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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 6)

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The Fifth Touch

However, even as the Demiplane of Hope forms ... the great battle of Athas occurs, as the taraakians struggle to take the Diadem of Dreams from Forsaken One, and a greater number of the Powers of the IR try to stop them.
Will Forsaken One put out the suns of three Crystal Spheres? Only he can decide that, should the taraakians lose.

There are other great battles as well, as Powers strive one against another.

And there is a monumental horror unleashed, as Melkor unleashes endless torrents of Red Poison upon world after world, upon countless peoples, within the Spheres of the IR.

The Fifth Touch arrives, in all the lands and worlds of the IR, except only those bordering the new Demiplane.

The Fifth Touch arrives, even as the great battles resolve themselves, and victors emerge from the slaughter.
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Edena, since I'm looking at so much support I'm not gonna kill anything now.

Except those who are not acting at all.... I can forgive for it is loyalty or fear that drives and those can be powerfull enforcers of actions and choises.

William, after this is resolved and I might live to see another day and if my Swarms have broken and battered the hulls of the Taraakians and showed them to GET LOST from our piece of space (exept your new plane ofcoursse:)) I present you a gift.

I grant you 1 reality change as you please over where you please as a gift for you who achieved the impossible.
Use it wisely and think it over very well.

Those who attack me now I'll hunt down for as long as I live for they made the final choise towards the future of us all.

William I'd like to see a response from Toril to my call for help if not to bad to do :)


William I offer all my people from Athas that are innocent to be allowed in your domain where they might live a safe life they deserve.


Cool, William deserves that. Even if I do find the constant Christian references somewhat strange in my Oerth gaming. :) .
Congratulations William. Nice timeing btw Edena.

Wish it didn't feel so much like only the cataclysmic and William can achieve stuff though. One example was the Taraakians, they condemn a Solar and a Fey for being Chaotic and then they go and cower when a Lawful Good angel does a rebuke. Oh well, I've learnt to live with it. This IR is still cool. Will still be cool even if I become a bystander due to faction annihilation.
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First Post
I will state now, Forsaken One, that even if they are defeated in the Resolution of Battles for Day 6, the taraakians will try again - and again, until they succeed.

Unless they are destroyed, and cannot attack further, obviously.

They have come here to stop what you are doing, and this they will attempt, or die in the trying.

Black Omega

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Thanks, Kalanyr.

I wonder how William feels, though. He has not replied.
It's highly possible he's dozed off. This seems late for him.:) Or he's typing a mega post. He seemed very pleased indeed on the doublepost he converted.


First Post
Re: The taraakian assault

Edena_of_Neith said:
The taraakians make no further diplomatic response to the Union of the Worlds.
Apparently, they have made up their minds, and are not going to change them.

- - -

This is the quote I was looking for. It's from page 6 and clearly states that the teraakians have no desire to negotiate with the Union of Worlds. They have burnt their bridges and sunk their ships, they are committed to be our enemies. Their choice- not ours.

William Ronald

A hymn of thanks


Thanks. I am recreating the words from my double post below. This is far more than I expected.

Kalanyr, the religious language I am using is actually from my own Jewish tradition. (I have mentioned my faith in other posts on this board, actually being able to discuss religious issues without getting a thread locked. If my rabbi new about these boards, he might have to decide if it was a miracle.;) )

I have also used the One, a direct lift from Tolkien. Hazen believes and worships Rao as much as ever; however, he is aware of a higher power still. This is not so much a traditional Judeo-Christian view as a polytheism with a supreme being. The Forgotten Realms is not all that dissimilar with Ao, who is apparently supreme in Realmspace. (He may not be a supreme being any where else.) It has many parallels in real life. For example, there are many gods in Hinduism but some Hindus will state that they believe in one God, the ultimate source of Being. In Shintoism, there is a reference to a god whom the other deities honor -- a form of Supreme being. Indeed, a concept of a Supreme Being is very common in many myths. I am just using phrases which I am familiar with. Although there are others. For example, a practitioner of the American Indian traditions may refer to the Great Spirit. (Can anyone guess that I have read a lot of Joseph Campbell, the great comparative mythologist.)

Here is the recreation of my post. Also, Edena I found something useful for you. Check your e-mail when it is up.

Archcleric Hazen weeps with joy.

"Eternal and Rao, I thank you. This is a gift beyond words of praise. I will make of this place a hope for those in despair, a light to those who would see. I am honored and full of joy beyond belief."

"To my Taraakian brothers, I welcome you freely and with joy. I hope that you will be here often. If faith and fellowship, good and noble hearts can grow together. If the people of those worlds that were devastated by the Red Waste seek to come here they may. All who will live in peace with each other and need shelter from the storms of their worlds or their hearts are welcome."

"Let this place be a refuge like unto Hope Isle, both a beacon and a haven for those who seek one. All I ask is that those who come here pledge not to harm another. Let this place not be marred by violence or hate."

"I ask the Angels and the celestials to visit here often. We have hope here."

"I would ask the Taraakians to explain more of their beliefs, policies, laws, culture and philosophies. Especially how you differ from mercykillers."

"Here let all be judged by the contents of their character and the quality of their deads. Here let Freedom ring from the mountaintops and Love guide us."

"I ask Alzem to join me here. If you wish, aid me in making this a refuge for those who seek peace."

Hazen kneels in prayer and gazes with wonder on this place. His voice is soft, a whisper. "Not even in my dreams would I have imagined such a place."

OOC: I can now help people who are truly sincere in doing more to protect their civilian populations. You should know Hazen would never convert them by force to a belief. If you do not trust the Taraakians, then send your defenseless civilians to me if you chose. The laws shall be similar to those of the Taraakians. So, no violence to another will be allowed. This also includes attempts to forcibly over throw the government. Essentially even the worst will have to be on their best behavior.


First Post

Mind you, the Powers William is controlling can STILL LAUNCH Attacks, Defenses, 11th Level Assaults, and Conventional Assaults.

He is playing the United Commonwealth of Toril, and the Corrupted Allies of the Kevellond League, among others.

These Powers can attack, and they can be attacked.

These other Powers could use their 11th level magic to move their population, wholesale, to the Kevellond League, thus making themselves invulnerable to all attack except from the taraakians (who are very unlikely to attack any of them.)

However, if these other Powers are Disarmed (lose their 11th level magic) they can only evacuate as many people as the lesser 10th level magic would allow for - thus, they could only get a part of their people to the refuge of the Kevellond League.

This choice, whether to Attack/Defend or to evacuate, is up to William.
I will state that the people of the United Commonwealth of Toril do not wish to leave their homeland.

- - -

The Kevellond League itself cannot launch attacks (being Disarmed, it could not launch effective Attacks anyways.)
The Kevellond League cannot be attacked, by any means.
Only those with 12th level magic could force entry into the Kevellond League and attack it, and the taraakians aren't likely to do that.

The Diadem of Dreams will have no effect on the Kevellond League, if a change is attempted against it by force.
However, the one change given as a gift to Hazen from Vaeregoth will work, both for the Kevellond League and for the entirety of Greyspace.

Hazen can freely leave the Kevellond League and return.
His absence will have no harmful effect on the Demiplane of Hope.
Now that he has created it, it will endure on it's own.

Voidrunner's Codex

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