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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 2a)

William Ronald

For Oerth Alliance members and Edena only

Do we wish to evacuate our civilians to Hope Island on Toril? Also, at what point do we wish to move our military there as well?

Unless some inactive players become involved, I fear that the Red Army will triumph? If we have to fight from elsewhere to save our world, I will do so.

I ask this question in great reluctance. A few people could make a difference. However, I fear that their indifference may condemn Oerth to ruin. I, for one, will not go down because of their inaction.

We still have our civilians and our military. I am sharing all my military tactics with you. We must try our best to win here. But if the battle is hopeless, we can try to withdraw to Hope Island on Toril to one day save our world.

(Edena: I am not considering this lightly. It is just that with the inaction of several players I must consider all possibilities. Also, with the death of the Elder Ones, is the sun back to normal?)

Is it possible to try to draw on the energy of Oerth itself - its gravitational and magnetic fields and other energy - to help fight the Red Army? I am pulling out all the stops for this battle.

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William Ronald

I think a prayer bed of Karma might work, but Edena must approve any divine intervention in the IR. He has not allowed gods to appear previously, except for PC and NPC demigods under the control of player characters.

Kalanyr, try some of my tactics and add your 10th level magic to it. We need to try everything we can. If we have to leave Oerth, it won't be for lack of trying to save it.

Also, Edena may rule that the remaining Shade may decide that they do not want the oblivion that Melkor is seeking for Oerth.

I urge all players who have yet to post to do so. I urge all players who have left the IR to please return. If you are a new person reading this thread and wish to join the IR, ask Edena.


I am using William's tactics of course.And enhancing them as much as possible with 10th level magic.

I also want to keep working on that Gold Goo and I unleash an Upper Planar Energy Catastrophe on the Red Armada, if someone would like to stop Lord Melkor countering it I would be very happy. Alzem? William? Black Omega?
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Another red elven girl approaches the best elven swordsman of Delrune.
Her mail glimmers silver red, her hair is long and lusciously red, her face is beautiful and lofty, her body lush beneath her cape.

She smiles coyly at him, and speaks:

Well met. You are amongst the greatest of elven swordsmen.
Then again, I am among the greatest of elven swordswomen.
Shall we dance?

She draws twin swords, each glowing a brilliant purple, and before the elf can cast a spell, move, or do anything other than blink, she is on him.

He is forced into a furious battle, his swords ringing, clashing with hers in a web of steel.

Her swords are everywhere, she is everywhere, a blur of feminine hair and slender body.

The elf is hit, and hit again, repeatedly, by her blades, but he does not slump into Red Goo - she has employed the dark magic to withhold it's killing power.
The elf finds himself weakening, slowing, unable to get hits through against her.
As she slashes her blades through his flesh again and again, he slows further and further.
Finally, she disarms him, knocking his sword flying to the side.
She places her sword to his throat, and he can feel it's point against him.
She speaks:

I have lusted to make you mine for a very long time, hero of Delrune. And now, you shall be mine ... utterly mine.

She pushes, and the elf finds himself bending backward, further and further, to avoid being run through by her sword, until he falls down on the ground, face up.
All around him, the ground is turning to Red Goo, but the ground he is on, is still normal.

The red elven girl smiles dazzlingly at him, and kneels down beside him, her sword pressed against his throat, and whispers:

You desire me, don't you? Even through all your pain and terror, I feel it ...

She bends down, and kisses him, gently, on the lips.
Then she kisses him long and ardently.
He finds himself responding, the kiss delightful, even as he melts into Red Goo, reforms, and becomes one of them.

Needless to say, the situation in Delrune and in the League of Warlords, is dire.

Primary Abilities
Detect evil at will
Find traps at will
Detect magic at will
Wielder can see invisible at will
Locate object in 120-ft. radius
Wielder does not need to sleep
Wielder does not need to breathe

Extraordinary Abilities
True Seeing at will
Passwall at will
Haste at will
Improved invisibility at will
Teleport, 600 lb. maximum [1/day]

Defeat/Slay Chaotic Evil
Defend the High Elves
Defend the servants of Corellon Larethian

Special Purpose Powers
Disintegrate (DC 26)
True Resurrection on the wielder, one time only
+2 luck bonus to all saving throws
+2 deflection AC bonus
Spell resistance 35
Power resistance 35

It wasn't clear whether the Red Elf Girl has slain Sanctus Punitor, or another fencer. I suspect it was myself...

I assume that my sword, being relatively resistant against the Red Goo has done something with its powers above. I listed them all so that they could be considered. It would take a level 70 ECL to compete with me in fighting, I am afraid that means the red goo has some very potent female elven assassin.

If I am indead a red goo soldier (being that I had the goodest heart and nature) I assume that my joining the Red Goo could possibly have a retroactive affect. I also believe that indeed the only PC that is near enough to circumvent the existence of a Red Goo Sanctus is Sollir, and I certainly hope he posts that he is going to kill me.

I also assume this means I am out of the IR with my PC defeated. I had a good fight, and at the least nobody is complaining that I (looking at Serpenteye and Draco) didn't do something I should have done (clue).

Hopefully, if my sword did nothing else, it either expends ALL it's energy in a catastrophy level holy explosion to make up for my elimination. Or, at the least, teleported without error to Archcleric Hazen's hand with some extra potent new powers gained from my sacrifice (making it possibly major artifact level?)

For the sake of virtue, Sanctus will step up and free both of these individuals souls.

Heh, If I can block the 10,000 PL of red goo from coming at you, fine. Don't forget the Blood Waste could still overun you in the next... 8 threads...

If my sacrifice just killed 10,000 PL of red goo, so be it.
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William Ronald

Kalanyr, as you previously gave the good aligned dragons 10th level magic, I will ask them to stop any attempts by Melkor to counter your efforts. I ask Black Omega and Alzem to join me in this.

Forrester, you now have the forces of the Scro Star League, the Church of Toril, and the Eternal Empire of Kara Tur at your disposal. You can send them to Oerth, and maybe send some of your own troops.

I am using every tactic I can think of to win this battle. However, your allies in the Oerth Alliance still need some help.

Edena, I will use rail guns similar to what the Germans used in the Russian front during WWII. They were able to hit targets as far as 200 miles away from their guns. I will share the plans for such weapons with my allies. If anyone else asks, they will be given the plans. Assuming they are fighting the Red Army.

Zouron, the Forsaken One: I will share with you the knowledge of making Oerthblood weapons and armors (these protect people from the Red Army and allow effective attacks) and the plans for the rail guns. However, this knowledge has a price. Nothing will be given until you FIGHT the Red Army. This does not mean nuking them and the Oerth Alliance forces fighting the Red Army. This means actually going into the battle. As both of you have declared yourselves neutral, I thought you might need an incentive. Nothing will be given out until you actually start fighting. Showing up, firing a pistol, then running into your secret places does not count as fighting. You have something to gain from helping us and something to lose from not helping us. Also, Forsaken One, if my forces fall, then I cannot share tech with you. If I leave Oerth, I cannot share tech with you.

Alzem: Will you post what the HECK throwing the bottle with the Tears in them did.

William Ronald


Use the tactics I have described in my posts. I have given you military the knowledge of how to make Oerthblood weapons and armor.

Here is what Edena said earlier:

The Oerthblood enables the men and women of the Kevellond League to create armor that will stop Red Goo - it will repulse the destructive effect of that substance, and it will not be affected by the touch of Red Goo.
With Oerthblood, the men and women of the Kevellond League have finally found a defense that works against Red Goo.
And they have finally found a true offensive weapon, too.
Already able to fire spellbolts, they can combine the magic of Oerthblood with their spellbolt capacity to produce huge bolts that blow asunder large numbers of the enemy.

For the first time in the whole war, the Red Army is forced to retreat on a battlefront, as the Oerthblood comes into play against them.

Edena: Can my spellcasters draw on the heat of Oerth's mantle and core to create magical fire? I am trying to use everything I can think of to win. I am even using Oerthblood metal dust as a weapon. (Essentially moving the dust like the slivers. I will try to accelerate the dust particles to INSANE speeds so that a mote of dust will be as deadly to a Red Army soldier as a bullet.) Every thing that I can think of is being used.

What if we spray weakly enchanted gasoline at the Red Army and light it? Or put some Oerthblood metal dust in it? Trying a version of the Holy Rain tactic from Turn 3.


I declare that I am using Oerthblood weapons in mass. Everyone in the Delrunian Alliance will produce and use them, and supply made weapons to the League of Warlords. I am assuming that Edena will let me take this action even though my Player Character is dead.
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"My people and my allies, it is time to fight. Before my people would have fought only for ourselves and amongst ourselves, now we fight for this planet. My allies, I thank you for your aid. But even what we have done is not enough. We mut fight harder, we must throw everything we have at this Red Armada, remeber we fight to free them, not to slay them. May Freedom and Our Lady give us strength it is time to fight!"

I want to look into what Magic they Yuan-ti know, since they ruled an Empire during the Arcane Age by the sounds of it they should have some interesting battle magic. :D I wonder if they have any spells that could increase the heat and humidity in a given area to jungle level. If they do, I think it would be fun to increase that heat as much as possible by focusing it on small areas of the Red Goo army.

My mages cover my army in Whitelight, Brilliant blinding Upper Planar energy that does not harm my people but blinds our foes.

Also where we fight for a long time we set up Gates in pairs:
1 Leads to the suns orbit, the second is located on the back of the first but its other end faces the Red Armade, we throw large sharp pieces of holy-fire resistand Oerthblood metal in, hopefully it goes around the sun once gathering speed and then comes out the Gate facing the Red Armada (at a rather impressive speed and temperature).
(Thanks for the Inspiration Uve. I owe you for this)

William-I really doubt I could convince my civillians to evacuate, since they were willing to walk into the Blood Waste for Oerth and I, I have a feeling that running away from this is not on their to do lists.
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Hmmm, I wonder if I can awaken the Earth Spirits in the Mountains of Ishtarland. Worth a shot I guess. They really can't be happy with the taint the Red Army is delivering to Oerth.

I also want to check if Tenser and the Blue Mage are amonst the PL the Dark Union sent out. If they are I want to break his enslavement of them and give them back to Creamsteak. He needs the help after his PC dropped.

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