, Weather Sense: D20+4
Knowledge(untrained): D20+1[/sblock]
"Has anyone seen Reun?" Riggan suddenly asks with concern. "Dose he know his paw's dead? Has he any other family to look to? I know he's done some bad things for his paw; but if he's nowhere else to go should we ask him to join us?"


After thinking over some stories he knows about the nearby towns, Charlie makes a recommendation to the group. "Barlonis and Voso are each around a fortnight away. Barlonis is a mining town, and if I had to guess I'd say some of the grown-ups that are leaving are heading there. I think it'd be a good place to hole up in. And I don't know much about Voso, but it sounds like a nice enough place."

"Folks who go to Bastoken or the Shadow Forest usually end up dead, so I wouldn't suggest we head that way."

In response to Riggan's concerns, Charlie says, "The way the shop is lit up, I'd be amazed if Reun couldn't see the smoke from a mile away. We should ask one of the townsfolk about what happened; maybe save ourselves some time instead of lookin' for him blind."


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"I just hope the lord doesn't think we did it. I certainly know I didn't," Malixus adds, as he thinks about what he knows about the towns mentioned.

[sblock=OOC]Malixus is making Knowledge: Arcana and Knowledge: The Planes checks, to try to see if he knows anything about magician's guilds or planar effects associated with any of the aforementioned locations.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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