(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 3)

Edena, I'm not planning to kill the Union of Oerth... But the fact that he is creating a own place to gather petitioners in the Plane of a Intermediate Goddes.. don't think she will allow that.... So I'm wondering what she does about this... Modrons the same.. they like peace and order and no newcomers.....

So I didn't mean war or something like that on Oerth.. just the fact that I think that regarding info on Gods... Formians.. and Modrons.. they will kick the God Emperors city of gold right out of Mechanus in no time at all.....
You can't just walk into a plane and think you can claim a spot there as not even full god. Formians are living there for thousands upon thousands of years and they control a great part of the infinate plane that is known so they are VERY powerfull, the Modrons are even more powerfull then the Formians on Mechanus.. I I'm wondering what they will do.. and there I need Edena for to make a ruling :)


Alzem, the same goes for you as went for Mina and for Kas.... I can't be contacted since there is noone of my faction you can find... and if you can find some formian party in the underdark, that will be in our region and you will be attacked.. Stay out of my territory and you really can't find anyone to talk to. And like I said when I get out I'll need a great IC update....... ow btw you can contact me in 1 way... good luck finding out. Once a day I think you can find me somewhere for a little while. Someone here knows very well for what and where since we enjoy ourselves very much each day :D


Tnx Edena on the answers futher.. I'll be seeying the results when we start next turn or during it or after it... Let me say this:
I will not ask any questions or things can be done or if they will succed... I will just attempt things and I'll see how they fare and if they worked... I suggest others do the same... some things might work.. others might not...
And it keeps things exiting for who knows what in some gods name might actually happen when you try something.. something you REALLY weren't planning for (I can talk about that personally in this IR hehehe).


Edena have you got any Idea when WIlliam will be back so we van start our next turn? Because I must know that .. since I can create my template then.. And I'm gonna spend a second mail on a project I'm sure you will enjoy :D But I'll send that mail right before we start so it's complete and no other things might devellop before we start so I gotta spend another mail on updates on it.....
So when you decide a date to start you can expect 2 mails from me... The template and the 4 things I'm planning... ow joy, this is going to be very very funny when I get this done and if I get it done hehe..

1 hint on something... Forrester called anabstercorian the greatest Psion.. well he's not and I'm intending to secure the place of the most powerfull Psionic entity in greyspace at least :)
just a matter of pride :)

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First Post
Forsaken: Unless your Entire territory is your secrete place then you can be conacted. All I have to do it contact any of your race using 10th level magic and you will know what I said. Or I could just take one, and you would learn that way when they were released. but if you want to play with your fingers in your ears poking your head out yelling gimme gimme every so often than that is fine.

Edena if Forsaken's entire area is his Secret Place then I do not contact him. If it is not then I do.
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Edena, Melkor is looking closely at Mina during the conference, is the aura that he senses from her roughly similar in terms of power to those of his Avatar? Also what was her reaction when she was adressed by Melkor as Takhisis( I think Melkor has quite high Sense Motive).

Melkor adresses the messanger of Acerarak:

Tell Acererak The Transcendent One that he will gain much if he forgets about his grudge and forgives God-Emperor! For his supremacy upon The Undeath can`t be denied, and no one would dare to haunt his children if he joins with us, and they shall be free to pray upon the living, and Darkness and Death will reign supreme as our enemies shatter in fear!
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First Post
Well then.

Anabstercorian responds telepathically to Alzem's question.
<< Indeed. While I appreciate the philosophies of this Mina, close as they are to my own, I do not enjoy competition, and I have seen your power. I will fight along side you against Mina, and Melkor. I must discuss things with my other allies... We have our own desires and intentions, and I do not wish to form alliances that I cannot keep. >>
<< Recently I have learned the hard way that snap-decisions get you promptly killed... I will require time to think about this. >>
<< If I do join you, I would ask that you use your immense angelic power to help me restock my personal arsenal - My escape from the Shade was a bit hasty, and I came home naked. They've taken all of my nice toys. >>
<< However, since a creature of your power can create a Wish spell daily, I believe that you would be able to quickly recreate my magical arsenal. >>
<< If you do this, I will likely join you... But to be frank, I am somewhat baffled by this new web of alliances. >>

<< Tell me if this is correct. >>

<< Mina has asked Melkor to ally with the Union of Oerth, correct? Somehow I doubt that the Union of Oerth will be too keen on that... At any rate, I have some influence in the Union of Oerth. I'll try and talk them out of it. Melkor by himself is too blunt to be much of a threat - All he understands is violence. But the Union... They're clever bastards. We want them on our side. >>

<< And, of course, everyone hates Melkor. Even I hate the smug Ilsensine-wannabe. I'm sure we'll be able to arrange something... >>

<< Forrester - I will meet you at Pezano's again, should you desire. I apologize for threatening your daughter with death, but I was extremely tense at the time... The True Staff is addictive, and I craved it greatly, enough to prevent me from rational action. >>
<< Tell me - Has any progress been made on the Gated Fusion Cannon? Should this device be feasible, it will give us a great advantage in the coming wars - And you know there will be coming wars. >>


First Post
Re: Well then.

Anabstercorian said:
Anabstercorian responds telepathically to Alzem's question.
<< Indeed. While I appreciate the philosophies of this Mina, close as they are to my own, I do not enjoy competition, and I have seen your power. I will fight along side you against Mina, and Melkor. I must discuss things with my other allies... We have our own desires and intentions, and I do not wish to form alliances that I cannot keep. >>
<< Recently I have learned the hard way that snap-decisions get you promptly killed... I will require time to think about this. >>
<< If I do join you, I would ask that you use your immense angelic power to help me restock my personal arsenal - My escape from the Shade was a bit hasty, and I came home naked. They've taken all of my nice toys. >>
<< However, since a creature of your power can create a Wish spell daily, I believe that you would be able to quickly recreate my magical arsenal. >>
<< If you do this, I will likely join you... But to be frank, I am somewhat baffled by this new web of alliances. >>

<< Tell me if this is correct. >>

<< Mina has asked Melkor to ally with the Union of Oerth, correct? Somehow I doubt that the Union of Oerth will be too keen on that... At any rate, I have some influence in the Union of Oerth. I'll try and talk them out of it. Melkor by himself is too blunt to be much of a threat - All he understands is violence. But the Union... They're clever bastards. We want them on our side. >>

<< And, of course, everyone hates Melkor. Even I hate the smug Ilsensine-wannabe. I'm sure we'll be able to arrange something... >>

That is correct, but Kas has allready agreed that Mina is to be granted safety inside the Union, and she has brought 1000PL of troops here for him to use at his disposal. As for your weapons, after Mina and her allies are crushed we will attempt to retreive them, if not then we will see. As for the Alliances I do only what must be done to save this world, as on Toril. You might not believe but I greive daily for what had to happen at the end, but I saw no other way, and there was no time. Who knows, in time I might even be able to help you find a home of your own.
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First Post
To Anabstercorian

Yes, a nice dinner, to discuss the dizzying changes that are transpiring, would do us both good, I think.

I am consulting my Scro allies to determine what they know of this Mina character, what her intentions might be, and why she wishes to come from Krynn to Oerth. Puzzling . . . very, very puzzling.


The Kingdom of Ulek (and me) is overwhelmed by what is going on.

ooc I really have no idea what has transpired even after reading it all, haha.

The Emerald Order continues to do what it said it does in its intial charter.
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As for now you can't contacted me, cause I'm 100% in my secret place. But I'm intending to come out and check my perimitars quite soon... and if yu search really well you might find me in one of my sparring and training battles i fight often... and with who.. well if you find me I'll tell you!:)

So you'll have to wait a while.... I'll let you know when I'm gonna go sparring or send out patrolls.

'o Skoteinos

First Post

Right, some things that weren't clear:

1) The Vision Project.

First I asked if I could do it. You replied that I needed Gnomeworks. Then Gnomeworks said he was helping me. You replied that *I* needed at least 12 more points in the Tech Arms Race. But now that Gnomeworks is helping me, can the project start, with some chance of succes?

2) Gestalt

You had a reply where you gave a case by case describtion of your rulings, though I still don't know anything, because the options were mutually exclusive.

Choose one of these:

(q: What happens if a Gestalted creature gets Duplicated)?

1) The complete creature is Duplicated.

2) The complete creature is Duplicated, then 'falls apart' into all the different people (thus having 21 people from the example).

3) The only thing to be Duplicated is the caster, even though he is part of something bigger and does no longer excist for the purpose of this spell.

Also, something I haven't metioned before, but which it does state specifically in the spell: You *cannot* make a Duplicate Permanent. Never. (maybe 10th lvl magic will change this, but normal magic can't).

Also, I'm going to make another version of Gestalt:

Duration: From 1 minute / level to Instantaneous.
Save: None
SR: None
Special: Subjects must be willing.
Special: The creature with the highest intelligence will be able to shift control each round
(he is in control, but can assign control to others on a round to round basis).
Special: The Two Weapon Fighting and the Ambidexterity feats that you normally gain when you cast the spell are exchanged for Multidexterity and Multi Weapon Fighting.

Edena Only


Another New Research:

I will try to make a spell that removes me (the caster) from any time stream (either future or past) and anchors me in "the present". I will try to remove myself from any strange dimensions and other plane stuff where I live simutaneously too. I will call it something like "Time Anchor" or something.

Another New Project:

I will try to combine some qualities of a "Thaqqa" with my wormformed Orcs. (thaqqua is the thing with a glowing hot nose, iirc). I will try to make that nose (or the whole worm if possible) really hot, so hot it can melt through metal and other strange things (like, say, a barrier around the riftkrag :rolleyes:).

If this can't be achieved though magic, I will try the technological way: I will make some very small burners (powered by magic), that can be operated by worms that can burn though metal.

If that can't be done, I will make some modifications to the "passwall" spell, like really little holes (less heigth and width), but far lenthier (greater depth) and able to penetrate most barriers (even magical ones). Scince most of my orcs can learn magic, I will try to teach it to them. If it can't be taught, I will make some magic items that duplicate that effect.[/color]
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