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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)


A letter appears near the leader of each and every major power in the IR it reads, (this includes the United Commonwealth of Toril,Mina, Rajaat,The Dragon Kings,etc)

Lord/Lady (Name)

We wish to inform you that the Free People of Ishtarland and the Coalition of Light and Shadows will be holding a conference for all leaders at 2 days from now in the glade in the Forest of Ishtarland where the party was previously held. You are invited to either attend in person or send a representative to this conference.


Siobhan Silirevnur
Glittering White Flame of Titania
Emissary of the Seelie.

Champion of Freedom

OOC-This will be held during this interlude after all power claims are resolved so we know where everybody stands.

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First Post
Siobhan Silirevnur
Glittering White Flame of Titania
Emissary of the Seelie.

Champion of Freedom

The Sunrise Faction will send our represenetive to your meeting. We are particularly interested in learning what nations will partake of the wonders provided by Oerth Blood, and which will refuse this blessing and thus mantain the forces of darkness, although such remain a threat to the remenent of life that exists on this world.

We would also hear from the Torillians, and settle that matter once and for all.

Jand, The Red Elf.



First Post
The recently elected Prime Minister of the United Commonwealth of Toril leaned against the railing on the balcony of her residence, Commonwealth Mansion. Nearly an hour before sunrise, Erika Lesage quietly watched the garden she helped plant more than forty years ago when Ian Payne was at the head of the Commonwealth. 'Oh, how things have changed,' she thought to herself, 'but are they truly for the better?'

"The Forrester Conundrum," as the media called it, had been eating away at her for far too long. She spent her days evading the bloodthirsty media, as well as the impatient Assembly Members, Commonwealth Senators and a whole assortment of other politicians; and she spent her nights wide awake, just as she has been for the past eight hours, contemplating just what to do...

She had been focusing on the possibility of an impeachment attempt, and the prospect vexed her, often to the point of chronic insomnia. Erika was tired; since her re-entrance back into the game, she's been drained of strength, both mental, physical and emotional. The only thing keeping her from a state of total irrationality were the times of silence... of serenity.

Erika knew that if Forrester did not immediately resign, there would be enough strength behind the impeachment process that she would have no choice, politically speaking, but to call for it herself. The problem then, however, was the question of how to actually go about that process without tearing the Commonwealth asunder. That was the kicker. That was the breaking point, and the focus of all her mental processes.

'If we held a Commonwealth-wide referendum,' she silently whispered, 'we could expect a close decision against, due to the great majority of Forrester's supporters in the (Humanoid) Alliance. This will anger the former Technocratic Coalition of States, without a doubt. Not only will it fail in getting anything constructive done, it will sow the seeds of disunity that may germinate anywhere from two generations down to next term. No, the notion of a referendum is too risky for everyone."

Erika stood upright and stretched as she yawned. 'We could leave it to the Senate. They seem to have a penchant for grandiose spectacles... No, no, of course not, it would have the opposite effect of a general vote. With three Senators to each member, there are far more Senators from the Coalition than from the Alliance...'

"Empire building would do that, I suppose..." She said aloud.

'So, inevitably... unfortunately, that leaves the Commonwealth Assembly...'

"That leaves me," she whispered unhappily.

"What was that, Miss Lesage?"

Startled, Erika spins around, pivoting on her heel, to see her Justice Minister, "Neilan, by the Saint, you startled me."

"My apologies, Miss Prime Minister," Minister Darisek regards her and the balcony, "I take it you could not get to sleep again, Erika."

Wiping the exhaustion from her eyes, she nods, "What brings you here so early, Neilan?"

"I never left, Miss Prime Minister."

He was right. Erika remembered the navy blue suit, white shirt and black tie. Erika smiled and yawned again... "So what news do you bring?"

"I've just gotten an invitation to a gathering of leaders from Kalanyr, representing Ishtarland and the Coalition of Light and Shadow. I was coming to ask if you wished to attend personally, or if I should send a delegation of Under-Secretaries."

"No, no. I will be attending this one, friend," Erika smirked as she turned to face the garden once more, "and so will you."


"Yes, as you alone have been a constant in the Commonwealth Equation. You've been here since the first days of the Commonwealth..."

"Before that, I was a good friend of Ian during the first ... incidents."

"Even better," she said confidently, turning around to face him, "who better to add a bit of perspective?"

There was a slightly awkward silence as Neilan came to terms with the idea...

"So, if I may ask," Neilan said gingerly, "may I ask if you have come to a conclusion in regards to the question of the President?"

Erika wasn't surprised. Neilan had been weathering the media onslaught for over a week now, and behind that cool, elven exterior, was desperate for some sanctuary. She nodded, "Yes, I have, Neilan. It seems to me that the only plausible conclusion is to approach the possibility of an impeachment process from the Assembly."

"From you," he echoed.

She nodded, "We didn't think an impeachment formula was necessary in the Constitution and since none of us could agree upon one, we abandonded it for later... By the Saint, how I wish there was one that all of us could agree upon."

"Indeed, Miss Prime Minister."

"Well, Neilan, as long as you're here, can you take a letter?"

"Of course." Neilan walks inside and grabs a pad of paper and a gold pen. After returning to the balcony, he sits at a splendid table, "You may begin."

Honoured Heads of State,

I, Erika Lydia Lesage, Leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party and Prime Minister of the United Commonwealth of Toril hereby call for the meeting of minds, opinions and points of view in regards to the "Forrester Conundrum" and the subsequent reparations that the Commonwealth is honour-bound to embark upon after the regrettable actions of our former Government and current President, Lord Forrester of the Humanoid Alliance.

Barring President Forrester's immediate resignation and submition to an inter-realm hearing, I have decided to lay the foundations for the possible impeachment of the President in the near-future. This process will be an affair of the United Commonwealth alone as an act of sovereignty over our own affairs.

While the process itself is not under debate, I must ask your people and their governments just what we should do in the event that Forrester is convicted of the crimes you accuse him of... I expect this process to be detailed, and each charge be laid individually by each affected state on Oerth. I will ask that the respective nations of Oerth give their opinions in this, the most important of Commonwealth Matters.

I will be attending the Ishtarland Woods Conference and hope to see all parties affected by our actions.

Thank you,

Erika Lydia Lesage
Prime Minister of the United Commonwealth of Toril

"All right, Neilan, I believe that is all."

The Justice Minister stands to leave, but is interrupted...

"Oh, Neilan, can you tell my assistant to contact The Church of Mercy and the Church of Toril? I would like to confer with them before the conference."

Neilan nods and leaves.

"Thank you."

'Let us hope that the powers of Oerth are mature and rational enough to sit around the table,' Erika says to herself silently, 'or this may turn ugly, very quickly...'

Voidrunner's Codex

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