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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 2a)

Mr. Draco

First Post
I'm going offline for 24 hours (lan party), so Serpenteye has complete control (i.e.- if anything needs my say specifically, he can give it).

Edena: Also, I'm still wondering if we're having any extra effect with the lightining grenades, bombs, and golems.

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William Ronald

Edena, Forrester, Kalanyr, and Spoof:

Here is an idea. Can a catastrophe be created to free the trapped souls of the Red Armada? Possibly a Freedom catastrophe to release the trapped souls. Failing that, maybe the parties with 10th level magic can do a catastrophe involving the planet's electromagnetic field. Lightning directed at the Red Army. (Holy Lightning?)

I am serious about sacrificing Hazen if I have to stop this army.


First Post


Iuz shakes his head... "Betrayal begats betrayal... but I have chosen my path..." Iuz joins the legions of the Red Armies... "You betrayed before... and yet I still fight... for in the end... there will; be nothing left..." Iuz leads his armies... along sides the Red Armies... "We will destroy all... from nothing there will be beauty... you embrace the void... then so be it... I tire of this... I tire of the sin... the rage... the pain... alll will die... and all will know that is it I that brings them low.... Melkor's sacrifice will not be in vain...!!!! Kill or be killed... accept my final offer... Red gnome or I will kill you and seize your army by force.... respect is for the strong... not the weak... I challenged the Elder Gods... while you gaped in horror... you froze in your moment of triumph... I embraced it and charged headlong into the fray... you are weak and I am strong... follow me Red Armies... and together we shall bring about true Oblivion..." Iuz is then merging with the essence of Red Goo... whatever power they have tapped... he wants to become a part of.... whatever it takes...


And thus Iuz makes his choice. He merges with the Red Goo, and becomes a member of the Red Army - albeit a volunteer that could choose to return to the Living.
Iuz retains all of his powers, and he gains all of the killing power of Red Goo.

Most of Iuz's army merges with him, forming a new, and even more ghastly, Red Army, for these are living beings who have chosen to embrace darkness whole-heartedly.

The demons, turn away from fighting the Red Army, and start attacking it's enemies instead.

The Red Army, stops fighting the demons.

This frees up 20,000 PL of the force of the Red Army to concentrate on other operations.
And it adds another 20,000 PL to their strength, in the form of the demons.
In addition, it adds another 300 PL to their strength in the form of Iuz and his Red Army.

- - -


OOC- Bush question because every PC seems to be gaining divine power at an amazing rate, I was wondering if a bush got the blessing too.

ANSWER: No comment, really. All I can say now is - a lot of the people of Oerth are wishing there was more divine help right now.

(I I am also somewhat puzzled that a sacrifice you said would cleanse the bloodwaste did not.
Which is not good since if I'd known how totally pointless the sacrifice of 400PL was I would have finished my research instead.
And got 11th level magic instead of -400PL for fun.

ANSWER: Your effort was more than half of what was needed. The failure is not mine - Mina was going to immerse herself in the Blood Waste with you, to help.
The failure is that of Mr. Draco and Serpenteye. It was incumbent upon them to QUICKLY make a decision concerning whether Kas, the God Emperor, and their people would make the same sacrifice.
Especially once the attack of Iuz started, speed was incumbent.
They choose NOT to immerse themselves, and in this choice, they have brought the doom of the Red Army down on the world.
Their failure to make sacrifices may cost everyone their lives.

- - -


All of my people are hiding because I had them all commited in research and development this turn. You said that forces that are commited in this way can't be called back into active, fighting duty until the end of the turn. That's what I understand, at least.
However, if I'm wrong and I can tell the people to abandon their work to defend their homes, then I do so, by all means. My research will be pretty worthless if there's no one but Red soldiers to appreciate it.

ANSWER: You were not wrong. Those who are researching, cannot fight. If your forces decide to fight, you lose the research - and this is what you have chosen.
A wise choice. Your people might actually have a Lyrn and Aaqa to go back to, and not a Blood Waste the size of a continent.

As for the experience, I know that the vast majority goes to the mages of the Crescent,but Aurican was up there firing the Groundbreakers off too, ya know. I wouldn't send anyone to do something dangerous that I wasn't capable of doing myself. As for designers and researchers, I started the ball rolling (pun intended).

ANSWER: You did indeed. And your PC rockets to 200th level, and your NPCs to 100th, and your PL will triple on Turn 7. I already stated this before.

- - -


If nukes hurt the Red Army, and don't make them stronger or something else silly, then I will start throwing some 100 megaton babies at them.

ANSWER: Not a good idea, Forrester. Here is why:

The Red Army are engaged in combat with their enemies. Hitting them, will hit their enemies also - meaning the people of Oerth.
Where the Red Army is in the open - there is no such place. The Red Army is travelling through the underground latticework of Red Goo to make rapid movements and strike where they wish.

Where the Red Army has been victorious - well, it is very difficult to find that out before they leave that area. Quick military information is hard to obtain, and confusion is the rule.
The satellites GnomeWorks put in orbit were knocked down by the blasts that killed the Elder Ones.
Toril does not have ... for lack of better words ... a strategic military intelligence network set up on Oerth.
Indeed, all they have are a few observers, and these are pinned down.
Scrying with 10th level magic is helpful, but there are so many battles in progress, and the situation so confused, that timing a nuclear attack is difficult.
If you wish to go ahead and indiscriminately bombard Oerth with nuclear weapons, you may do so ... they cannot stop you.
This will kill a lot of the Red Army.
It will also kill vast numbers of the people of Oerth, especially those of the Alliance of Oerth, who have been your friends.
If you do not wish to do this, you can get in a nuclear shot here and there, when the timing is right, and the Red Army is caught off-guard.

As far as the concubine is concerned -- yeah, that's pretty much what elves are good for. I've still got a sour taste in my mouth about that entire part of the IR (I predict someone will try to get the Staff and set a trap, it succeeds, and then there's a miraculous escape -- and I end up being the one taking a loss. Yeah, whatever), so do whatever you want, Melkor. Knock yourself out.

ANSWER: (look of surprise) It is fortunate that this attitude is not known IC.

- - -

William Ronald

Solutions wanted

Alright, people. You heard Edena.

We need ideas. (I am tired, and going offline soon. Let us say that some of the ideas are a little weird.)

ANSWER: When people are desperate, any solution that works is reasonable. And this is a desperate situation.

Magical fire will hurt red goo and should hurt the Red Army. Kalanyr, Forrester, and Alzem are our heaviest hitters in the magic department who will help with this.
I think magically enhanced volcanoes might work. Just add a tiny bit of magic to the flame, and it might burn a lot of Red Army troops.
Zouron, your missiles are needed.
Hazen can continue to blast and fight. He will try to cast a spell similar to flame arrow on the projectiles fired by his soldiers. This makes the projectiles magical and capable of hitting the red army.
Please use this tactic. It may work.
I am using mass scale walls of fire and prismatic walls to slow down and harm the Red Army.
Can I attempt to harness the planet's electromagnetic field to produce a huge aurora borealis effect of electrically charged particles? Essentially a HUGE chain lightning. (Kalanyr or someone with 10th level magic might have to do this. Possibly the Angels might be able to do this.)
Also, it might be possible to call the Oerthblood to work as a weapon against the Red Armada. Possibly it can be summoned to the surface and used as a weapon against the Red Armada.
Magically powered flame throwers: I will use multiple limited wishes to allow the flame throwers on my troops and tanks effect the Red Army. Wishes can be used as well.
Will mass heal spells free the trapped souls?
Failing that, if Oerth is to fall, I suggest a mass evacuation of civilians to Hope Island on Toril.
Anabstercorian: Mina is fighting the Red Army. Helping her is in your interest.
The Forsaken One and o' Skoteinos: Both of you have a large quantity of Red Steel. Use divination to see if you can make red steel bullets and projectiles which can KILL members of the Red Army. Try versions of flame arrow on any projectiles you send in. This spell is very good at making short lived magic weapons.
Asteroidal bombardment of the Red Army (enchant the asteroids slightly) might be a good idea. The effect should be similar to nuclear bombardment. New Dorakaa sounds like a good target. (Sorry, Tokiwong. )
Any more suggestions.

ANSWER: The result of this post is that the Kevellond League is fighting harder, more desperately, and more effectively than any other Power currently being attacked.
So far, the Kevellond League is holding all it's territories, although all of them are under heavy attack.
The Aurora Borealis tactic does not work.
The Asteroid Tactic will work, although it WILL kill the defenders as well.
The Oerth Blood tactic is another matter.

The Oerthblood enables the men and women of the Kevellond League to create armor that will stop Red Goo - it will repulse the destructive effect of that substance, and it will not be affected by the touch of Red Goo.
With Oerthblood, the men and women of the Kevellond League have finally found a defense that works against Red Goo.
And they have finally found a true offensive weapon, too.
Already able to fire spellbolts, they can combine the magic of Oerthblood with their spellbolt capacity to produce huge bolts that blow asunder large numbers of the enemy.

For the first time in the whole war, the Red Army is forced to retreat on a battlefront, as the Oerthblood comes into play against them.

- - -

William Ronald


Nukes proved effective earlier. Fortunately we have some people who can do some environmental clean up. (It WILL be needed.)

ANSWER: I have already stated above that nuclear bombardment of Oerth is a bad idea, and why it is a bad idea. But Forrester is free to do as he chooses.

Edena has ruled that the Chuch of Toril, the Scro Star League, the Eternal Empire of Kara Tur and other Torillian powers are ready, willing and able to help. (At least they were with the Elder Ones. They are probably ready to help with the Red Armada.)
The Red Armada creatures seem impervious to most physical weapons. So, energy weapons (nukes, lasers, magic) seems the best way to deal with them.
Forrester, possibly your mages and Kalanyr's can figure a way to harness Oerth's magnetic field to do a giant chain lightning.

ANSWER: No, they cannot. But, if Forrester were to deploy the army of the United Commonwealth on the ground, on the battlefields of Oerth, THAT would make a huge difference.
But that's a big if.
So far, I don't see that Toril has committed even 1 PL to a ground offensive against the Red Army.
That's too bad ... because the Red Army is rampaging across Oerth, massacring, destroying whole lands, even blasting apart whole mountains.

- - -


Do we still have nukes + 10/11th lvl magic somewhere? If so, make all nukes VERY positive energy loaded and blast them between the red army. That's bound to do some good
Emerald Order army is still fighting the red army, Angelika leading them. "Even if we die here, we at least tried. Oerth is most important to us, more than our own lives. For Oerth!"
as she leads her army once again into the frey.

ANSWER: Excellent. Very good rping, Venus. And yes, the Emerald Order is at the forefront of the battle. And, it is reasonable to assume that the Kevellond League is sharing all the secrets of Oerthblood that they know of with the Emerald Order, and the Emerald Order is summoning the Oerthblood for it's own use.
The Emerald Order begins to win some of those bitter, terrible battles against the Red Army, although casualties are monumental.

- - -

William Ronald

An idea

As Hazen has personal access to 10th level magic, he will try to use a 10th level spell to free some of the trapped Red Army soldiers near him. Does this work? How many will it effect? Will the freed spirits fight against the Red Armada?

ANSWER: It works quite well, freeing hundreds of them instantly. But Hazen is only one man, and has a limit to the number of 10th level spells he can throw. When he runs out of 10th level magic, the Red Army comes yelling to the onslaught.
The Crook of Rao is needed again - and it's mighty blasts of positive energy light the sky as it blows regiment after regiment of the Red Army apart.

- - -


Edena I am not sure if Demons are eager to fight against Red Army alongside Angels and Devils, especially that Demon God Iuz and his forces just merged with Red Goo.
Almost all my spellcasters are trying to protect Red Armies from Positive Energy assaults with 10th level magic.

ANSWER: This means the Shade are joining the war, and putting their 10th level magic into play.
The result is disastrous.
For Kalanyr and Alzem have 10th level magic also, and could use it to destroy and/or drive back the Red Army.
But with the Shade wizards backing the regiments of the Red Army, this can no longer be done.
Hazen's own efforts fail and fall silent, as he sees the Shade wizards reinforcing the enemy.

Enheartened and emboldened by this sudden appearance and alliance of the Shade, the Red Army launches it's fiercest attack yet.

The demons, emboldened, charge the devils in suicidal frenzy.

To Iuz:
Yes! You have my eternal respect, Old One, you alone understand me, you and Red Army, you understand Power Of The Void, its beauty!


For the first time ever, in this IR, I the DM must state that the side of Evil is winning.
Melkor's Shade, Iuz and his Legions, and the Red Army seem like an invincible juggernaut, rolling over whole countries, ravaging and destroying.

- - -


My 10th level magic catastophe:

I blast Forsaken`s One forces with great Negative Energy Weave, I may even throw few nukes at them if I still have any! Ha, take this, overgrown ants! But what I want to do is awaken their Red Goo, which should provide Red Armies with another 10 000 power level bonus!

ANSWER: Kalanyr cancelled your Catastrophe, Lord Melkor. And, you are out of nuclear weapons.

- - -


I cancel the catastrophe of Melkors.

ANSWER: Correct, you do.

- - -

The Forsaken One

I never had more then 9PL!!!!! In there to crack the ground and the soil and to cause the earthquakes.

(Maybe you hit some stuff around it since we aren't even concentrated with that 9 PL but spread out and causing as much havoc to our enemies as we can so maybe you actually hurt someone else but you certainly didn't hurt me there hihihihihi.)

ANSWER: I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, Forsaken One.
While you are hiding down Below, the surface world is being destroyed.
Do you think they will be content to allow you to live, once they have killed everyone on the surface?
They will be content with no such thing.
And they WILL find your Secret Retreat, for they will search through every part of the Underdark until you are found.
You have over 750 PL you could be donating to the battle Above.
Yet you choose not to donate that 750 PL, and in so doing, you weaken Oerth, and greatly increase the likelihood that doom will take all of you.

Your forces are armored in Red Steel that withstood the enemy's attack.
That counts for something.
Your forces could count for something.
But, as of this moment, they have done nothing.

I assure you that, if the Red Army wins the surface, they will come for you.
They will come, and they will find you, and I do not think your PL will be big enough at that point for you to survive.

- - -

Black Omega

Back again and sheesh, missed all the fun again.
Re: The Red Army, The Coalition of Light and Shadow is not hiding. This isn't a threat you can hide from, it's something you have to face. So we'll be right in there with everything we have. We don't have the nukes or the 10th level magic, but we can still manage a little magical fire at least.

ANSWER: Very well. Vesve Forest still stands, as a result of this post. And something more.
When the few nuclear weapons do detonate (the normal ones) the energy from them does something rather ... different.

The mushroom clouds rise as normal, but great streamers of light flow from them in all directions, filling the sky as if with jet contrails, but these contrails do not fade, but glow brilliantly.
The energy floods down, into the Faerie, into the Unseelie.
The amount of energy is staggering - all the Faerie stop what they are doing, becoming ecstatic with the energy.
Nothing, not even the direct radiance of Titania herself, has ever been like this - this flooding of energy, this endless pouring in of might, building the Faerie and the Unseelie up, giving them incredible power.

Black Omega and Valkys both gain 10th level magic immediately.
They will both gain 11th level magic automatically on Turn 7 (if Oerth survives until then.)
Vesve Forest wakes up, every single tree in it picking itself up out of the ground, it's branches rising as weapons.
Oerthblood comes pouring out of the ground in colossal amounts, filling the Faerie, covering the trees, hanging like a mist in the air. The whole sky over the Vesve turns a bright silver (the whole sky over the Adri Forest turns pitch black.)
The Vesve Forest turns into the Death Forest, for it too came alive. It is entirely under the control of the Unseelie and the Lost Elves their allies.
Those Union soldiers inside are instantly killed.

The Red Army in the Vesve Forest and Adri Forest finds itself suddenly surrounded by literally billions of opponents - the trees.
They are gleaming bright silver, or deadly black.
The Faerie and Unseelie, given stature and power beyond that of the Devas, lead these trees in an unprecedented counterattack against the Red Army.

Black Omega's PL becomes 10 times what is was.
So does Valkys.
Forsaken One's increases by 3 fold.

- - -


Black Omega & Edena:
OOC- At least you weren't dumb enough to sacrifice 400PL for no effect. . Stopped me getting 11th level magic too. And Melkor can summon the elder ones everyday expending only the SAME 20PL. I am not happy about this. Its incredibly illogical and makes no sense at all.
Are you just out for armegeddon Edena? If so can we know, so we can at least make the appropriate (offensive/research) decisions as oppossed to sacrifice ourselves for pointless if noble causes (as I just did)?

ANSWER: Well now ... I'm always out for Armaggedon. You should know me by now ... I'm the evil, nasty DM! (evil chuckle.)
As for Melkor being able to once more summon the Elder Ones by suicide - he cannot do it. I meant that as a joke.
As for your own sacrifice, Kalanyr - know that it would have succeeded, if only Mr. Draco and Serpenteye had chosen to help you.
This calamity is their fault as much as mine - people make choices, and they must live with the consequences!

By the way, your elves from Dneiper have saved Ishtarland.
These elves are able to protect themselves with magic strong enough to resist the Red Goo, and all of their weapons are enchanted.
Your own forces have the might of 10th level magic, so the Red Army is no match for the drow.

Even WITH the Shade and their 10th level magic backing them, the Red Army cannot withstand the might of the drow and the elves combined.

The Red Army and their Shade allies are crushed in Ishtarland, the first great victory against the Red Army in the whole war.
Ishtarland is freed of the Red Army.
Now at last, Kalanyr's people and his elven allies can come to the aid of his besieged neighbors.

- - -


Posted by Kalanyr:

I cancel the catastrophe of Melkors.
You would have to know before I did it.

ANSWER: Forget it. Kalanyr cancelled your Catastrophe.

- - -


You know cascades of negative energy on a battlefield are pretty obvious. I think I would notice.

ANSWER: You did. And the Catastrophe thrown by a Power with 10th level magic sends out magical disturbances about as subtle as a rampaging bull.
Even a 1st level mage would instantly notice something was happening.
A Power with 10th level magic would know instantly something was being summoned, and just as quickly what it was.

- - -

The Forsaken One

A catasptrohe is being casted and it takes a hell of a casting time and you can sense and see it building. You can attempt a counterspell at that time. Else you would never be able to cancel one because you would NEVER be able to see someone cast it since noone wuold be that stupid then... so please... don't say such things when you know they are stupid cause else cata's would be instoppable. But as PER THE RULES they are.

ANSWER: Oh come. No need to be argumentative here. The casting time is less than an hour, maybe only a few minutes. But mages think in terms of seconds, not minutes or hours, as Kalanyr and Melkor's powerful mages would tell you.

- - -

The Forsaken One

May I remind everyone of the fact that we are forgetting that there is a 3600 PL Dark Union out there and a certain someone named Acererak.
And they will most certainly be around next turn and way way more powerfull 400 PL + advance for Ace and god know what for the DU and ow yeah that they'll have 11th soon.


Well, there is at that. And they are not helping you.
The fact they are not helping you is allowing the Red Army to stomp Sollir, Creamsteak, and Zelda's powers into the ground.

Meanwhile, scouts of the Red Army are searching the eastern lands, and speaking out, as thus follows:

Come out, come out, wherever you are!
We know you're here somewhere, and we WILL find you!
If you come out now, we will kill you mercifully, and you shall have a place in our army.
But if you continue to hide, we will find you, and you will be slowly devoured by our power, kept alive until the last possible second.
Afterwards, your Red Bodies will be Lifeproofed, so that you cannot be slain, and we will use you as Dummy targets for our arrows and spears, our swords and maces, and all of our spells.
When we are not enjoying torturing you, slicing your flesh off piece by piece until the bone shows, that is.

Little Union of Oerth, come out and fight.
Little Union of Oerth, we will find you.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

- - -


Also how did Melkor nuke the Blood Waste, those nukes should have become Red Goo on contact with the Blood Waste.

ANSWER: Ah, but they did not. They worked properly, detonating before the Red Goo could change them. (The Red Goo takes a few moments to work. Nuclear weapons take a billionth of a second to work.)

- - -


OOC-Bah Humbug who cares about the DU and Ace? They were destined to win from the start of Turn 5, let em I say. Not like fighting or sacrifices by my side does anything except make the Red Goo stronger and usually increase whoever we attack in strength too.


If Forsaken One, Festy Dog, Mr. Draco, Serpenteye, and Sollir don't get their forces into the fight, the forces of evil WILL win the IR.

Tokiwong and Melkor, who has 10th level magic, are firmly behind the Red Army.

- - -

The Forsaken One

It might be me but isn't the blood waste bordering the DU lands on the east and there were only 1000 PL dead to defend there? And the DU lands were empty.. seems to me were gonna have a nice pool of red goo called the DU soon......

ANSWER: That is quite true, if the Union of Oerth doesn't do something real soon.

You can't tell me they can just stay out of the fray here.... such a massive war and 1/3rd of the map is purple.. so you bet that they get hi.. if they don't get some serious hurt here I don't know how anymore.

ANSWER: They can't stay out of the fray. Once the Red Army destroys the rest of you, it will find the Union's Secret Retreat. And the fate the Red Army decreed for these cowards (see above) WILL be inflicted.

- - -


You still don`t understand that evil is stronger, do you? You made a wrong choice, and you must pay for it!

ANSWER: Heh. You tell em, Melkor! Although my character Edena would beg to differ with you ...

- - -


OOC- Evil wasn't stronger, you were weaker and received protection and aid from mysterious sources (eg Aces 400 PL of undead a turn) until now , when you have the upper hand. Perhaps its our turn for mysterious aid?
And on top of that you can summon the Elder Ones everyday for 20PL that comes back and I can't even do jack to the blood waste when Edena specifically stated a large enough sacrifice could. I also gave up 11th level magic for that sacrifice.
So forgive my apathy and belief you are destined to win. Because it seems true. Eg:
You-20PL - No 11th level magic- Free the Elder Ones
Me-1280 PL - No 11th level magic - Can't even scratch the blood waste.
I notice a disparity here.

ANSWER: Heh, will clear up some misunderstandings here, even if I do have to say it again. Kalanyr, your sacrifice failed because Mr. Draco and Serpenteye did not help you.
If that had chosen to immerse the God Emperor and Kas, and their people, in the Blood Waste, the Blood Waste would have been dispelled.
You were betrayed by them.
And as I said before, Melkor CANNOT again summon the Elder Ones.

- - -


Edena: How many Pls are the Red Goo armies that are attacking the Union of Oerth? They couldn't be very many, since Delrune shields us in the north and the battle is still raging in the blood waste.
We will withdraw our forces, including the God-Emperor and Kas (unless Draco vetoes it) from the battles to deal with this new threat. 300 pls (from the quick responce force and our secret place) are sent to purge our territories from the invaders. They are shielded from red goo attacks and conversion in every way possible. We will only attack with magic, magical weapons and explosives (and whatever other ways are effective against the reds), we will not use tactics and weapons that have proven to be ineffective against that kind of creatures. The enemy will be engaged in open formations and guerilla tactics. We will only attack were the odds are in our favor (so as not to give them fresh recruits). Our superdragons and supertrolls should be immune to the Red Goo, if they would be useful we send them against the emeny (if they would prove worse than useless they will be immediatley sent back to stasis in our hidden base.)
Our electricity golems and grenades will continue their attemts to electrocute the Red Goo army in the Blood Waste.

ANSWER: Ah, so you are going to fight, eh? Coming out to fight? The Red Army is waiting for you.
And they have THIRTY THOUSAND PL ready for you.
They descend on your forces with mad glee, knowing that 100 to 1 odds mean they're gonna make mincemeat out of you (you could reduce those odds to 15 to 1, if you threw everything at the enemy.)

The Red Kender attack first, just to make things more infuriating for you.
They descend in mad waves, endless hoards, crashing into your armies like a tidal wave roars over a coastline.
Red dragons sweep down upon your Superdragons.
Avalanches of Red Warriors start pulling down your supertrolls.
Your electricity explosives prove highly effective, killing large numbers of their forces.
Their endless barrage of Red Goo proves highly effective against your forces, even if you are using guerilla warfare - they just melt everything, be it tree, bush, rock, or the hills themselves, to get at you.

The fact that the ENTIRE Adri Forest is coming to your aid (well, not to YOUR aid, but it might as well be the case) helps.
Billions of angry trees, infused with powerful death magic, lead by Unseelie empowered by energy from the nuclear blasts, start tearing the Red Army apart.

Your forces find out, quickly, that it is wise to avoid the wrath of Adri Forest - they are just as quick to kill your people as they are the Red Army.

- - -


Hey Serpenteye
Given my noble and pointless stupidity, and that of several other good powers who could get 11th level magic this turn, I guess we should give you the Winner certificate now.
That is off course assuming we don't get a mysterious boost from nowhere, but I have the funny feeling that that only applied in earlier times (ie When EVIL needed it)
Just goes to show:
Evil will win because good .though unified, is hindered by morals and evil can do whatever they want.
(Maybe I should hit the Blood Waste with Negative Energy Waves like Melkor was doing and kill you all as an interesting exercise in Why making evil win when you have a rather temperamental and depressed good guy around is a Bad Thing. Nah, that would make me Evil. See there we have proof of my theory. )

ANSWER: Indeed. You have a war to fight, Kalanyr. I would suggest you fight it. Iuz, Melkor, and the Red Army are rolling over and playing dead for nobody.

- - -


For the sake of virtue, Sanctus will step up and free both of these individuals souls.

Heh, If I can block the 10,000 PL of red goo from coming at you, fine. Don't forget the Blood Waste could still overun you in the next... 8 threads...


Another red elven girl approaches the best elven swordsman of Delrune.
Her mail glimmers silver red, her hair is long and lusciously red, her face is beautiful and lofty, her body lush beneath her cape.

She smiles coyly at him, and speaks:

Well met. You are amongst the greatest of elven swordsmen.
Then again, I am among the greatest of elven swordswomen.
Shall we dance?

She draws twin swords, each glowing a brilliant purple, and before the elf can cast a spell, move, or do anything other than blink, she is on him.

He is forced into a furious battle, his swords ringing, clashing with hers in a web of steel.

Her swords are everywhere, she is everywhere, a blur of feminine hair and slender body.

The elf is hit, and hit again, repeatedly, by her blades, but he does not slump into Red Goo - she has employed the dark magic to withhold it's killing power.
The elf finds himself weakening, slowing, unable to get hits through against her.
As she slashes her blades through his flesh again and again, he slows further and further.
Finally, she disarms him, knocking his sword flying to the side.
She places her sword to his throat, and he can feel it's point against him.
She speaks:

I have lusted to make you mine for a very long time, hero of Delrune. And now, you shall be mine ... utterly mine.

She pushes, and the elf finds himself bending backward, further and further, to avoid being run through by her sword, until he falls down on the ground, face up.
All around him, the ground is turning to Red Goo, but the ground he is on, is still normal.

The red elven girl smiles dazzlingly at him, and kneels down beside him, her sword pressed against his throat, and whispers:

You desire me, don't you? Even through all your pain and terror, I feel it ...

She bends down, and kisses him, gently, on the lips.
Then she kisses him long and ardently.
He finds himself responding, the kiss delightful, even as he melts into Red Goo, reforms, and becomes one of them.

Needless to say, the situation in Delrune and in the League of Warlords, is dire.

- - -


Lol! Not bloody likely! My money's on Anabstercorian. Of course if Forrester really wants to he could easily conquer Oerth. And Alzem could easily summon 100 000 Pls of Angels whenever he's in danger of being defeated, William and the rest of the Oerth Alliance could easily do the same. Uvenelei could vaporize any army with his lightspeed cannons. Melkor can summon the elder ones every turn without penalty and all I can do is hide in a hole in the ground. Yeah, our victory is inevitable.

ANSWER: Well, you have a good point about Anabstercorian. He has his Army of Darkness, 4000 PL strong, and he COULD have had them help you ... but he hasn't.
What a pity ... while you are being slaughtered, he is sitting up there in space all nice and safe.

As for the Angels, they only had 90,000 PL total, and of that, only 60,000 PL remains.
A third of the Angels are dead, and more are falling fast.
And no more are coming. That's all you get, folks.

As for Melkor, I will say this again - he cannot summon the Elder Ones again.

As for Uvenelei, he is out of Groundpounders. A pity, since the Alliance of the Crescent is on the verge of total destruction (except for Ishtarland, which is safe now.)
Sorta pointless to have an ultimate weapon, if you are not alive to use it.
And the Red Army, does not intend to leave survivors.

- - -


I suggest everyone goes ahead and evacutes everything living.
ooc: semi back.
*Fujishi Zuroji wakes up in the dark of night, sweat perls covering his body, slowly he stands and glances around the room, before going to the door glacing out at the sky, he turns and speaks to the guard by the door.*
Go tell the military command we will be evacuating everything to safety. And tell the leaders of the nations of this world that they shall evacuate their people or die.
Open letter to the leaders of the world nations.

Since the war have turned so much in the disfavour of the people of Oerth, I have decided to make sure all fighting will stop immidiately, The sky shall be red and then the cold shall decend pray that we will archieve the highest level of magic to repair this damage.
Therefor I urge everyone to shield the civilian and other important members of society deep beneath the ground, you have 7 days.
-Fujishi Zuroji, Commander of the Eternal Union
Since my help is so much desires here it is, and enjoy it.
I will in 7 in character days (you just let it happened edena when the time comes unless I say otherwise) teleport 1 000 nuclear bombs to atmospheric explosion over the main continent (whatever it is called) in a fair tight pattern, another 2000 will be fired in a spread pattern 4 wave (500 bombs each time) over the major fighting areas, using my nice surprise type I designed earlier for dealing with anabstercorian's army of darkness. (they should be more refined now I guess).
I should say that the atmospheric explosions are sure killers more or less, this is typically something you do not do with bombsbut heh PL 110 000 army is a really big thing I am sure they will take a serious hit from it, I guess we could say this is toril's ice age all over again. the four waves of bombs should also take their tool. of course I will hold the attack back if I am strongly urged to do so.
Edena I will be using my force 1 to gather as much supplies and livestock as possible for a long long long time under ground hiding. And if I should be able to get so whatever is left of the elder ones for research do add that hehe, might be useful to study the biology of might.


Now, that's quite naughty of you, Zouron, trying to blow up my Red Army.
They might just take offense to that!
After all, they have left AnaKeris and Aquaria alone - up until now, those continents have not been under attack.
The Red Army wishes to completely destroy the great continent, Oerik, first, then deal with the rest of the world.

Now, they don't know you're going to fire your nuclear weapons, but they know you have them.
They are, as I stated way up at the top of this post, taking precautions against nuclear attack.

They engage the enemy, so you must destroy your own allies as well as them, should you fire.
They travel underground, through the Red Goo latticework everyone so nicely provided them (by experimenting with Red Goo) to travel quickly from place to place.
I assure you that your thermonuclear weapons won't hurt them down THERE.
(wicked laugh, imitates the Emperor from Return of the Jedi.)
I assure you, they are quite safe from your nukes there!

Furthermore, Oerik is the size of Eurasia, and the Red Army is spread out all over it. 5,000 detonations will get some of them, but the majority will survive.
And they will laugh at the radiation, which will not harm them, but which will harm you and your allies.

- - -


Edena, as soon as our diviners detect Zouron's intention to nuke the Red Army, our best mages and psychokinetics will prepare to use powerful magic and psionics to keep the radiation from spreading using Control Weather effects.
Additionally, those 40 Rockjammers should be hitting Oerth and the Red Army any minute now. Did I have any luck stealing those nukes?
If those wouldn't do anything to the Red Army, I'll probably leave them alone and remain in hiding. After seeing what happened to the Elder Ones, my army isn't going anywhere NEAR Oerth's orbital defenses.
OOC: Wow! Nice job on those Elder Ones. That was truly impressive - I just wish I had gotten some of that XP.
Also, I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day, most likely - I'm going to be playing DnD and going to ChimeraCon. Edena, if you want, you can control Anabstercorian and the Army of Darkness in my abscence, but only if it would be fun for you.

ANSWER: Those 40 rockjammers hit, producing 1,000 megaton explosions where they hit.
A part of the Red Army disappears, along with a sizeable chunk of those fighting the Red Army.
Earthquakes rumble across Oerth as the mighty explosions level cities, whole countrysides are blown flat, and the fireballs rise up into near space.
By the way, that is the end of Veluna City, which was invested by the Red Army ... the Army of Darkness (bless their hearts) decided that it was in the best interest of the Kevellond League if the great Red Army division there was taken out ... they are quite sorry about the city, and are crying in their cups about it ...

No, Anabstercorian, you do not succeed in stealing the nuclear arsenal of the Eternal Order (Zouron).
He has his mightiest protections possible up around them.

RULING: Since Anabstercorian never posted, up to this point, that he was helping any of you with his army, and ...
Since Anabstercorian isn't posting now that his army is helping you, and ...
Since Anabstercorian is Anabstercorian, and probably wouldn't have helped you anyways ...

I am ruling that the Army of Darkness, 4,000 PL strong, is staying out of the fight.
Very unfortunate indeed ... but you must blame Anabstercorian.
He has had EVERY chance to post that his army was coming to fight, coming to help you, and I even had Mina demand he come and help - a demand he did not answer.

If you survive, you can have a chat with Anabstercorian later about the fact he left you to d ... uh (clears throat) did not send his army to help you.

Incidentally, Mina is fighting furiously, her purple sword glowing with the might of the One God, as she hacks down one foe after another.
The Dead she leads are reaching into the chests of the foe, pulling their hearts out, immune to their killing touch, immune to most forms of attack for that matter.
The Red Army is being beaten back, out of the Shieldlands, with great loss, by Mina and her forces.

- - -

William Ronald

My sacrifice

Hazen will try to summon more Angels if possible. If all that can arrive are here, then Hazen has a question.

Earlier, the God Emperor of Aerdi tried to free the Red Army when it was much smaller. Hazen has grown in power and compassion.

Edena: I need to know if this would work. Essentially Hazen will try to do what he did earlier to free them. If it costs him his powers and his life and makes a big difference, he will do so. The goal is to free the Red Army and save Oerth. Hazen communicates his idea to the Angels and asks their opinion. Will it work? I am prepared to die for Oerth.

Kalanyr: A lot of people can still win. I think your sacrifice should be rewarded. Hopefully,
Edena will rule that you can still get 11th level magic. Remember, the turn is a year and you only spent a brief time in the Red Goo.

Zouron: Prepare to use the bombs if needed. 10th level magic can prevent a nuclear winter.
Alzem, Spoof and Forrester have 10th level magic. My civilians are now on Hope Island on
Toril. I suggest people begin evacuating their civilian populations.

ANSWER: The Angels do not advise Hazen, one way or another, but they state emphatically that Hazen would be of great good and use to his people alive, and they need him now more than they have ever needed him.

- - -

Mr. Draco

I'm going offline for 24 hours (lan party), so Serpenteye has complete control (i.e.- if anything needs my say specifically, he can give it).

Edena: Also, I'm still wondering if we're having any extra effect with the lightining grenades, bombs, and golems.

ANSWER: Read the entire post above.

- - -

William Ronald

Edena, Forrester, Kalanyr, and Spoof:

Here is an idea. Can a catastrophe be created to free the trapped souls of the Red Armada?
Possibly a Freedom catastrophe to release the trapped souls. Failing that, maybe the parties with 10th level magic can do a catastrophe involving the planet's electromagnetic field. Lightning directed at the Red Army. (Holy Lightning?)
I am serious about sacrificing Hazen if I have to stop this army.

ANSWER: No. I am genuinely sorry. What needed to be done to end the Blood Waste was:

For Kalanyr's people to immerse themselves in it (they did.)
For Mina and her people to immerse themselves in it (they were going to, although Mina demanded a terrible price for her cooperation)
For the God Emperor and Kas and their people to immerse themselves in it (they never posted they did)
For Sanctus and the Hellmaster to immerse themselves and their people in it (they never had a chance, for I was waiting for a response that never came from Mr. Draco and Serpenteye, and was waiting for them to act first.)
For Hazen and Aurican and their people to immerse themselves and their people in it (you were never told, because I waited for a response that never came from Mr. Draco and Serpenteye, and was waiting for them to act first.)

At this point, the Blood Waste is actually inert.
There is no more Blood Goo in it.
All of it's energy was released when the Red Army arose out of it, compliments of Melkor and Iuz (but especially Melkor.)

Now, it's too late. The Blood Waste is permanently quelled, but at a terrible price - all it's vitrolic power and menace has been released upon the world, to take a grim and terrible toll upon the people of Oerth.

- - -


I am still waiting to see if Forsaken One is going to commit his forces to the war.
I am still waiting to see if Forrester is going to commit his forces to the ground war.

I am assuming Alyx's forces are fighting.
I am assuming Zelda's forces are fighting.
I have ruled that Valkys's forces are fighting.
I am ruling that Darkness's forces are fighting.
I am ruling that Kaboom's forces are fighting.

I am ruling that Festy Dog's Underdark races are staying neutral (until you give me a good reason why they would help you.)

I am waiting to see if the Union of Oerth is going to throw it's full might against the enemy (they have only thrown 300 PL against them so far. )

I am waiting to see if Zouron is going to aid you in the ground war (his forces have not helped, so far.)

The following player's Powers are in a state of Total War:

Alzem and the Army of Krynn
Black Omega
Creamsteak / Sollir
Melkor (on the side of the Red Army)
Mina and her Army
Rhialto (on the side of the Red Army)
Tokiwong (on the side of the Red Army)

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If Sacrifice is necessary or helpful I'm still up for it.

Wonder if I can make my track record 1 out of 2?

Oh and Serpenteye , those Angels are busy and probably dead soon. Oh well I guess we can always work our way through the other celestials since you brought the Devils to Oerth.

Oh and I trust your harmlessness as far as I can throw an elephant (that refers to me OOC not me IC who could throw an elephant a reasonable distance.)
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Festy Dog would aid us because:

He is my ally and has stated several times he would follow my PC to hell if necessary. That ought to do it, I think.

The reason he isn't responding is he's away for the week and the last he heard the IR was over.


Since Ishtarland is free, we clear the Red Armada as we march towards Vesve, we will use 10th level magic to increase our marching speed.

Any magic those elves could teach my people that could be useful?

Edena- How goes the effort to create the Gold Goo?
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William Ronald

Hazen bows his head politely to an Angel.

"I understand. I am ready for life or death to serve my people. I shall remain with them."

Hazen shares the secrets of the Oerthblood armor and weapons with the members of the Oerth Alliance. He will share them even with those people who did not join Kalanyr in the Red Goo. So, ALL forces opposed to the Red Army receive this knowledge.(Hazen may be an Angel, but he is a trifle annoyed Oerth, however, is a LOT more important than being annoyed with someone.)

Forrester: Anabstercorian is doing nothing. We need the full might of Toril to save Oerth. Otherwise, the Angels will have to evacuate our civilians and armies to Hope Island on Toril.

You can save Oerth, if you wish. The fate of a world may depend on you. If Oerth falls and the Angels with them, then Toril may be in peril. In saving us, you may be saving yourselves.

Archcleric Hazen, President of the Oerth Alliance.

Edena: Spoof wanted me to throw out some bottle of Tears. I have no idea what they do, but I have thrown them out.

Where possible, the Kevellond League will try to open up short lived positive material rifts. Essentially, burn the Red Army with positive energy. Also, I had previously mentioned in the IR that I was building Positive Energy accumulators. Are they ready, and will they prove effective?

Also, Kalanyr previously stated in the IR that he gave 10th level magic to the Good aligned dragons. Assuming he has done so, this will give us an important edge.

To Fujishi Zuroji, leader of the Eternal Union forces on the AnaKeri continent.

Sir, the Kevellond League has found weapons and armor effective against the Red Army. If you fully commit your forces to the battle, we will share this knowledge with you.

I urge you to join the battle. You have joined in the Union of Worlds. Your allies Mina, Kas, and the God Emperor are heroically leading their forces to save Oerth. I believe they would appreciate your assistance. As would the Oerth Alliance.
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First Post
OOC for edena:

well people have been busy trying to get me in this to use nukes to save them even though I tried to say I was not interested in getting involved while sick, but heh don't listen.

BTW the red army are fully aware of my intention I said all world leaders so those are included.

(so who is the strike really against?)


Letter for in response to William:

There seem to be a common missonception that we desire to enter this war on either side, this war might possibly be for the fate of your nation, and we will cry your loss however we do not side with you nor with anyone else in this war other then we are attempting to capture the villian Anabstercorian. The Red Army has not declared itself hostile against the Eternal Union nor the continent of Anakeris and thus is a potential ally or they want to be left in peace either way we have no trouble with them. All take their precautions against potential enemies and so do we, we have long stated that we have no wish to involve our nation in military fashion that does not concern the continent of Anakeris.
We will not involve ourself fully in the war of your army against the Red Army, we have declared willing to use extreme means to stop the fighting and have sent the leaders of all fractions on this world which are neutral or friendly towards us, our letter of warning, however this action we prefere cancelling if there is not seen a need for it. And we will do so since there appearently is not a wish to stop the fighting anymore.

- Muji Eviri, Diplomatic Officer.


Letter to leaders of the factions on Oerth:

It has become clear to the Eternal Union that there is no wish to stop this war at all both rather a total elimination of either side, we wish to have no part in this and will withdraw our extreme measure offer. This offer will not be reopned, we the Eternal Union are sad that it seems we have been misslead to believe such methods was nessecary and apologize to you.

- Muji Eviri, Diplomatic Officer.


As said the nuke attack is called off.
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nice the three times PL (of my unseelie I guess not total :p /me does some whishfull thinking).

But since I'm having more PL in unseelie than Black Omega or Valkys, why didn't I get the 10 times or did I get 10th? For "the sake of balance"? Or......?

(OOC: Since I really want 10th on turn 7 for some plans edena like the mass power point plan on which you still have to answer me :) and some more stuff :p I'm not going to interfere with my research..... so things wil just have to wait.... )

And before I get in... I'm waiting for a certain "toy" to get finished.. I might be able to do some very interesting and usefull things with that.... time will tell.

I'm not committing myself to war while I got 3 things running which I need to know about. if they get finished and they succeed you'll be able to count me in.. but that just has to wait a while.. I'm not going to war unprepared and with my pants down.
Sorry guys but that's just the luxury I got at the moment :( But I'll come screaming out of my secret spot the second I get my plans done.
But screaming down on who... :D
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William Ronald


The Red Army only wants the death of all living things on Oerth. Eventually, they will come for you. I doubt negotiation with them is possible. Still, I wish you well. If there are places where you can hit the Red Army without harming troops opposing them, then I suggest you do so. If we fall, you are on their list.

Also, you joined the Union of Worlds, accepting the leadership of Mina. She is in need of your aid.

The Forsaken One:

Queen Vaeregoth of the Formians, greetings. If you do not become involved soon in this war, I fear that you will have new neighbors. Unreasonable neighbors. The time for action is now. I respect your right to your sovereignity and to determine the course of your nation. I urge you to fight the Red Army.

Hazen asks the Angels if they wish for weapons made of Oerthblood. He also asks if a mass evacuation of the civilian population of Oerth, especially the Oerth Alliance nations, is possible.

I also have two ideas which I will try: massive weather summoning to call storms and have the lightning rain down on the Red Army. (Add a little magic to it to make sure it works.) Also, in an industrial process, there are always waste materials - such as small bits of Oerthblood metal. I will determine if these scraps can be reduced to fine slivers. The tactic I wish to try is to propel these Oerthblood slivers into the Red Army using hurrican force winds. I have seen blades of grass go through steel beams as the result of a hurricane. Oerthblood metal slivers should be even more effective.

Hazen sends a message to the World Congress of Toril, which is likely meeting in emergency session.

"Leaders of Toril, I urge you to come to Oerth in our hour of need. Already, the civilian population of the Kevellond League is on Hope Isle. If we do not prevail against the Red Army, Oerth will fall. Toril is their next likely target. Aid us and aid yourselves.

For the love of all that is holy and in the name of the revered Ian Payne of the United Commonwealth of Toril, I urge you to come to Oerth."

"The Angels are fighting and DYING to save this world. Honor their courage and fight for Oerth."

"May Toril and her peoples be forever blessed."

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