(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 2a)


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Iuz shakes his head... "Betrayal begats betrayal... but I have chosen my path..." Iuz joins the legions of the Red Armies... "You betrayed before... and yet I still fight... for in the end... there will; be nothing left..." Iuz leads his armies... along sides the Red Armies... "We will destroy all... from nothing there will be beauty... you embrace the void... then so be it... I tire of this... I tire of the sin... the rage... the pain... alll will die... and all will know that is it I that brings them low.... Melkor's sacrifice will not be in vain...!!!! Kill or be killed... accept my final offer... Red gnome or I will kill you and seize your army by force.... respect is for the strong... not the weak... I challenged the Elder Gods... while you gaped in horror... you froze in your moment of triumph... I embraced it and charged headlong into the fray... you are weak and I am strong... follow me Red Armies... and together we shall bring about true Oblivion..." Iuz is then merging with the essence of Red Goo... whatever power they have tapped... he wants to become a part of.... whatever it takes...
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OOC- Bush question because every PC seems to be gaining divine power at an amazing rate, I was wondering if a bush got the blessing too.

(I I am also somewhat puzzled that a sacrifice you said would cleand the bloodwaste did not.

Which is not good since if I'd known how totally pointless the sacrifice of 400PL was I would have finished my research instead.

And got 11th level magic instead of -400PL for fun.
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First Post
All of my people are hiding because I had them all commited in research and development this turn. You said that forces that are commited in this way can't be called back into active, fighting duty until the end of the turn. That's what I understand, at least.

However, if I'm wrong and I can tell the people to abandon their work to defend their homes, then I do so, by all means. My research will be pretty worthless if there's no one but Red soldiers to appreciate it.

As for the experience, I know that the vast majority goes to the mages of the Crescent, but Aurican was up there firing the Groundbreakers off too, ya know. I wouldn't send anyone to do something dangerous that I wasn't capable of doing myself. As for designers and researchers, I started the ball rolling (pun intended).


First Post
If nukes hurt the Red Army, and don't make them stronger or something else silly, then I will start throwing some 100 megaton babies at them.

As far as the concubine is concerned -- yeah, that's pretty much what elves are good for :). I've still got a sour taste in my mouth about that entire part of the IR (I predict someone will try to get the Staff and set a trap, it succeeds, and then there's a miraculous escape -- and I end up being the one taking a loss. Yeah, whatever), so do whatever you want, Melkor. Knock yourself out.

William Ronald

Solutions wanted

Alright, people. You heard Edena.

We need ideas. (I am tired, and going offline soon. Let us say that some of the ideas are a little weird.)

Magical fire will hurt red goo and should hurt the Red Army. Kalanyr, Forrester, and Alzem are our heaviest hitters in the magic department who will help with this.

I think magically enhanced volcanoes might work. Just add a tiny bit of magic to the flame, and it might burn a lot of Red Army troops.

Zouron, your missiles are needed.

Hazen can continue to blast and fight. He will try to cast a spell similar to flame arrow on the projectiles fired by his soldiers. This makes the projectiles magical and capable of hitting the red army.

Please use this tactic. It may work.

I am using mass scale walls of fire and prismatic walls to slow down and harm the Red Army.

Can I attempt to harness the planet's electromagnetic field to produce a huge aurora borealis effect of electrically charged particles? Essentially a HUGE chain lightning. (Kalanyr or someone with 10th level magic might have to do this. Possibly the Angels might be able to do this.)

Also, it might be possible to call the Oerthblood to work as a weapon against the Red Armada. Possibly it can be summoned to the surface and used as a weapon against the Red Armada.

Magically powered flame throwers: I will use multiple limited wishes to allow the flame throwers on my troops and tanks effect the Red Army. Wishes can be used as well.

Will mass heal spells free the trapped souls?

Failing that, if Oerth is to fall, I suggest a mass evacuation of civilians to Hope Island on Toril.

Anabstercorian: Mina is fighting the Red Army. Helping her is in your interest.

The Forsaken One and o' Skoteinos: Both of you have a large quantity of Red Steel. Use divination to see if you can make red steel bullets and projectiles which can KILL members of the Red Army. Try versions of flame arrow on any projectiles you send in. This spell is very good at making short lived magic weapons.

Asteroidal bombardment of the Red Army (enchant the asteroids slightly) might be a good idea. The effect should be similar to nuclear bombardment. New Dorakaa sounds like a good target. (Sorry, Tokiwong. :D )

Any more suggestions.

William Ronald


Nukes proved effective earlier. Fortunately we have some people who can do some environmental clean up. (It WILL be needed.)

Edena has ruled that the Chuch of Toril, the Scro Star League, the Eternal Empire of Kara Tur and other Torillian powers are ready, willing and able to help. (At least they were with the Elder Ones. They are probably ready to help with the Red Armada.)

The Red Armada creatures seem impervious to most physical weapons. So, energy weapons (nukes, lasers, magic) seems the best way to deal with them.

Forrester, possibly your mages and Kalanyr's can figure a way to harness Oerth's magnetic field to do a giant chain lightning.


First Post
Do we still have nukes + 10/11th lvl magic somewhere? If so, make all nukes VERY positive energy loaded and blast them between the red army. That's bound to do some good :)

Emerald Order army is still fighting the red army, Angelika leading them. "Even if we die here, we at least tried. Oerth is most important to us, more than our own lives. For Oerth!" as she leads her army once again into the frey.

William Ronald

An idea

As Hazen has personal access to 10th level magic, he will try to use a 10th level spell to free some of the trapped Red Army soldiers near him. Does this work? How many will it effect? Will the freed spirits fight against the Red Armada?

Edena I am not sure if Demons are eager to fight against Red Army alongside Angels and Devils, especially that Demon God Iuz and his forces just merged with Red Goo.

Almost all my spellcasters are trying to protect Red Armies from Positive Energy assaults with 10th level magic.

To Iuz:

Yes! You have my eternal respect, Old One, you alone understand me, you and Red Army, you understand Power Of The Void, its beauty!
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My 10th level magic catastophe:

I blast Forsaken`s One forces with great Negative Energy Weave, I may even throw few nukes at them if I still have any! Ha, take this, overgrown ants! But what I want to do is awaken their Red Goo, which should provide Red Armies with another 10 000 power level bonus!

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