(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 1)

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First Post
The Lists Post - Turn 3

Here is the Lists Post for Turn 3.

As said before, some of you are in for a shock, some a pleasant shock, and some an unpleasant shock.


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Faction map for the World of Greyhawk IR thread:

Please note the scale of the map in the URL above is 1 inch = 230 miles

Here is a conversion chart.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 yard = 0.9411 meters
1 mile = 1.60934
1 sea mile = 1.15078 miles = 1.852 km
1 pound = 0.45359 kg (kilogram)
1 ton = 0.907185 metric tons

The Oerik Continent:

The Big Map of Oerth:

Previous IR threads on Toril, the world of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting:

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3rd Month of the IR

8th Month of the Oeridian Year

Goodmonth (Common)
Sunflowers (Olven)
Boar (Nomads)

5th Month of the Torilian Year

Common Year (FY) 624
Oeridian Reckoning (OR) 1268
Baklunish Hegira (BH) 3283
Flan Tracking (FT) 2744
Suloise Dating (SD) 6139
Olven Calendar (OC) 5086

Dale Reckoning (DR) 1405
Netherese Calendar (NC) 5264

8th Regency of Shadowlord Rhamagaum (Shadow Empire calendar)




ALYX - The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3
ANABSTERCORIAN - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4
BLACK OMEGA - none yet
EDENA OF NEITH - Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
CREAMSTEAK - Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) PL 2
DAGGER - none yet
DARKNESS - Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic 10 / Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) PL 4
MR DRACO - Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4
FESTY DOG - Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20 monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) PL 4
FORRESTER - Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) PL 5
FORSAKEN ONE - Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5
GNOMEWORKS - Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3
JOHN BROWN - none yet
KABOOM - King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3
KALANYR - Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster (Longsword) 10/ Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5
MAUDLIN - Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) - none yet
RHIALTO - none yet
SERPENTEYE - The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) PL 4
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT - Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial/Half-Machine (Death Slaadi), Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) PL 5
TURROSH MAK - Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2
UVENELEI - Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3
VALKYS - Prince Aerion Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Scion of the Faerie Realm, Son of Titania and Oberon (PC, dark-elf/balor/unseelie, evil) PL 3
WILLIAM RONALD - Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3
ZELDA - none yet

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(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1
Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Jaran Krimeeah, Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2
Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) PL 1
Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1
(DEAD) Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level) PL 2
Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1
(DEAD) Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) PL 6
Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) PL 6

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Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Raskshasa (Planars of Acheron and Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Githyanki (Planars of the Astral Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Filchers (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Thought Eaters (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
Invisible Stalkers (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Marids (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Water Wierds (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xorn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

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Church of Toril (If played by Aloisius)
Eternal Empire of Realmspace (If played by Forrester or Reprisal)
Hope Isle of Toril (If played by former player)
Star League of Realmspace (If played by former player)

The Shadow Empire (Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77
United Commonwealth of Realmspace (A greater part of the people of Toril and Realmspace, neutral and good) PL 1,000


- - - THE CLAIMS LIST - - -

S, M, L, LL indicate a gain of 1, 2, 3, and 4 points per 10 years the culture advances
NA means points gained from cultural advancement are not applicable


The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) (ALIVE) PL 3

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1

(The Alliance of the Rising Sun)

(Kingdom of Celene (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 33
Lendore Isles (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 7, Current Power Level 7
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 20, Curent PL 23
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 23, Current PL 27)

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Anabstercorian - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Pseudeonatural Detrachan (Planars, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Pseudeonatural Dire Sharks (Planars, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Pseudeonatural Arrowhawks (Planars, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments except good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) (LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (LL) Original PL 60, Current PL 56
Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2

Sea Allies of the Solistarim (Dark underwater races of every kind, lawful evil and neutral evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 20

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Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments except evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1)

(The Coalition of Light and Shadow)

(Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (spelljamming elves, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) Original PL 15, Current PL 14
Faerie of the Flanaess (every type of Faerie, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 20, Current PL 20
Domain of Highfolk (high elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 6, Current PL 6
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) (INTACT) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) (INTACT) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 4, Current PL 4)

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Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) (ALIVE) PL 2

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side - in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Ghosts and others, good and neutral) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Eagles and others, all alignments except evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) (WIPED OUT, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (L) Original PL 3, Currrent PL 1
Calrune (Centaurs, high elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
The People of Celadan Forest (High elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gray elves, wood elves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MODERATE LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Delrune (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, good) (SEVERE LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) (MINOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
The People of Gamboge Forest (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (SEVERE LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) (POISONED BY SHADE) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 0
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) (POISONED BY SHADE) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 0
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (SEVERE LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
Grannmont (storm giants of the Rakers, good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 6, Current PL 4
Heimmont (cloud giants of the Rakers, good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
People of the Loftwood (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, good forest spirits, good) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
The People of the Phostwood (High elves, gray elves, oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Seldanora (High elves, oeridian humans, gray elves, flannae humans, wood elves, suel humans, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Duchy of Tenh (Oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) (MINOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
People of Timberway Forest (Swanmay, treants, forest spirits, high elves, grey elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, halflings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2


- Artonsamay (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
- Kinemeet (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, elves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3

- - -


Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MM, good and neutral) PL see the Monster Arms Race
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1

Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (dwarves, spelljamming mountains, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 25

(The Kingdom of Ulek)

(Peoples of the Kron Hills (dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
County of Ulek (gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Orignal PL 3, Current PL 4
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 4
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Origianl PL 5, Current PL 6
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2


- Wild Coast (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (POISONED BY SHADE) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 0

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Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic10 /Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 4

Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, good) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) (SEVERE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 18
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 25, Current PL 23
Orcreich (Gnomes, halflings, hill dwarves, svirfneblin, mountain dwarves, some humans, high elves, good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 20, Current PL 18
Dwarves of the Yatils (Mountain dwarves, hill dwarves, gnomes, svirfneblin, neutral and good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 7

(The Baklunish Confederation)

(Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 7
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Tusman Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, baklunish humans, svirfneblin, deep dwarves, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 3)

- - -


Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Rakshasas (Planars of Acheron and Hell, home plane unknown, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind, all alignments but few good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) (INTACT) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (INTACT) PL 2

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 18, Current PL 15
The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 8, Current PL 5

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) (SEVERE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 13, Current PL 8
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 10
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 1, Current PL 0
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (SEVERE LOSSES) (NA) Original PL 30, Current PL 20
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 5
Sahuagin Empire of the Solnor Ocean (Sahuagin, ixit., sharks, slaves of every kind, monsters of every kind from the MM) (LL) (MODERATE LOSSES) Original PL 20, Current PL 18


- Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, evil) (CONVERTED TO EVIL) PL 2
- Philidor the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level, evil) (SLAVE OF THE GOD EMPEROR) PL 2

- Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
- Peoples of the Flinty Hills (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 1
- Garrel Enkdal (mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (DEVASTATED) (LL) Original PL 8, Current PL 4

- - -


Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20 (INTACT)
Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (NA) Original PL 100, Current PL 80

- - -


Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 1

Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 20

Zindia (Star dwarves, nibelungen dwarves, star gnomes, high kobolds, high orcs, galeb duhr, dinosaurs of all types, lizard men, lizard kings, evil) (DEVASTATED, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (L) Original PL 20, Current PL 8

Western Amedio Rainforest (humanoids of all types, various underdark races, monsters of every type from the MMs, slaves of every kind, humans of unknown types, evil) (WIPED OUT, LFMR) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
Valley of the Mage (Valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) (MINOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2 (OUT OF CONTROL)

Aboleth of the Underdark (aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Cloakers of the Underdark (cloakers, neutral) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 3
Delvers of the Underdark (delvers, neutral) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Derro of the Underdark (derro, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Destrachan of the Underdark (destrachan, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Duergar of the Underdark (duergar, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Grimlocks of the Underdark (grimlocks, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (umber hulks, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3


Humanoids of the Hellfurnaces (Humanoids of every kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) Original PL 4, Current PL 3

- - -


Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 5

Planars (Celestials, Guardinals, Eladrin) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments except evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, good) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (NA) Original Oerthian PL 230, Current Oerthian PL 214, Current Torilian PL 540


Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psion 20th / epic metamind 10th / sorceress 10th / shadow adept 10th / dreamweaver 10th, epic 100, Shade template, alignment neutral) (ALIVE) PL 5

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Illithid of Greyspace (spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 22
Neogi of Greyspace (spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 26

Unseelie of the Flanaess (every type of Dark Faerie, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 13, Current PL 12

Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formian Giant Ants, lawful neutral) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 6
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (illithid, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2

Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 8, Current PL 7


- Humanoids of the Jotens (Humanoids of every kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Giants of the Jotens (Giants of every kind, slaves of every type, kind) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 2

- - -


Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard 20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) (ALIVE) PL 3

Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Chauntosbergen (Deep dwarves, mountain dwarves, hill dwarves of the western Griff Mountains) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Technomancy of the Lortmils (gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 50, Current PL 46
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2

(The Eastern League)

Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2

(The Iron League)

Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2

- - -


Iuz the Old (demipower, evil) (ALIVE) PL 7

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Demons again (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every type, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1 (ALIVE)

Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 5
Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 5
The Beings of the Cairn Hills (Monster hordes of Zagyg the Mad, monsters of Castle Greyhawk, secret bases of the Rhennee humans, Wardens of the Doomgrinder, dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, all alignments but few good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 6
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 25, Current PL 28
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 9
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 6
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 6, Current PL 8
Humanoids of the Yatils (humanoids of every type, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 6

- - -


King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
The Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, good) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (gnomes, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 10, Current PL 23

Aerlindre (Avariel of the Yatils, giant eagles, good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 11
Archenmont (Cloud giants of the Corusk Mountains, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 9
Kindlemont (Storm giants of the Corusk Mountains, giant intelligent ravens, silver wolves, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 10
Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 6
Silvamont (Avariel of the Corusk Mountains, giant eagles, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 11
Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 22, Current PL 27
Sonnmonnten (Cloud giants of the Yatils, good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 13
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Origianl PL 2, Current PL 6

(The Sea League)

(Coral Empire (sea-elves, dolphins, many other underwater races, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 29
Deepwater League (Merfolk, sea-elves, tritons, dolphins, in the Drawmij Ocean, neutral and good) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 31
Sea League (merfolk, tritons, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 13, Current PL 25
People of the Shining Grottos (Merfolk, sea-elves, dolphins, tritons, in the Azure Sea, heavily good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 10, Current PL 25

- - -


Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, Balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster(Longsword) 10 / Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 3
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 3
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) (ALIVE) PL 6

Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) (INTACT, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 11

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 15, Current PL 7

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (drow, slaves of all types, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 5
Drow of the Underdark (drow, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 13
Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (dragons, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 7, Current PL 4


- Humanoids of the Barrier Peaks (Humanoids of every kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (DEVASTATED, LFMR) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Humanoids of the Crystalmists (Humanoids of every kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (DEVASTATED, LFMR ) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Giants of the Barrier Peaks (Giants of every evil kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (DEVASTATED, LFMR) (M) Original PL 6, Current PL 3
- Giants of the Crystalmists (Giants of every evil kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (SEVERE LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 7, Current PL 3
- Giants of the Hellfurnaces (Giants of every evil kind, slaves of every kind, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 4

- - -


Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) (INTACT) PL 10

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments except good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Acererak's Minions (undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (NA) Original PL 20, Current PL 15
People of Hempmonaland (Hempmonalander humans, suel humans, lizardmen, many other races, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) (INTACT, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 20
Peoples of the Hestmark Highlands (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, neutral and evil) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 5
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 32
Sunndi (Oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, evil under the mental domination of Acererak) (INTACT, LFMR) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 7
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) (INTACT, LFMR) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 4


- Peoples of the Northern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Peoples of the Southern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
- Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) (WIPED OUT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 1

- - -


Seven Shadowlords, Chosen of Melkor, who make The Shadow Council, each has a power level of 2 including magic items and Chosen Of Melkor template.

Ahlissa of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor (PC, female drow, Enchantress 8 / Rogue 6 / / Arcane Trickster 10 / Shadow Adept 10, chaotic evil) PL 3

Undead (undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind, all alignments except good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Azorgax of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor, King of the Shadow Dragons (NPC, Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon, Sorcerer 6) PL 2
Baelros of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor, Demon Lord Of The Shadow (NPC, 38 Hit Dice, chaotic evil) PL 2
Rhamagaum of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor (PC, Shade human lich, wizard 16 / Arcane Devote 5 / Archmage 5 / Shadow Adept 10, neutral evil) PL 2
Rivalen Tanthul of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor (NPC, shade human, cleric 18 / wizard 11 / shadow adept 10 / cleric 2, evil) PL 2
Sauros of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor (NPC, shade ililthid, Rogue 5 / Assasin 10 / Shadowdance 5, lawful evil) PL 2
Waganard of the Shadow Council, Chosen of Melkor (NPC, shade lich human, Wizard 19 / Archmage 5 / Shadow Adept 10, neutral evil) PL 2

Shadow Empire (The Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (LL) Original PL 77, Current PL 52
Shadow Throne (Was known as Domain of Greyhawk) (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all serving the Shadow Empire, all in the process of becoming Shades, evil) (SHADOW NATION, SEVERE LOSSES, LFMR) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 2


- County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (TOTAL KILL) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 0

- - -


Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) PL 7

- - -


The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but few goods) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 18, Current PL 17
The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 8, Current PL 7

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 3
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) (SEVERE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 13, Current PL 14
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 18
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 6
Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 1, Current PL 2
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 4
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (SEVERE LOSSES) (NA) Original PL 30, Current PL 20
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 8
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 7
Sahuagin Empire of the Solnor Ocean (Sahuagin, ixit., sharks, slaves of every kind, monsters of every kind from the MM) (LL) (MODERATE LOSSES) Original PL 20, Current PL 26


- Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, evil) (SLAVE OF THE GOD EMPEROR) PL 2
- Philidor the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level, evil) (SLAVE OF THE GOD EMPEROR) PL 2

- Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 8
- Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 4
- Peoples of the Flinty Hills (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
- Garrel Enkdal (mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
- Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (DEVASTATED) (LL) Original PL 8, Current PL 12

- - -


Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial (Death Slaad)/Half-Machine, Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Quaggoth Fells of the Burneal (Quaggoths, treants, sentient trees, spirits of the woodlands, remorhaz, white puddings, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 15, Current PL 15
Heisenbaudos (Frost giants of the Corusk Mountains, nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, slaves of every type, the Deepspawn and all the monsters it produces, slaves of all types, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 15, Current PL 10
Beings of Hraak Forest (Quaggoths, remorhaz, dire wolves, hill giants, dark gnomes, some humanoids, slaves of every type, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Beings of Sable Wood (Hill giants, formidians, many beings of mixed race, forest spirits, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Beings of Spikey Forest (Quaggoths, dire wolves, forest spirits, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2

(The League of the Warlords)

Fellands (Humans of every type, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Kor (Humans of every type, elves, dwarves, gnomes, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Redhand (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Riftcrag (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, some elves, some beings from the Underdark, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 7, Current PL 5

- - -


Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Jaran Krimeeah (Jearmeeh Kreemah), Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2

Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 5

Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming mercenary gith, neutral) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 17

Crystalmont (frost giants of the Rakers, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Dark Swamp (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Beings of the Dreadwood (Undead trolls, undead treants, undead sentient trees, evil forest spirits, other undead of every type, humanoids, monsters of every sort from the MM, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Esserbaudos (hill giants of the Rakers, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Haermont (Stone giants of the Griff Mountains, neutral) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Hool Marshes (Lizard men, hempmonalander humans, monsters of every sort from the MM, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 15, Current PL 12
Humanoids of the Rakers (humanoids of every type, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Sleichenbaudos (Hill giants of the Corusk Mountains, slaves of every type, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Usurbaudos (fire giants of the Rakers, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3

- - -


Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Metallic Planar Dragons (second selection) (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) (ALIVE) PL 6

(The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent)

(Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) (MODERATE LOSSES, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 30
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) (MINOR LOSSES, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 40, Current PL 45
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) (MODERATE LOSSES, LFMR) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 35)

- - -


Prince Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Dark Prince of the Unseelie (PC, dark elf (half-fiend template, shade template, balor special qualities), Wizard 20 / Cleric (Oberon) 20 / Skyknight 5 / Arcane Devotee (Oberon) 5 / Incantatrix 10 / Fae Battle Wizard 5 / Archmage 12 / Blackguard 2 / Fighter 6 / Mage Killer 10 / True Necromancer 10 / Guild Mage of the Faerie Realm 5 / 50 Epic Levels, chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) (BASE FORCE INTACT, LOSSES FROM MAGICAL RESEARCH, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 5
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BASE FORCE INTACT, LFMR, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 5
Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BASE FORCE INTACT, LFMR, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 5
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but good) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Plunder from the City of the Gods (Assorted high technological items) PL 4

- - -


Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments but few evil) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5

Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) (SEVERE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 19

Peoples of the Kettish Hills (Gnomes, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, all alignments) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

(The Kevellond League)

(March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 7, Current PL 5
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 6
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Stark Mounds (Hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, high elves, gray elves, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) (SEVERE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 8, Current PL 6
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 2

Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Order of the Hart (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
The Fellowship of the Torch (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, all alignments) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2


- Geoff (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2


- Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (POISONED BY SHADE) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 0
- - -


Monsters (Monsters of every kind from the MMs, all alignments) PL see the Monster Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)
Constructs (Constructs of every kind, neutral) PL see the Construct Arms Race (BEING CREATED)

Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky, neutral) (far northwest off-map) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 35, Current PL 32

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4


- - - THE ARMS RACE LIST - - -


ALYX (Planar Xeg-Ya/Jann/Nature Elementals, Alliance of the Rising Sun) PL 107 + 17
ANABSTERCORIAN (Planar Pseudeonatural Destrachans/Psuedeonatural Dire Sharks/Pseudeonatural Arrowhawks, Blackmoor, Heimmorj, Sea Allies of the Solistarim, Solistarim Confederation) PL 86 + 15
BLACK OMEGA (Planar Guardinals/Eladrin/Faerie, Circle of Eight, Faerie of the Flanaess, Elven Imperial Navy, The Coalition of Light and Shadow) PL 66 + 18
CREAMSTEAK (Planar Celestials/Metallic Dragons/Good Nature Elementals, Tenser, Good Giants, Delrunian Alliance, Peoples and Rangers of the Gnarley, Peoples of the Gnarley Forest/Grandwood/Phostwood/Amedio Rainforest) PL 45 + 18
DAGGER (Planar Celestials/Guardinals/Eladrin, Dwarves of Greyspace, Kingdom of Keoland) PL 47 + 15
DARKNESS (Planar Gem Dragons/Dao/Fire Elementals, Erypt, Esmerin, Orcreich, Dwarves of the Yatils, Baklunish Confederation) PL 99 + 19
MR DRACO (Planar Salamanders/Rakshasa/Xill, Isles of Woe, Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 174 + 18
EDENA OF NEITH (Planar Evil Earth Elementals/Xeg-Yi/Yugoloths, Vecna, The Legions of Vecna) PL 100 + 17
FESTY DOG (Planar Chromatic Dragons/Modrons/Earth Elementals, West Amedio Rainforest, Races of the Underdark) PL 64 + 15
FORRESTER (The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) 224 + 41 (+ 540 (270 Oerthian) still in Realmspace)
FORSAKEN ONE (Planar Modrons/Formians/Unseelie, Illithid and Neogi of Greyspace, Unseelie of the Flanaess, many Underdark Races of the H/C) PL 93 + 17
GNOMEWORKS (Planar Formians/Modrons/Earth Elementals, Technomancy of the Lortmils, Eastern League, Iron League) PL 59 + 26
JOHN BROWN (Cairn Hills, Ket, Rary and Empire of the Bright Lands, Iuz and Empire of Iuz) PL 83 + 20
KABOOM (Planar Air Elementals/Djinn/Water Elementals, Gnomes of Greyspace, Good Giants, Sky and Sea League) PL 227 + 18
KALANYR (Planar Demons/Slaadi/Unseelie, Undead, Empire of the Yuan-Ti, Ivid and Rauxes, Drow of Oerth, Dragons of H/Cs, occupied Geoff) PL 76 + 48
MAUDLIN (Planar Evil Demons/Xeg-Yi, Evil Undead, Vast Swamp, Sunndi, Acererak, People of Hempmonaland, Minions of Acererak, Scarlet Brotherhood) PL 100 + 20
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) (Shadow Empire, Shadow Throne) PL 100 + 38
RHIALTO THE MARVELLOUS (Black Brotherhood) PL 7 + 6
SERPENTEYE (Planar Devils, Yugoloths, Efreet, Isles of Woe, Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 174 + 18
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT (Planar Slaadi/Demons/Chromatic Dragons, Evil Undead, Quaggoth Fells, League of the Warlords) PL 56 + 16
TURROSH MAK (Planar Githzerai/Earth Elementals/Dao, Gith of Greyspace, Evil Giants, Orcish Empire of the Pomarj) PL 70 + 19
UVENELEI (Planar Metallic Dragons/Metallic Dragons/Gem Dragons, The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent) PL 119 + 19
VALKYS (Planar Unseelie/Shades/Chromatic Dragons) 24 + 22
WILLIAM RONALD (Planar Celestials/Guardinals/Good Earth Elementals, People of the Kettish Hills, Kevellond Alliance) PL 83 + 16
ZELDA (Storm Riders of Telchuria, Ratik, the Frost/Snow/Ice Barbarians, People of Timberway Forest) PL 44 + 12


Anabstercorian 3 (INTACT)
Black Omega 6 (MINOR LOSSES)
Creamsteak 3 (SEVERE LOSSES)
Dagger 6 (INTACT)
Edena of Neith 5 (MODERATE LOSSES)
Forrester 6 (INTACT)
Forsaken One 3 (SEVERE LOSSES)
GnomeWorks 2 (DEVASTATED)
John Brown 6 (INTACT)
Maudlin 3 (MAJOR LOSSES)
Lord Melkor (Talos) 3 (SEVERE LOSSES)
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 4 (MAJOR LOSSES)
Sollir Furryfoot 4 (MAJOR LOSSES)
Turrosh Mak 4 (MAJOR LOSSES)
Valkys 6 (INTACT)
William Ronald 4 (MAJOR LOSSES)
Zelda 0


Alyx 8
Anabstercorian 2
Black Omega 8
Creamsteak 8
Dagger 8
Darkness 8
Mr Draco 8
Edena of Neith 6
Festy Dog 8
Forrester 20
Forsaken One 8
GnomeWorks 20
John Brown 8
Kaboom 8
Kalanyr 8
Maudlin 6
Lord Melkor (Talos) 18
Rhialto 4
Serpenteye 8
Sollir Furryfoot 6
Turrosh Mak 8
Uvenelei 8
Valkys 4
William Ronald 8
Zelda 8


Alyx 2
Anabstercorian 6
Black Omega 2
Bonedagger 2
Creamsteak 4
Dagger 2
Darkness 2
Mr Draco 2
Edena of Neith 2
Festy Dog 2
Forrester 14
Forsaken One 2
GnomeWorks 2
John Brown 2
Kaboom 2
Kalanyr 32
Maudlin 7
Lord Melkor (Talos) 13
Rhialto 2
Serpenteye 2
Sollir Furryfoot 2
Turrosh Mak 2
Uvenelei 3
Valkys 8
William Ronald 2
Zelda 2


Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 2 (evil undead)
Black Omega 0
Creamsteak 1 (good and neutral undead)
Dagger 0
Darkness 2 (good undead)
Mr Draco 2 (evil undead)
Edena of Neith 2 (evil undead)
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 1 (good undead)
Forsaken One 2 (evil undead)
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 2 (evil undead)
Kaboom 2 (good undead)
Kalanyr 2 (evil undead)
Maudlin 2 (evil undead)
Lord Melkor (Talos) 2 (evil undead)
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 2 (evil undead)
Sollir Furryfoot 1 (evil undead)
Turrosh Mak 1 (evil undead)
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 2 (evil undead)
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0


Alyx 1
Anabstercorian 1
Black Omega 1
Creamsteak 1
Dagger 3
Darkness 1
Mr Draco 1
Edena of Neith 1
Festy Dog 1
Forrester 1
Forsaken One 1
GnomeWorks 1
John Brown 1
Kaboom 1
Kalanyr 2
Maudlin 1
Lord Melkor (Talos) 1
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 1
Sollir Furryfoot 2
Turrosh Mak 3
Uvenelei 2
Valkys 1
William Ronald 1
Zelda 1

- - -


Alyx 1
Anabstercorian 1
Black Omega 1
Creamsteak 1
Dagger 1
Darkness 1
Mr Draco 1
Edena of Neith 1
Festy Dog 1
Forrester 1
Forsaken One 1
GnomeWorks 1
John Brown 1
Kaboom 1
Kalanyr 1
Maudlin 1
Lord Melkor (Talos) 1
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 1
Sollir Furryfoot 1
Turrosh Mak 1
Uvenelei 1
Valkys 1
William Ronald 1
Zelda 1

- - -

Level of your Society and Culture, in Terran terms.

Alyx 1518
Anabstercorian 1502
Black Omega 1502
Creamsteak 1503
Dagger 1510.6
Darkness 1502
Mr Draco 1502
Edena of Neith 1502
Festy Dog 1502
Forrester 2100 and 1881
Forsaken One 1502
GnomeWorks 1881 and 1502
John Brown 1518.6
Kaboom 1541
Kalanyr 1502
Maudlin 1520
Lord Melkor (Talos) 2101 and 1502
Rhialto 1502
Serpenteye 1502
Sollir Furryfoot 1502
Turrosh Mak 1502
Uvenelei 1528.6
Valkys 1502
William Ronald 1502
Zelda 1502
Last edited:


First Post
The Rules Post - Turn 3



A Turn represents one month of game time; one month passed on Oerth, in Greyspace, on
Toril, in Realmspace, and everywhere else.
Unless I post otherwise.

A Turn consists of a single thread.
The Turn goes until 200 posts have accumulated on the thread.

At that point, the Turn is over, I will declare Time Out, and post the results of that Turn.

I will begin a new thread for the next Turn, following that.

Every turn will start with the Lists Post and the Rules Post as the first 2 posts of the thread.

- - -


Post to the thread.

Posting is everything. We are not using dice or cards here - this is the IR.
Posting is the lifeblood of the IR. What you post determines whether this works or does not

You Post to roleplay (and you should roleplay)
You Post to attack.
You Post to defend.
You Post whatever your imagination desires.

Remember that your Power can only do so much in one Turn; your Power can only do so much
in one month of game time.
If you Post too many actions in a Turn, I will have to disregard your later action posts.
I'll try to tell you if you have reached the limit of what your Power could do in the Turn.

You can, and should, e-mail me.

You e-mail me to tell me your power is trying to advance it's civilization.
You e-mail me to tell me your Power is researching 10th level magic.
You e-mail me with questions, and comments, concerning the IR.

- - -


I will attempt to post what is happening during the Turn, summarizing events up til that point.
If you log on, and face 50 to 100 unread posts, scan through the posts until you find mine.

Thus, I am attempting to make this process less intimidating and time consuming for you.

- - -


You can connive and scheme, IC and OOC.
You can post that you are assaulting the enemy.
You can conquer his nations and peoples, and gain his Power Level for your own.

You can state you are devastating, not conquering, or you can do both - in which case your
enemy permanently loses Power Level from the country being devastated, if you are
You can make alliances.
You can betray your alliances.

- - -


At the start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be in the
Dark Ages, or one step up in the Medieval Ages (except the Lortmil Technomancy and the
Shadow Empire.)

All Powers are considered to be in the Industrial Arms Race, for this is the IR!

All Powers in the Industrial Arms Race will gain 1 point per Turn.
These points start accumulating on Turn 2.
These points stack. Each Power in the Race continues to gain 1 point per Turn, indefinitely.

You can declare you are sharing your technology with other Powers.
All Powers you share technology with gain an additional 1 point in the Technological Arms Race
at the start of the next Turn.

For every Power that shares technology with yours, your Power gains an additional 1 point in
the Technological Arms Race.

To a maximum of 4. No power can advance more than 4 points.
So, you can gain 3 points from others helping you, and 1 from your own efforts, maximum.

Here is what your Strength Level in the Technological Arms Race means, in terms of what
military weapons your Power can build:

0 indicates your country has primitive firearms.
3 indicates your country has very advanced flintlocks, cannon, and is beginning to seriously
enter the field of Technomancy.
6 indicates your country is now able to produce early 19th century weapons.
9 indicates your country is now able to produce mid 19th century weapons.
12 indicates your country is now able to produce late 19th century weapons.
15 indicates your country is at 1900 Terran levels of weaponry.
18 indicates World War One technology.
21 indicates early World War Two technology.
24 indicates late World War Two technology.
27 indicates nuclear weapons.
30 indicates ICBMs.
33 indicates thermonuclear weapons.
36 indicates primitive computer guided weapons.
39 indicates your first space shot.
41 indicates your first moon landing.
45 indicates your first smart weapons.
48 indicates you have very sophisticated computer guided weapons.
51 indicates you can protect your nation from ballistic weapons (nuclear or not) with a missile
defense shield.

There is another post (or will be, if I can manage it) called the Technological Addenda post.
There, I and all the others who are willing are commenting on what technology was invented
It is quite an eye opener.
Read it, and you'll get a better idea of what kind of nasty things your Power can invent, based
on your point total and the chart above.

- - -


The ability to build massive weapons of destruction does not mean your civilization is
At the Start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be at the
Terran equivalent of the year 1500, for the purposes of where they stand in relation to the
Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution.

In other words, everyone on Oerth is medieval at the start.

Exception: The Lortmil Technomancy and the Shadow Empire, which are more advanced.


All the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace advance one year into the Renaissance and Industrial
Revolution per Turn, automatically.

You may choose to speed up this process by declaring you are allocating part of your Power
Level to advancing your civilization.
E-mail me if you are doing this.
Do not post this to the boards.

For every 3 points you allocate, your Power advances 1 additional year into the Renaissance
and Industrial Revolution.

You may allocate points to help other Powers advance their civilization.
Other Powers may allocate points to help you.

For every 10 years Terran equivalent your Power advances into the Renaissance and Industrial
Revolution, your Power gains the following benefits:

Your small nations and peoples increase in Power Level by 1 point, permanently.
Your larger nations and peoples increase in Power Level by 2 points, permanently.
Your very large nations or whole peoples increase in Power Level by 3 points, permanently.
If you have vast empires, or you represent an entire race, they gain 4 points of Power Level,

These benefits stack, so if your Power consists of many small nations, it will benefit from the
increased Power Level of each and every one of those nations.

- - -


A player can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar Races to help his Power, at (or before) the start.
Those Planar Races come and aid the Power calling them, automatically.

That Power gains 1 point per Turn for each Planar Race helping him, automatically.

Two or more players may claim the same group of Planars.
If this happens, it is not considered a Contested situation.

A Power may claim the same Planar Race twice, or thrice (such as claiming the demons 3
Such claims take the place of claiming other Planar Races.

If you discard one Planar Race during play, you can take another in it's place.


A player who begins the game claiming only Planars (plus his PC) starts with 9 points per
Planar Race claimed.
He can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar groups.

He then gains 1 point per Planar Race he has, from Turn 2 onward.

- - -


All Powers are assumed to be in the Magical Arms Race.
All Powers gain 1 point per Turn from this Race, automatically.

The return of the Arcane Age to Oerth and Greyspace is the impetus for this new Arms Race.

- - -



All Powers in the IR are limited to 9th level magic or below.
10th and 11th level magic, is not possible currently.

The only exception is Vecna, and Vecna alone - not his Legions.

Vecna may use 10th level magic.

Vecna may not share the secrets of that magic with anyone else.
He can not share the secrets of 10th level magic even with the greatest mages in his direct

This means no power on the board can shift an army from place to place at will.
Your army must march, or fly, or otherwise find a way of transport, such as the Sky League
currently has.

Vecna is again an exception - he can transport his entire army (but not someone else's)
anywhere in a Turn.

Vecna can do anything within the abilities stated for those able to employ 10th level magic
(See below in this rule.)

Wish spells, Miracle spells, Teleport Circle, and other such spells will not allow circumvention of
the above restrictions.

I would suggest you not use Wish spells for any purpose in this IR - Wish spells always carry a
heavy price for their use.
A Wish spell would - partly - protect you from the effects of a 10th level attack, but the price
you'd pay would be high, and could be extremely high. (It could be as high as the damage
from the still partially successful 10th level attack.)

Toril may not give the secrets of 10th or 11th level magic, or High Magic, to anyone in
Greyspace or on Oerth, including anyone in the Lortmil Technomancy.

Toril may open Gates to Greyspace, and attempt to evacuate the civilian population of it's
friends from Greyspace to Realmspace.
This is a one-way affair. If Toril opens such Gates, civilians may come to Toril, but Toril may
not send anyone to Oerth (other than a few people to supervise the evacuation.)
THIS move on Toril's part does not open them to attack ... they retain their full strength, the
Border Guard of Realmspace remains at full strength, and Toril is still considered to be
uninvolved on Oerth, and at peace.


Yes, the arrival of Kas and Vecna into the present has returned the Arcane Age, but it did not
come back all at once.
The magic of Greyspace and Oerth is slowly strengthening, slowly changing, slowly reverting
back to the eldritch level of the Arcane Age.
Accessing the greater magic of the Arcane Age is possible, but only after great effort and
study, which has not been conducted yet.

The Torilians, accustomed to how magic works in Realmspace, are not prepared for the new
reality in Greyspace, and need time to adapt also.

Vecna is the only being with sufficient insight and power to have enough understanding, as of
yet, to use even 10th level spells.
And even he cannot use 11th level spells.



All Powers on Oerth and Toril are in the Magical Arms Race, and gain 1 point per Turn from this
Because they are all in the Magical Arms Race, all Powers on Oerth may attempt to research
how to employ 10th level magic.

The Torilians may also attempt to research how to use 10th level magic on Oerth.
To do so, they must have already deployed a force with a point value to Oerth, that force must
remain on Oerth for at least one full Turn, and they must use the point value of that force (not
their Realmspace point value) to conduct the research from.

Such research is MASSIVELY COSTLY, in money and in time, in danger to the researchers, and
in the cost exacted from mind and body of the one who would dare to probe into such great

Here is what I mean by massively costly:

Millions of gold pieces (or the equivalent) required to set up the intricate and incredibly
complicated experimental chambers and to obtain the specialized tools required for the
experiments (not to mention the price the mages demand for themselves for this risky
Mages killed in the experiments, or permanently feebleminded, or taken by Planars, or aged
to death, or turned into undead, or those who simply disappear never to be seen again.
Mages who permanently lose the ability to cast any magic.
The rampage of Planars who accidentally are set free by the experiments.
Wild Magic Storms that wipe out entire areas.
Explosions that level entire castles or whole parts of cities.
Disasters that transform entire populations into mutated monsters.
Unexplainable phoenomenon that results in city sized areas having a permanent and deadly
change in the very essence of reality (for those of who you
remember the spell Mindspin, from Krynn, think of that.)

This research must be declared to me via e-mail.
Do not post it to the boards.

The Reward:

For every 10 points your Power spends on research, you gain an additional point in the Magical
Arms Race.
Spend 30 points, and you will gain an additional 3 points in the Arms Race, gaining a total of 4
points that Turn.

The Penalty:

For every 10 points you spend in research into 10th level magic, you lose 2 points of Power
Level permanently - I will choose the nation or nations that drop in Power Level, based on your
All the harmful fractions are rounded up, and none of the helpful fractions are. If you spend 7
points in research, you lose 2 points permanently and you must spend an additional 3 points
next turn (and lose another 2 points permanently) to achieve that extra 1 point in the Magical
Arms Race.

Additional Rules:

You may lend points to another Power so they can conduct research.
They lose no points in Power Level at all.
YOU lose 2 points, permanently, in Power Level per 10 points you lent (and remember that if
you loan less than 10 points, you still lose the 2 points.)
You most certainly DO NOT benefit yourself from lending points out - you gain nothing in the
way of additional points in the Magical Arms Race for lending points to another Power!
They benefit from your blood, sweat, and tears, and you get nothing back for your generosity.

You may share your research.
If you share it with one other power, you and they split the gains (in other words, you and they
gain 1/2 of 1 point per 10 points you spend on research) while YOU pay the price for the
research in full (2 points per 10 points spent.)
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 2 Powers, and you and they gain 1/3 of 1 point per
10 you spent, and you pay the full penalty of 2 points lost per 10 spent.
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 3 Powers, and you and they gain 1/4 of 1 point, and
you still pay the full penalty.
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 4 Powers, and you and they gain 1/5 of 1 point, and
you still pay the full penalty.
In other words, if you share your research, they get the goods, and you get the shaft.

When you reach 50 points in the Magical Arms Race, your Power gains the ability to cast 10th
level magic freely.
You gain all of the abilities stated in the Rules section for 10th level magic, plus anything
appropriate your imagination thinks up, and I approve.
You gain the ability to transport all of your armies from one place to another during the Turn.

It will only cost, one way or another, 500 points of research done by you and/or others, and
100 points of Power Level lost by you and/or others, to achieve this goal.

Of course, this sacrifice will enable only ONE Power to employ 10th level magic.
For TWO Powers to do so, 1000 points would have to be spent in research, and 200 points in
Power Level lost.
For THREE Powers to do so, 1500 points would have to be spent in research, and
300 points in Power Level lost.

Once you gain the secrets of 10th level magic, you MAY NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE ELSE.
You may continue to lend points, to help others - and continue to pay the price of this magical
research, if that is your choice.


11th level magic is even more awesomely painful and difficult to research than 10th level
Even mighty Vecna must conduct research to relearn how to use 11th level magic in the

You MUST know the secrets of 10th level magic before you can even consider attempting to
learn the secrets of 11th level magic - any Power so foolish as to attempt to learn both 10th
and 11th level magic at once is courting a magic disaster for the entire world of Oerth, not to
mention themselves.

You must, obviously, have gained that 50 points in the Magical Arms Race, to begin research
on 11th level magic.

Researching 11th level magic works like researching 10th level magic.

You spend 10 points to advance your Power Level in the Magical Arms Race by 1 additional
point - every 10 points spent gives you 1 additional point in that Race.

When you reach a Power Level of 200 in the Magical Arms Race, you may freely use 11th level
Vecna (with his jump of 50 points because he starts knowing the secrets of 10th level magic)
need only attain a Power Level of 150 in the Magical Arms Race to freely employ 11th level

For every 10 points of power you spend in research on 11th level magic, you lose THREE
POINTS PERMANENTLY from your Power Level total - I choose the nations that suffer the loss,
based on your e-mails.

So, if Vecna spends his entire 120 points on said magical research, he will end Turn One with
13 points in the Magical Arms Race.
Almost a 10th of the way there. Almost a 10th of the way to 11th level magic.
Vecna and his Legions permanently loose 36 points of Power Level on that Turn - the price to
be paid for research into such awesome and deadly secrets.

However, since Vecna gained 13 points in the Magical Arms Race, the loss is cut to 23 points,
and Vecna begins the next turn with a Power Level of 97 (down from 120.)


If your Power can employ 10th level magic, your Power gains all of the following:

Your entire army can move as many times as it wishes, to anywhere on Oerth or in Greyspace,
during the Turn (if obliterated in a battle, obviously it can't move again.)
Your entire army can be protected from the hostile effects of Wildspace, being underwater, or
being immersed in acid or lava.
Your entire army can be protected from magical curses, magical disease, and normal illness.
Your entire army can be relieved of the need for sleep and rest for over a week per Turn.

You can build ships immune to normal storms, waves, normal fire, and normal maritime
ballistae and catapults.
You can build ships that will fly.
You can build ships that can submerge like submarines.

You can build walls around your cities that cannot be broken by siege equipment or even small
You can build structures within your cities that are immune to small artillery, the might of fairly
powerful monsters, great heat, or earthquakes.
You can build great underground bunkers, extending for thousands of feet beneath the

You can create permanent Gates, from your land to other places on Oerth, in Greyspace, or to
other Planes of existence.
Your PCs, NPCs, and army (but not the armies of other Powers or any kind of Planar Armies)
can freely use these Gates.

You can create Pocket Dimensions. In these realities, your civilian population can safely hide,
or you may use these to house troops (in stasis, obviously) or supplies, or anything you
Nothing can break into your Pocket Dimensions that does not also have 10th level magic.

You can enable your cities to fly, as per Netheril, in which case they can move around at 20
You can create a base of rock upon which to rest your flying cities, that is imprenable to
anything less than large artillery or very great monsters.

You can alter the climate of your land, by one degree (arctic to subarctic to cold temperate to
warm temperate to subtropical to tropical to equatorial - totally dry to dry to semidry to
semiwet to wet to flooded) per Turn.
You can alter the flora and fauna of your land, by one level of change (from the flora and
fauna of the warm temperate lands, to the flora and fauna of the subtropics) per turn.
You may partially alter the geography in one place within your land, per turn (one part of a
mountain range, a range of hills, part of a great river valley, the whole of a small river valley.)
Such a change could involve diverting the course of a river, making mountains taller or shorter,
making hills higher or lower, cleaving a new pass through the mountains, creating a small
lake, drying up a
small lake, altering the size of a large lake, and similar lesser changes.

You may create one Mythal over one of your cities, or over a one thousand square mile area
of your land, where reality can be drastically altered.
A Mythal could allow:

Your army could be healed totally after a few days within it.
Your army could be protected from magical disease or curses within it.
The whole area could be warded against teleportation or scrying into the area.
Certain races can be banned from the Mythal area, and be totally unable to enter (up to 10
stated races.)
Every being in the Mythal area could gain up to 5 innate magical powers of 3rd level or less,
while they remain in the Mythal.

You can greatly extend the lifespan of a handful of your people, to hundreds of years if
human or halfling, a thousand if elven, dwarven, or gnomish.

You can attempt to give your entire population innate magical abilities of 2nd level or less
(one ability per Turn.)

Your ability to attack another Power is greatly enhanced, and I will take this into account
whenever you make an attack.
Your ability to defend yourself from an attack is greatly enhanced, and I will take this into
account whenever you are attacked.

You can scry your enemies pitilessly with 10th level magic ... they cannot hide from you.
You can keep track of exactly where every PC and NPC in the IR is, at all times. (Amulets of
Proof Against Detection and Location will not work against 10th level magic.)

Special restriction - you cannot attack and kill an enemy PC on Turn 1 (I want them to have a
chance to read this rule, and sweat ... and have some chance to save themselves.)
However, NPCs are fair game on Turn 1.


You may throw a catastrophe upon one enemy nation (not Power, but nation.)
You choose the kind of attack: volcanic eruption, firestorm, earthquake, tidal wave, wild magic
storm, super arctic cold (100 below zero), super heat wave (200 degrees), colossal storms and
tempests, rains of acidic blood, rains of colorless
death, or anything else that pleases you.
If the enemy has 10th level magic, he can block your attack.
If the enemy uses a Wish spell, he can partly block it (I require the wording of the Wish spell
in an e-mail.)
Mutiple Wishes could nullify your attack: take comfort in the fact your enemies will pay a very
high price for using those Wishes to stop you.
This attack will devastate an area the size of a small country, such as Dullstrand or the Duchy
of Ulek, or cause serious damage across a larger country like Furyondy or Ahlissa.
Your enemy's Power Level will suffer ... the Power Level of a small nation will be obliterated;
the Power Level of a larger nation will be reduced.
Such an attack will permanently alter the geography, flora, fauna, and possibly the climate of
the area attacked.


You can do many more things than the above: the above is only a sampling.
Your imagination is required here. Submit to me what it is you are trying to do with your 10th
level magic, and I will arbitrate whether it can be done.

NOTE: Remember that, even though you have 10th level magic, you can still only take so
many actions in a Turn.
If you take more actions than your Power could do in one month, I will inform you that you are
at the limit ... and then disregard further actions from your Power.


This section is under construction.
11th level magic is much greater than 10th level magic, and with it one can break the
fundamental rules of Dungeons and Dragons.

For example, openings can be made in Crystal Spheres, or closed.
The climate over a vast region can be permanently altered to whatever climate is desired.
The Workings of Magic itself can be disrupted.

I am still considering this one.

- - -


Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace will work fine, on Toril and in
Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace will work fine, on Oerth and
in Greyspace.

Such technology can be given to the Planars for their use (but the Planars do not start their
own Technological Arms Race ... your Power must continue that.)

Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace, which is taken to Oerth
and/or Greyspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.
Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace, which is taken to Toril
and/or Realmspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.

- - -


The United Commonwealth of Toril (and only the United Commonwealth of Toril) may send
forces to Oerth.
The United Commonwealth of Toril has 1,000 points of Power Level. They can send as much of
this to Oerth as they please.
Whatever Power Level they deploy to Oerth, however, loses half it's strength.

Thus, if the United Commonwealth sends 400 points of strength to Oerth, the force sent will
only have a strength of 200 points on Oerth.
The United Commonwealth will have 600 points of it's own remaining, in Realmspace.

It would be a really bad idea for the United Commonwealth to send more than half it's force to
Oerth, since the Eternal Empire of Toril (with a Strength Total of 500) might decide to attack it.

It would also be a really bad idea for the United Commonwealth to send most of it's force,
because the Border Guard that protects Realmspace is supported by the United
Currently, the Border Guard has sufficient power to protect Realmspace from any attack,
including Vecna and his Legions.
For every point of power the United Commonwealth sends to Oerth, that is that much less
strength the Border Guard has to protect Realmspace.

If the United Commonwealth sends forces to Oerth, those forces are under the following

They may employ no technology higher than the late 18th century.
They may employ no 10th or 11th level magic.
They must remain on Oerth once sent until the next Turn, when they may retreat - if still alive
to do so.
They cannot jump from one place to another on Oerth using magic, anymore than anyone else
on Oerth can, except for Vecna.

If the force sent by the United Commonwealth is destroyed, the United Commonwealth will
lose some of it's base Power Level as a result, permanently.


At the start, no Power on Oerth or in Greyspace may attack Toril or any place in Realmspace.
The Border Guard of the United Commonwealth is too strong for any force, even the Legions of
Vecna, to penetrate.
This may change if the United Commonwealth depletes the Border Guard, in which case I will
post the news.

If it does become possible for Oerth to attack Toril, you will face more than the United
Commonwealth of Toril.
The Powers of Realmspace are likely to unite to fight you, unless you pull off some very
shrewd diplomacy.

Other Powers in Realmspace include:

The Eternal Empire, PL 500
Hope Isle, PL 500
The Scro Star League, PL 300
The Church of Toril, PL 100

In their home system, the people of Realmspace have full access to their technology (Terran
equivalent 2100), their 10th level magic, and their 11th level magic.

- - -


A character of 30th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 1.
A character of 60th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 2.
A character of 90th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 3.
A character of 120th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 4.
A character of 160th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 5.

If the character has innate magical powers, and huge numbers of high powered magical items
(and/or artifacts) his power level can increase further.
By further, I mean by 1 Power Level ... 2 at the absolute most, assuming the most
extraordinary of conditions.

The above applies to NPCs.
It applies to the famous NPCs of Oerth.

An NPC who is a demipower, like Iuz, has inherently greater power than the norm, and his PL
is enhanced further.

- - -


Originally (and still, officially) a Mystaran product, the City of the Gods is here on Oerth, for
the IR.
It is the left-over product of a super-advanced civilization (more advanced even than the
United Commonwealth of Toril) that has disappeared.
It has maintained itself for thousands of years since, by maintaining and creating new robots.

The City of the Gods, as people call it, sits up in the Godspires, in the Black Ice (just off-map
to the north), in the middle of the territory of the Solistarim.

It is not possible to claim the City of the Gods.
The Solistarim cannot claim the City of the Gods anymore readily than anyone else.

It IS possible to raid the City of the Gods for their high tech goodies.
A successful raid (75% of any raid being successful) produces an increase in your PL of 2,
An unsuccessful raid (25% of any raid being unsuccessful) produces nothing.

Each raid, successful or unsuccessful, against the City of the Gods gives a cumulative 1%
chance that the City of the Gods will take notice of the raids, and that there are beings out
there existing that can raid it.
In that case, the City of the Gods will DECLARE WAR ON EVERYONE IN THE IR.

Yours Truly will run the City of the Gods if that happens.

The City of the Gods will then attack all those who raided it, immediately.
Once those Powers are destroyed, the City of the Gods will randomly attack all the other
Powers in the IR.
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First Post
Even as the explosion rocks Jalpa, causing widespread destruction, and disrupting the peace conference, and even as the other news comes in, yet more news arrives.
It seems a number of things are all happening at once.

(And no, I am not doing this on my own. One of you caused this to happen.)

Furyondy is, indeed, declaring independence from the Kevellond League (ignore my statement about lost PLs, though.)
Zeif is declaring independence from the Baklunish Confederation, stating it wants peace, and it does not want Garnak telling it what to do.
The Wind Dukes of Aaqa are threatening to pull out of the Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent, stating that the arrival of the Torilians is chaotic in nature (and chaos is anathema to the Wind Dukes - their idea of lawful is unbelievable, folks)
Rel Astra is declaring independence from the Dark Union.
Drax the Invulnerable states he wants peace and a continuation of trade, and that this war is bad for business.
Enheartened by this, the nearby Grandwood declares indepedence, and the Dark Union loses control of it again (I shall place 1 PL of rebel forces there instead, while the 1 PL the Dark Union allocated is moved to Ahlissa.)
The Duchy of Ulek is declaring independence from the Kingdom of Ulek, stating it will not tolerate riffraff in their nation.

A major uprising occurs in Celene.
Apparently, Queen Yolande is a fake, for the REAL Queen Yolande leads the uprising, and seizes control of Enkstad.
The orcs of Turrosh Mak are massacred by the rebels, who drive them out of Celene.
The rebel elves state that they will never tolerate orcs inside their kingdom, and that the Scarlet Brotherhood set a puppet up on their throne, and would have subverted them all.

In the Lortmil Technomancy, a major battle erupts between the dwarves and gnomes, apparently over a lost bet in a card game.
The subsequent brawl escalates into swordfighting, and then into a full scale riot, which spills over into one of the main production lines for ammunition.
As all efforts to quell the riot and fighting fail, the ammo goes off, and the Lortmil Technomancy suffers the same fate as Jalpa - many caves rock as a huge explosion takes out the ammo factory.

In the Barrier Peaks, the Robots - led by several Solistarim - attack the drow, pushing the force sent by Kalanyr back from the ship.

The monsters of Dreadwood go outside of Turrosh Mak's control, and start a rampage in Keoland.
Apparently, they got tired of waiting for the order to attack from Turrosh Mak, and decided to take matters into their own hands.
As a result, the Keoland port city of Gradsul is assaulted, and the citzenry in a panic slam the gates shut and mann the walls.
Funny thing, but the fleet of the Scarlet Brotherhood is just offshore, and one of their ships - specially modified as a fire ship - comes barreling into the Kevellond Navy.
Several Kevellond ships catch fire, burn, and sink.

Acererak's Minions confirm that Turrosh Mak does, indeed, have a massive fleet waiting, and ready (loaded with orcs) to cross to Onnwal, to liberate Irongate.

In the Empire of Iuz, Fellreev Forest offers to join the Empire in return for amnesty for it's people.
Their ambassador proclaims they will accept the Pantheon of Power.

Perrenland declares independence from the Coalition of Light and Shadow.
Their ambassador states they are joining the Solistarim, their Flannae relatives to the north.

The Hold of Stonefist declares independence from the Empire of Iuz, and their ambassadors offer alliance with the Snow Barbarians.

Apparently, that magical plague the Scarlet Brotherhood started is spreading. A number of people claim to be ill in the Dark Union and in the Lortmil Technomancy.

To the Elves Of Celene from The Shade:
We are glad that you will no longer tolerate your false rulers, for these are pawns of Forrester, butcher of Evermeet, one that has a blood of millions of your brethren on his hands, one that corrupted them, made them breed with orcs and goblins, made them abandom their Gods! And he wants to do the same with you! If you desire so, we will help you against any agressors!

Furyondy receives a similar message.

To Anabstecorian:
Explain your deeds! Are you allied with Torillians?
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First Post
Queen Yolande of Celene holds a trial for the imposter queen.
She is found guilty, and sentenced to be executed for High Treason.
Orcs are banned from Celene permanently, on pain of death, by Royal Edict of the Queen.

The Queen does not acknowledge the message of the Shade, since they are enemies, but she would agree that orcs mating with elves is a very awful thought.

Queen Yolande asks the Lortmil Technomancy to rid itself of it's orcs, since they are enemies of the elves, and Celene fears a coup against the Lortmil Technomancy by the Pomarj.

The Solistarim ... Anabstercorian must speak for them.

Everyone must speak for their respective Powers.
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At the conference Shadowlady Ahissa seems to be a bit confused and surprised hearing the news, but it lasts only a moment Than she speaks:

All these fools that plot to invade The Shadow Throne, BE WARNED! For you will have to fight not only us, but the land itself, for it is now a land of Shadow, land of eternal night ! The very air is filled with Shadow Essence, and it purifies those that are exposed to it, purifies from the false light! And our mighty spells of Shadow will be even stronger there, and magic of the light will lose its might!


First Post
Drax the Invulnerable created the undead legions of Medegia for the Dark Union out of the chaos and general evil that was Medegia prior to that.
Thus, now that Rel Astra has declared independence, Medegia tries to go with it.
Within a matter of 2 days, the entire eastern half of Medegia has declared indepedence, and turned hostile to the Union forces in the western half.
The rebellion spreads up the coast, clear past Ounsty, and into the Lone Heath.

Seeing their chance, the Sea Barons revolt, forcing the Union troops off their islands, declaring their ancient independence.

The trouble in the west intensifies.
Keoland, now under attack from the Dreadwood, is blaming Turrosh Mak, and threatening to pull out of the Kevellond League.
Tusmit and Ekbir are wondering if they ought to let Garnak push them around?

The Wind Dukes of Aaqa move closer to declaring indepedence from the Alliance of the Crescent.

The Robots of the Barrier Peaks, led by 3 Solistarim leaders, defeat the force sent against them by Kalanyr, and force it to retreat southward.


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Acererak's minions dig themselves into the tunnels of the Iron Hills, the same ones they had conquered only a short while ago. In their fortifications, they strategically integrate pockets of bound and naked civilians captured in Irongate and throughout the region. The lower tunnels, where the undead make their stand, are filled with Death Fog (healing undead and killing the living).

As soon as any of Turrosh Makh's ships near the shores, they will be bombarded from the beaches with some particularly grisly projectiles. Bloated carcasses of humans and dwarves, innards and blood, all blackened with some odd and terrible disease. Some of the projectiles even still scream as they arc through the sky. Even where they miss the decks, they float in the water, choking the shorelines and spreading a cloud of pestilence throughout the channel.

Acererak avatar makes a trip to Medegia, confronting Drax the Invulnerable. First he will verify that all is as reports indicate, as information is very conflicting! If so, Acererak will try to quell the rebellion. Invulnerable he may be, but still undead. Acererak will hurl repeated Control Undead spells at him and his entourage (Widened several times, each one affecting up to 130 HD of undead with a Will save of 108), and channeling Negative Energy to Command undead (as a 40th level cleric). Once the leadership is subdued, he will order them back to duty in the Dark Union.


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Frankly, I think Edena accidentally knocked over his battlemap, immediately came unhinged and is trying to cover up for it now :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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