(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)


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Edena_of_Neith said:
Dagger, I just threw 2 new Powers into the mix - the Immortals of Mystara, and the Veiled Society, so you'd have a chance to play an 11th level Power.

Please, by all means, feel free to pick one.

OOC: Edena will I still retain some of the Veiled Alliance?

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The following is a letter, sent by psuedeonatural courier from the Penumbral hub, to Silver Phase, Vaeregoth, Hazen, the Uleks (Dagger), and the United Confederacy.

To my erstwhile allies,
My friends, and my allies of convenience. We have a common enemy in Melkor and Rajaat. These are ambitious, monstrous creatures with no remorse and no moral code, not unlike myself. The difference between us is that my ambitions are ultimately constructive, to create something. Their ambitions are ultimately destructive, to destroy what you have created. Our ambitions are largely compatible, while theirs are incompatible, even with each other.
Those of you who are unconcerned with morals, like myself, have a very good reason to destroy these two creatures and save the people of Athas from a gruesome, horrible fate. If the forces of Athas, with their spectacular psionic might that can only be matched by the forces of the Formians, should march on us, enhanced by the Red Scourge, their army will sweep all that is left of our once glorious civilizations in to the wind and usher in an age of madness and depravity.
This is a bad thing, because then there's nothing for the rest of us conquerors, is there?
However, we are at a tactical disadvantage. They have psionic superiority over us, and our magical advantage is negated. We will have to be devious to overcome them without destroying the very people we have come to protect or rule.
I eagerly await suggestions, gentlemen.



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Tactical summary of the situation

Kalanyr, Hazen, Melkor, and Vaeregoth are all throwing their lot in to Athas and a massive war is blooming. An ancient halfling mage has just arisen there, and he wields magic that none other can match in the Crystal Sphere of Athas.

The seal on Luna is rapidly degrading, and upon its breaking, 10,000 PL worth of Red Ghosts will be released upon a terrified world.

Oerth is scarred wasteland - Although the burning fire of the fusing hydrogen leaves no atomic fallout, its sheer radioactive fury did enough damage in its short moment of existence to compensate. Water is poison, the air is dust, the earth is glass, and life is burning.

The situation on Toril is unstable. Forrester is being degraded, for despite his best attempts, it was impossible to use solar bombardment in a controlled manner. Vast destruction resulted.

Anabstercorian is building the Penumbral Hub, a city around the sun. A few brave souls are already volunteering for ceremorphosis, becoming the alien in exchange for a safe haven from burning war. He still commands the Army of Darkness and the Solistarim, and they're itching to wreak havoc. The Solistarim, seeing hope in the newfound creation of 11th level magic, seeks to heal Oerth, while the Army of Darkness is looking forward to an opportunity to conquer damn near anything, and are currently running amok in neighboring Crystal Spheres, picking up recruits and kicking ass.

Tokiwong and Melkor are in subtle alliance, and the Dark Union of Oerth is in a rapidly decaying social state.

The civilians of Oerth are primarily unharmed, thanks to the Secret Retreats, but they look upon their future and despair. Only the hope of Oerth healed keeps them going.

How much of this is accurate? Anything I should add? What's public knowledge?


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Anabstercorian said:

However, we are at a tactical disadvantage. They have psionic superiority over us, and our magical advantage is negated.

Actually, that's not true. Here's a quote from an e-mail Edena sent to me on the topic on 10th and 11th level magics:
It works the same through all the published campaign settings of TSR and
WOTC, and the d20 producers.
Outside that, you are limited to 9th level magic until you research 10th and
11th level magic.

This clearly states that you can use Oerthian 11th level magics on Athas.


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Re: Tactical summary of the situation

Anabstercorian said:
and the Dark Union of Oerth is in a rapidly decaying social state.

No. That's far from the truth. The population of the Union of Oerth was almost completely unharmed by the wars of turn 6, we've suffered far less than most nations. The influence of the mists is disturbing, but no more so for us than for anyone else. Our society is still highly lawful and orderly.

William Ronald

Hazen issues a statement in response to Anabstercorian's message.

"Melkor and Rajaat desire this world and others. I say that we deny them their desires, and make them familiar with oblivion."

"The healing of Oerth must continue as well as its defense. I ask that those who do not wish to engage in this coming conflict deal with our mutual enemies. The Red Waste MUST be eliminated from this world and all worlds."

"We must triumph. We owe it to the future."

OOC: Guys, can we get rid of the conflicting claims. Edena has enough hard work to do.

Alyx, Gnomeworks, Uvenelei, and Dagger please chose one of the following four powers with 11th level magic. If someone else want to contest a claim, go ahead.

Here are the powers that need to be resolved:

Church of Toril (Contested beween Alyx and Uvenelei)
Nations of the Chosen of Mystra (Contested between Gnomeworks and Dagger.)
Veiled Alliance
Immortals of Mystara


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William Ronald

Iuz muses... and sends a message to Hazen "Bloodshed shall beget more bloodshed... peace is a whispered dream... one too frail to exist in the cold reality that is the present... I do agree that we must build for the future... the Red Scourge will be apart of that future... it is our birthright... it is the gift of Oerth's rage... her infinite beauty given steel edged form... do you not see the people suffer... as I... you wish to strip them of their rage... their gift to fight... and destroy the corrupt all consuming order... I speak not of chaos I speak of freedom... I speak of a future where each being will have the gift of gods... where transcendence of the mortal coil is reality... and wholesale suffering is but a distant dream... this is the future we must build... "

Iuz concludes... "perhaps we should meet and discuss our differences..."

OOC: I shall not contest the Veiled Alliance with the assurance that some stayed with Iuz... but the majority go to whoever claims them at least for continuitty's sake... Talindra's contingent at least stayed with Iuz
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William Ronald

"The Red Scourge is the remnant of the emotions and suffering of millions of sentient beings. Its continued existence causes us to drift towards a dimension that most of the world does not wish to enter."

"Your words, as usual, are eloquent. However, I doubt most people will embrace the Red Goo as you have done."

"Rage is part of what mortals are made of. I do not seek to deny its existence. Whoever, the Red Scourge is not a natural part of Oerth. Its presence threatens the health of the planet."

"I fear that we have very different visions of the future. However, I do agree that discussing these issues will help the truth to be discovered. That is something that people must determine for themselves."


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Iuz replies, "perhaps then we should find neutral ground... I would enjoy hearing your vision of the future Hazen... you speak of healing this world... what is your plan outside of destroying the Red Scourge?"


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I need a summary

I have just gotten back from a 10-day vacation and when I left Edena had gone insane, the IR was over and people were already sharing their plans.

Now I hear that the IR has started, it will be using new rule and I have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on.

Could someone tell me what is going on?

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