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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 5)


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I've been invited to the LF, haven't been around there though. Really didn't see the purpose of it. I had no idea who knew about the LF and who didn't. I do recall a post a while back, Edena stating: "I haven't been invited and yet I'm the moderator." It's probably not the exact statement, but I figured the LF was well known to everyone.

The thing I can not understand is why NOW everything seems to burst. Everything went fine untill now, or almost fine. Maybe I'm playing IR not for a long time but I have read most of it. I actually thought that everything was going smooth.

Guess I was wrong.

Still I won't quit. I will keep on playing with the Emerald Order. I will not let this IR go down because of inactivity. I hope others are with me.

About the ignoring in the case of the Forsaken One. I didn't do that on purpose. My charcter was busy, meeting new people and getting a firm position in the Alliance. I recall arriving to the meeting AFTER you did. If anyone was to blame for not seeking contact with me, it was you. You did not speak to me as some others did. If it was really that important to you, next time speak my name before you accuse me again. Anyway, since both your as my PC are already gone from the meeting explaining will do little good. We'll just see if there is some friendlier conversation (read: A conversation) between both of us.

And no, I'm not ghey :( You'd wish :p

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'o Skoteinos

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Down the drain? Now that makes ME feel VERY sad...... I'm refreshing this damn board for over a month day after day behind my screen and more and more the posting quietes down... seems the reason why has been found.

Don't make vague insults, based on non related things. And let me tell you: the LF has been rather inactive too the last days. Me and William have posted the most in the past week, and I know *I* have been keeping up with this thread and with the IR. But you could've know that I don't post that much, it's not really my style, and when you just put every last PL you have in Civ Advance, you can't do as many things as Anab did (my PC is a little weaker)...

The reason why all IC conventions flopped, since no talking IC is being done since it's all done elsewhere. Discussion and conventions should be done HERE.

Yeah, and everybody reading everyone's posts. You've read all the posts. I have skipped some (not all, some). Matagaming becomes the rule, not the exception. Just take a look at your new creep function and my latest project...

Why the LF is very pracitical for everyone to pass the email problem I can very well understand but ALL of you I thought were gona of not paying attention anymore, Zelda? I thought he quit as well ans unveneli about 3 weeks ago, 0 posts from them. I started to feel uncertain because I felt some people might just have sneaked out of the IR. That would be VERY BAD MANNER. But now it seems they were here all the time, IGNORING MY POSTS AND CALLS TO A POSSIBLE DEAL.

Well, let me tell you: there have been two posts about you on the LF, both of which died down very quickly (2 replies or so). It seems that either there were not many visitors on the LF (which wasn't the case) or that the OA didn't want to ally with you (which seems to be the reason to me ). You weren't ignored.

WHEN I TOLD YOU ALL OFF I DID THE RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT THING. There is NO FRIGGIN' WAY you deserve my power at your side since you are DELIBERATELY IGNORING ME as proved by the fact that you are still around and in the IR and I got NO responses at all. Serpenteye and Anabstercorian with GREAT roleplaying and calls to conventions and talks get brutally IGNORED, now I know this I'm VERY irritated, IC and OC and I shall have my vengeance on this, you bet. Like I posted before

You really shouldn't be irritated OOC. Nobody was willing to supplement you with the absurd 100 PL for research. What do we gain? An ally who has sparring matches with you know who. An ally who is now all alone and is only sparcely protected? You're not really in the position to make demands, you're in the position to make requests. Your arrogance is only exceeded by your PL...;)


There is no way you can dismiss me and ignore me like this and get away with it. That would be the worst roleplaying EVER. There were 4 people who responded to me, Mina, kalanyr, Festy and Spoof. The rest just got when I read up on this a bad reputation and I shall react and play accordingly.

Let's not talk about bad roleplaying Mr.-like-Yoda-talk-I-do. As I said before, you, on your own, are not in the posistion to demand 100 PL in research.

You are all allied and large and maybe and probably you will all destroy me, but I shall have my vengeance because if this illfated manner. I shall perish and I shall die, and my last remains shall be blown away with the wind as my dust and ashes fly up into the sky. But you will have a sweet sweet memmory of me and that is that I shall see ALL lands burned and destroyed, your population fragged and eradicated. THIS WILL NO GOT PASSED UNNOTICED.

If either the Fleet of Darkness, The Union of Worlds or the Oerth Alliance destroys you first...

Edena's most true words are don't get mad get even, even I shall never be able to get but I shall go out in a blaze of glory and I shall do what lies in my power to do so. You do not dismiss me that easily, you just have made me spend more time on this IR then I already did and only Edena knows how much time planning plotting and working on certains things to make then right I am during this IR.

Right...do what you can't resist. But where is this an IC post and what part is OOC? This is just very messy, and, personnaly, I would see this as an OOC post...

This IR hold a piece of me and I damn LOVE it and Edena to hell, this IR when the turns get started totally consume me and my thoughts because it's so damn COOL to work and play with such INGENIOUS and intelligent players, the tension, the uncertainty, the pain but of all the glory it what keeps me going, I'm not in here to win, but I'm here to play my IC character as best as my creativity and imagination allow me.

I couldn't agree more.

And my Character does NOT allow herself to be ignored, you will find yourself at war for this lickely in the near future and you well have to get some VERY VERY VERY good IC explanation on HOW THE HELL you are going to win my favors or even my neutrality again. My neutrality to EVERYONE except Draco+Serpent, Mina, Melkor, Kalanyr, Festy, Spoof and William for 50% because of his abcence is OVER you are now my official foes and I shall see you all BURNED and DESTROYED for this grave insult.

You're forgetting some things here: alliances. But, IIRC, my *character* has never seen Queen Vreagoth (or whatever) IRL. Only heard stories about (blazing with flames, considers itself balanced etc.). Never met. Never spoke.

I respect Edena and I love him for doing this for US and not the least for himself. I expect the same from you all.

The same do I.

Darkness and Black Omega, whom ever from the 2 is quitting I find it weak and a betrayal to yourself, you made a PROMISE, now APPOLOGISE, set your pride aside, appologise and GET IT OVER WITH. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF ND KEEP THAT GODDAMN PROMISE. Stick here at least to turn 10, and FIGHT to the death and die in a blaze of glory or stand victorious over the battered remains of your enemies. Stay $*(@!$* true to yourselves.

Darkness is quitting. I have mailed him not to, posted that he shouldn't, but it seems he's really upset about this...maybe if Edena asked him personnaly, maybe he'd come back. I really hope he does...

I don't care if this might be a april 1st joke and if it is and it all end out well I can probably have a laugh over it but since it didn't start on the 1st of april I'm quite sure it isn't.

It's not going to end well. Haven't you seen? Some people are really really bothered here. Forrester, Darkness, myself. I really don't like this. These accusations, this demanding answers, while I didn't even know it was a problem. Yes, I did apologise, and yes, if it is all true, I feel I must, but this is just too strange, because Edena said he had access...:confused:

Well that's how I feel about it. I know it's damn near impossible for me to win this but get it damn right that I will sit at the sideline and watch as others take over. I WILL NOT BE DENIED and I shall do what I can, I shall do anything my imagination and creativity will allow me to make it so that I will go out and know that I have done everything that lies in my power.
And you all made your choises about how you handled me and my offer, how you handled Mina and her offer and how you handled serpenteye/mrdraco and their offers. And if I were them I would NOT let this "just pass by". Get it damn right that IC I will have my vengeance and you will be surprised in the way it will come for you and you can be damn sure of that.

Seems like another piece of OOC writing. Really, how can you even consider this post IC?

I will battle and fight to the end with all that lies in my power, I will use anything that lies in my power of imagination and creativity to get my vengeance and make you EARN my respect again or perish in the attempt. The likelyhood that I will succeed is almost not there but I'mm make damn sure that you will remember me and that I was a damn fierce, proud and worthy adversary. I shall see to that even if it's the last thing I do this IR.



Have a safe trip.

niet persoonlijk kris. alleen al dat ge-caps en vage beledigingen was beetje overbodig.


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Forsaken One:

I can understand why you might be upset that some of the other players did not answer your long post, but possibly they just did not have ANYTHING to say to your character. Your character has spent the entire game (at least while I have been here for 2 turns) staying underground, and not getting involved. You would occasionally post demanding that someone give you something or other, and no one would, at least as far as I know. AS for wanting to destroy everyone in the IR as long as it is all IC and you have not taken anything personally then that is great, let the blood flow, that was always the point of this game, and one I plan on helping along, after the Red Goo is taken care of. My character will not fight if she can as long as the Goo remains, once it is gone then well let the blood flow thick and free ;) If you are upset that the rest of the players were not impressed by the amount of PL you have gained due to never becoming involved then that is your fault, they would have no reason to think anything of your character, as you have never helped them, only made demands on them. So why should they have answered you? For all they knew by trying to enlist your aid it could have cost them dearly, such as 100PL research for you to join them in the future. You have the PL, use it yourself, we all did which is why we have been mostly inactive the last couple of turns. You should never go to war when the 2 sides are equal, only when you have the greater advantage, either many more men, or greater tech and magic. Which is why Turn 7 should be bloody with or without you as the Good side should have greater firepower to answer the Evil sides numerical superiority. We could not match them in PL so we had to do the other route.


I preped this last night... I wasn't sure if I would post it, considering the way things are going. I was considering waiting a day... maybe two for things to clear up some...


I was skimming through the DMG last night after Edena's coup de ta post. I found the structure section quite relevant. I decided to copy out all of the sections on good and bad structure and see how Edena stacks up against the DMG standard.

Good Structure

Choices: Every good adventure has at least a few crux points where the players need to make important decisions. What they decide should have significant impact on what happens next. What they decide should have significant impact on what happens next. This can be as simple as the players deciding not to go down the corridor to the left (where the pyrohydra waits for them) and instead going to the right (toward the magic fountain), or as complex as the PCs deciding not to help the queen against the grand vizier (so that she ends up being assassinated and the vizier's puppet gainst the throne).
Difficult Choices: On the topic of choices with consequence, the choices should sometimes be difficult ones to make. Should the PCs help the church of Heironeous wage war on the goblins , even though the conflict will almost certainly keep them from reaching the Fortress of Nast before the evil duke summons the slaadi assassins? Should the PCs trust the words of a dragon or ignore her warning?

Edena's Score: 1/1

Different Sorts of Encounters: A good adventure should provide a number of different experiences - attack, defense, problem solving, roleplaying, and investigation. Make sure you vary the types of encounters the adventure provides.

Edena's Score: 2/2

Exciting Events: Like the pacing of a story, a good adventure should have rising and falling tension - and an exciting climax is always a good thing. This sort of pacing is easier to accomplish with an event based adventure (since you have more control over when each encounter takes place), but it's possible in a site based adventure to design a locale where the encounters are likely to occur in a desired fashion. Make sure to pace things well. Start slowly and have the action build. A climatic encounter always makes for a good ending.

Edena's Score: 3/3

Encounters that Make Use of PC Abilities: If the party's wizard or sorcerer can cast fly, incorporate aerial encounters into the adventure. When there's a cleric along, occasionally include undead that she can use her turning ability upon. If the party has a ranger or druid, include encounters with animals (dire animals can make challenging encounters for even mid- to high-level PCs - see the Monter manual for more information). The advice to remember "Everyone gets his or her chance to shine." All abilities available to PCs were designed to make the characters better, but ability (or a spell) that a character never gets to use is a waste.

Edena's Score: 4/4

Bad Structure

Leading the PCs by the Nose: A bad event-based adventure is marked by mandates restricting PC actions or is based on events that occur no matter what the PCs do. For example, a plot that hinges on the PCs finding a mysterious heirloom, only to have it stolen by NPCs, is dangerous - if the players invent a good way to protect the heirloom, they won't like having it stolen anyway just because that's what you planned beforehand. The players end up feeling powerless and frustrated. No matter what, all adventures should depend upon player choices. Players should always feel as though what they choose to do matters. The results should affect the campaign setting (albeit perhaps in minor ways), and they should have consequences (good or bad) for the PCs.

Edena's Score: 5/5

PCs as Spectators: In this type of bad adventure, NPCs accomplish all the important tasks. There might be an interesting story going on around the PCs, and they have very little to do with it. As much as you might like one of your NPCs, resist the urge to have him or her accomplish everything instead of letting the PCs do the work. As great as it might be to have your big NPC hero fight the evil wizard (also an NPC) threatening the land, this is not much fun for the players if all they get to do is watch.

Edena's Score: 6/6

Deux ex Machina: Similar to the "PCs as Spectators" problem is the potential pitfall of the deus ex machina, a term used to describe the ending to a story in which the action is resolved by an intervention of some outside divine agency rather than by the characters' own actions. Don't put the PCs in situation in which they can only survive through the intervention of others. Sometimes it's interesting to be rescued, but using this sort of "escape hatch" gets frustrating quickly. Players would rather defeat a young dragon on their own than face an ancient wyrm and only defeat it because a high-level NPC teleports to help them.

Edena's Score: 6/7

Preempting the Characters' abilities: It's good to know the PCs' capabilities, but you shouldn't design adventures that continually countermand of foil what they can do. If the wizard just learned fireball, don't continually throw fire-resistant foes at him. Don't create dungeons where fly and teleport spells don't work just because it's more difficult to design challenging encounters for characters with those capabilites. Use the PCs' abilities to allow them to have more interesting encounters - don't arbitrarily rule that their powers suddenly don't work.

Edena's Score: 7/8

Edena scored 7/8 on this list. The only flaw I took off for was "Deux ex Machina." I took off for this because every turn and on most interludes some kind of divine intervention (though usually not divine) occured. The few I can think of off of the top of my head are: Torrils/Shades Involvment, The Blood Wastes, The Fleet of Evil, The Githyanki/Githzerai, Mina, The Dragons, Brief Control of Acerak, The Wanderer, and the short lived Demon Incursion.

[About my score for Edena as a DM]

I stand by my vote, and honestly, I score lower. I take off on Leading PCs by the Nose and I don't make encounters that make use of PC abilities.

[About me and the IR]

I want to continue playing in the IR completely. I don't understand Edena's opinion about the Lurker's Forum, but I don't mind it either. I would like to see a tone down on the outside intervention possibly, as it takes away from my motivation to be an active member of the IR.

[About the Lurkers Forum]

The Lurkers Forum, as explained earlier, was the easiest way to communicate with other people. There really isn't much content in there to catalog about the IR. The entire forum is basically a meta. You won't see any "in character speeches" or actual announcements. The only information in the Lurkers forum is questions like "Who do you think is going to attack us" and answers like "I think Anabster is going to deal with Toril this turn, and Melkor is going to tank up, so that leaves Acerak, the DU, and some of the less infamous bad guys." That isn't actually taken from the forum, it doesn't make sense anyway. That is the kind of information that was in it, however. The same kind of information that the members of the Union exchange with each other through email. If the Lurkers Forum is important to keep up to date on, you should also ask to see their emails. Then your going to recieve one hell of a lot more email, just so you know. I probably exchanged 25 emails with William about how to set up his template. I sent emails discussing how Gnomeworks could be the alliance spy based entirely on the fact that he is openly friendly with the Union (which is a bad standard to judge spies from, as it results in everyone being a traitor to someone). I typed about twenty emails between me and Sollir that were both IR based, and focused on completely different subjects, games, and my FFT Expansion.

[About Forrester's last post]

Edena, I would like to see some of your responses to individual points made by Forrester. It makes me a bit upset to read that you are dropping him from the game. I would be quelled a bit if you would explain it for me.

[About Food, Sleep, and Video Games]

I live for them...

[About Edena being excluded (this was just added)]

I would say any excluding was done becuase the LF was kind of embarrassing. The fact that ALL OF US had to rely on each other for back up and the fact that ALL OF US were entirely meta-gaming while there could have influenced us to not let you see. Being a "meta gamer" is considered a big insult 'round here. I think that because the board was built that way we COULD have felt scared that everyone would think we were in the "meta" by using it. I don't know... I never had to think about it. I was too busy thinking about who was going to try to kill me:).


First Post
np Zouron, mistakes are there to be made.

Anyway, WHO iis still in the IR and who isn't? I believe Good just got itself a very little problem...


First Post
Forrester, Kaboom, and Darkness are out of the IR.

I am not even close to finishing kicking people out.

If anyone from the Alliance of Oerth wishes to turn in their resignation, please help yourself.

You ruined the IR for me and for everyone else, you effectively destroyed 2 months of my life, and frankly I don't want most of you anymore.

If you turn in your resignation, you make my job easier.

Then you can go to the Lurker's Forum, and post all you want.
You will NEVER have to worry that the Moderator, who must obviously be a cheater, will come, look at what you wrote, then use it against you.
You won't have to worry about the cheating Moderator telling the other side about your plans.

You won't have to bother with letting the Moderator play in his own game.

The Moderator won't sit and wonder why you aren't posting to the ENBoards, frantically trying to get you involved, not knowing you are making dozens of posts to the Lurker's Forum.

So, by all means, come with your resignations.
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'o Skoteinos

First Post

I'm not even close to stopping with this IR. I'm having fun, and I made a promise to stay till the end. That's a promise I inted to keep, whether you "want me anymore or not".

Though I do have a request: could you stop generalizing all of the OA members as anti-Edena, thinking you are a cheater and giving information to the Evil ones? I'm not anti you. I very much respect the work you are doing, and I do believe you are impartial. But if you keep calling all Lukers Forum members Anti-Edena, it hurts. I count myself as one (hell, I *am* one), and I am not against you.

Also, I did not forsake posting here for posting on the Lurkers Forum. While it may be true that I posted more there, that was all OOC talk. IC (and IRL) I am a rather silent person. I'm not a person of grand speeches and dramatic actions. Instead, I try to have a detailed idea of the entire situation and act according to what I think will benefit me most, and mostly, that has nothing to do with pagelong IC speeches and "I invade Toril" actions.

I made a public apoligy, because I felt it was wrong you had no access. That's what I still think. BUT...you have not answered my post. You have not answered how you could quote me. You have not answered why you said you too could go to the Lurker's Forum. Please, show me that much respect and answer my question, because, as it is now, I'm totally confused...

If you don't know what post I'm talking about:


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