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(IR) What would your PC do, if he or she received the Sending of the Wanderer?

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Reposted at Edena's request

Lord Melkor (Talos)

Check Kalanyr's preparations (in the other thread) regarding the problems with priestess's of lolth they are allowed to continue to survive and wield some power but I, Kalanyr , am the ruler (and a follower of Vhaerun) and I will indeed accept this alliance on the condition I am granted a seat on this Shadow Council ,if you would like to continue we should transport this to the actual thread.

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A repost of Kalanyrs Preparations

Hmm a mere 40 years not long for the drow, however the Drow of Oerth have tried the following during this time (What is successful is up to Edena)

1- Find the few good drow that exist (If none do, put helmets of Opposite Alignment on a small amount (say 50) LE drow)

2- Convince these now good aligned drow the we the drow of Oerth want peace with the elves

3- Send them off as messengers

4- See if we can work out an agreement to get more arms from our suppliers on Toril without being overly obvious about it, study these weapons and try to work out any improvement that could be made with either technology or magic. And while doing this see if we can find any other uses for the tech and magic we so discover. (In particular I'm looking for explosives)

5- Any slaves we have will be place in an arena and forced to fight the elite drow & giants in order to further boost the power of the elites and reduce any possibility of sudden treachery within our ranks.Winning slaves will be allowed their freedom. ( If they can survice the Underdark.)

6- Lord Kalanyr of the Drow will through great ritual and sacrifice of lesser Priestess' of Lolth (Kalanyr being a male really dislikes Lolth though I will still deal with her and allow her priestess' some power no point in making more enemies) and bargaining with the Lords of the Limbo and the least evil Power/Lord of the Abyss (one who dislikes Lolth) attempts to add the power of an Anarchic half-fiend to his already formidable abilities. (DrM CN 20 Wizard/4 Fighter/4 Ranger/5 Archmage/Loremaster 2)

The Above ritual succeeded: Leaving Kalanyr An anarchic half-fiend drow male CN Wiz 20/Archmage 5/Loremaster 2/Fighter 4/Ranger 4)
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"Very well then I accept this alliance. I have started my preparations Lord Talos. I suggest we prepare before these fools let what happened on Toril happen here. I will not see my brethen destroyed by mindflayers, or our distant kin cavorting with races meant mainly as our slaves (by blood it brings shame to us)!

You are welcome to build your stronghold in the Underdark on the condition that they remain outside of drow territory."


Lord Talos do you have ICQ or MSN or Yahoo messenger?, it might help if we could plan without our actions being overtly obvious.


We will accept these enhanced weapons but will study them for negative side effects before putting them to use.

Several Drow Mages express interest in this Shadow Weave and would like to be trained in its ways.

Various experts will be put to work studying what technology/mancy we acquire from our allies in an effort to begin constructing our own so that we may both provison our troops faster.


Far from the Vault of the Drow just outside drow terrritory on the opposite edge of the continent .

1) its certainly far enough away the Daemons & Demons don't try to bargain with &/or kill each other.

2)By creating gates/teleport circles It allows us to launch large forces quickly. from distant locations

Edit 1-Hey if you post it one more time I think you'll actually get my name right ! ;) Your making better progress than most of my friends did when I was playing a drow named Kalanyr.

Edit 2- Its time for me to go to sleep now, if this starts up before I return the drow will:
1) Send some of their people for transformation into shades & shadow templated creatures
2) Continuing calling forth demons (May Lolth and Vhaerun watch over!)
3)Continue our research into what effect the presence of vecna has on arcane & divine magic and see if we can find a way to take advantage of this.
4) See if we can find a way to disable technology/technomancy
5) Continue our other plans
6) Defend themselves from any unwelcome intrusions.
7) Go along with any plans of Lord Talos as long as they are not self-destructive to the drow, their leader or plans.
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William Ronald


(I was going to try to do this by e-mail and I will still try to contact people. However, in the light of recent posts, I feel it would be remiss if I did not say something.)

The Grand Alliance has been meeting. We have EXTREME doubts about the veracity of the message sent by one claiming to be the Wanderer. Any partial truth can be used to craft a lie. With no offense to the city of Greyhawk, if we concocted a message showing the actions of the 10 worst of your citizens it would be very uncharacteristic of the truth. Similarly, with no insult to the brave and noble people of Celene, there are those who could misrepresent the Fey Mysteries into something perverse. Indeed, some of your foes have done so in the past, trying to make a depravity out of acts of devotion. Someone is trying to manipulate us, the free peoples of Oerth, and the leaders of Keoland, Veluna, and Furyondy say that we must learn what is the total truth. A half-truth can be far more damaging than a lie. We refuse to panic, or be manipulated. We are sending ambassadors to the following powers:

To the Technomancy of the Lortmils (Gnomework): We wish them to explain their actions, and to determine the truth for ourselves. If we determine that you are friends of Oerth, and not foes, we wish to discuss matters of mutual interest. It is quite possible that if you are indeed people who legitimately wish a better future for Oerth - but not as a colony of Toril - we may be able to ally. We are far closer than Aerdi and far more reasonable. You know our resources well, and we are neighbors. Ambassador Guillaum Dolanor will be arriving shortly.

To the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation: We see Vecna as a threat and are willing to work with you in the common interest of our world. In the past we may have had difficulties, but we respect your faith and your cutures. Now is the time for all who love Oerth to stand as one.

To Frigid_Spleen: An ambassador arrives to ask if they know of any celestials on Toril or knowledgeable about Toril. (Edena: If they know of Hope Island, the ambassador wishes to go there and learn about Toril for himself from the angels.) The ambassador, Gwilym Raonul, will be willing to speak with the powers of Toril with the celestials of Arborea asked to

To Black_Omega, leader of Highforlk, the Peoples of the Vesve, and the Sepia Uplands: We have long considered you friends. We ask you to join us in our ambassadorial missions. Our nations should stand together. We ask that you add our wisdom to ours in determining the truth. If need be, we will stand with you against your foes.

To Kesh, Leader of the Yeomanry and Geoff; In the past, our nations have made severe mistakes. Our nations are in the process of establishing parliaments that will give our common people more of a voice in our governments. Indeed, it seems that many of our past wrongs in our actions have occurred when we have not listen to our people. We ask that you and the leaders of Highfolk, Vesve, and the Sepia Uplands join us in our ambassadorial missions. We must learn if this message we received was accurate, or a lie. We also stand with you as allies, if you so desire it.

To Terraism, Leader of the Ulek States: You are a shining example of what this world should be: nations where peoples of diverse background and belief stand together in peace. Please, join us in our efforts to learn the truth. We stand with you.

To the Queen of Celene, the Knights of Luna, the Empire of Varanaith, and the Lendore Isles:

To Yolande, Queen of Celene: We counsel caution. We need to determine the truth of what has transpired. We seek your counsel as well. Join us in our efforts and ambassadorial missions. Your people are wise and courageous. It is our hope to have better relations with you and your people. Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind, we wish you and your people well.

To Varanaith: While there is much about your land we do not understand, we see much that is good in your culture. We have found that diverse people, united in friendship and freedom, can achieve more together than separately. Please accept our ambassadors and join us in our efforts to determine the best course for our peoples. Please join us in our embassies.

To the Lendore Isles: We greet you in peace and friendship. We ask for your advice and assistance. Your people are renowned for their lore and good judgement. Help us determine what is the truth. We would wish you to join our ambassadors in learning the truth of Toril. If Toril is as the message portrayed, obviously we would have no truck with anyone who wishes to subjugate our world. However, we have our doubts about the message. Surely, you - leaders of one of the most magical lands in Oerth - realize that we must determine the truth for ourselves.

To the Knights of Luna: You are among the most famous orders in the Flanaess, renowned for courage, skill, and good judgement. Speak to us, and help us determine the truth. Your wisdom and courage may be needed in the coming days.

To D'Anconia, Leader of the Iron League and allied powers: We are far from your lands, but have admired your heroic struggle for self determination. Join us in our efforts to judge whether the message we received is truth or a lie seeded with half-truths.

To Zelda, leader of Ratic the Frost Barbarians, the Snow Barbarians, and the Ice Barbarians: You represent brave nations who know that what seems true is not always so. Iuz falsely impersonated Vatun, and used too many brave warriors for his own ends. Join us in determining the truth of the message, and our embassies. As you know, the people of our lands have the blood of many peoples, including the Suel, flowing throw us. We wish you well, and seek your counsel. Please add your ambassadors to those we plan to send to learn the truth.

Finally, Gran March, Keoland, Veluna, and Furyondy announce that they are forming the Kevellond League. The League is a body of nations united for trade, defense, and the promotion of peace. We are also increasing the representation of our peoples in the affairs of our governments. We invite all those who wish to speak to us to do so. If you desire to ally with us, we will consider. In this time of turmoil, we ask that those who are friends of Oerth join our consideration of what we have heard and seen. We stand for an Oerth where its peoples determine its destiny, with respect and dignity for individuals and cultures. We ask that you proceed carefully in your actions. Let us remember that regardless of our differences in race, species, or faith, we are all the children of Oerth.

Edena; If Spellsinger's people are known to us, we will try to contact them. Very carefully.

If we hear any message from Kalanyr, we send him our concerns and counsel patience.

I also send embassadors to the Celestial Empire, Nyrond, the Urnst states, the Touv and Olman peoples, and anyone I whom I can reasonably rely on to let an ambassador speak and depart safely.

Out of role playing:

We need more players. If you are reading this thread, please take a side.

Edena: I really want to have my side and everyone else learn what has happened in the previous IR threads. As I indicated to you in my e-mail, my side is very suspicious of the message we received. Would it be possible to have those representing Toril speak, once my ambassadors arrive, to speak on the boards?

If any wish to speak with me privately, I will be checking my e-mail frequently.
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William Ronald

To SerpentEye:

Rulers of the Empire of Aerdi, we have received your message. The Kevellond League represents one of many nations in our area, so we will take your offer of alliance under advisement.

(SerpentEye: I am going to be quite busy for the next 12 hours.)

Also, did the people I contact receive their messages.


How is my efforts to contact the celestials of Arborea (Frigid_Spleen) going? I want to at least find out the truth behind the message. (As per my e-mail to you and your response.)

Also, you should rule if Serpenteye is successful in his attempt to ban the worship of the gods in Aerdi and emerge as a deity.


The Drow will agree to Iuz's terms, however, we are going to make sure we understand this technology sufficiently to find ways to counter it before it is sent to Iuz. Iuz will be informed we are summoning his demonic bretheren and that it is also my intent to deal with the Arch-Lich first, neither Lolth nor Vhaerun nor my personal plans at same stage in the future would benefit from Vecna as Lord of All.

Alyx- The drow the Prince has requested are sent,do with them as you please (I'm e-mailing you with what the drow have informed you of right now)

An emissary is sent to the Grand Alliance (someone expendable in case things go bad) counselling war with these outsiders after all even if the Wanderer's Sending is false we have much to worry about with Vecna without having to look over our shoulders every 6 seconds for what this other-spherers are up to.

Edena-For placement of Baelros and his forces, I wish to be able to send large armies as strike forces from there if necessary therefore I wish it be built on the opposite side of Drow Territory to the Vault of the Drow sof course it must still be near enough to other countries to be of use (that is if my original plan puts t in the arctic or useless wasteland etc, move it inwards)

The Orcish Empire- Your alliance is most certainly accepted.

The Drow are also sending emissaries to the Unseelie Faerie asking alliance against what they saw happening to their kin on Toril.

And I am sending a drow courier across the planes to the Drow of Toril, I wish to know more of their fate.

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