Iron DM 2012 -- R2 complete, Finals in Progress

Radiating Gnome

The rules do not dictate setting or game system; and, in the end, they shouldn't matter. You won't earn bonus points for including moster stat blocks or starship deck plans -- what matters is the essential qualities of the entry -- the creative use of ingredients, playability, creativity, with a thick creamy dollop of Rat Bastard Gravy[tm] on top.


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Radiating Gnome

The most important limit is the time limit -- historically the limit is 24 or 48 hours. In some past contests there has been a word count limit (2000 words, if there is one).

This contest's rules are being nailed down by the judges, and I'm sure we'll post an official set soon, but those are what's fairly typical.

I'd echo Nifft's recommendation to take a look at the Anthology -- thinking in terms of "room count" don't end up making a whole lot of sense because the entries rarely dive down to a room-by-room level of detail.



Once A Fool
It's also worth pointing out that the selections in the]Iron DM Anthology were not made with an eye toward what makes a good entry for the tournament, but, rather, for what makes a good entry for use in your games.

That being the case, not all of the selections were winning entries and fellow participants are cautioned against using them as specific models for winning.

Contestants may find a perusal of some of the actual tournaments (including commentary and judgements!) to be more informative (and/or entertaining) in this regard.

These are all of the surviving EN World Tournaments:

Iron DM Spring 2002

Iron DM Fall 2002

Iron DM Winter (Holiday) 2002

Iron DM Winter 2003

Iron DM Summer 2003

Iron DM Fall 2003

Iron DM Winter 2004

Iron DM Spring 2004

Iron DM 2005

Iron DM 2009

Iron DM 2010 Discussion Thread

Iron DM 2010 Submissions & Judgements

Iron DM 2011


Penguin Herder
...Only, uh...Saturday at noon I'll be at work (and I actually have to work while I'm at work--so no internet for me!).

I hope the slots don't fill up as fast as they used to!

Also, Nifft, in case you want to give him an automatic entry into the tournament, [MENTION=1830]Waylander the Slayer[/MENTION] is the reigning Iron DM.

I have no problem being arbitrary and patently unfair by holding aside two slots for Rune (who helped organize this in secret) and Waylander the Slayer (should interest be indicated).

Everyone else, be on your toes for Saturday noon (specifically noon in New York City, which is US Eastern Time).

Cheers, -- N

I thoroughly recommend to nyone who might be sitting the fence - give it a go.

I've competed twice (and been unceremoniously turfed outin the first round both times) but won't be able to find the time this time round, it's a real mental muscle-stretcher though, and great fun.

best of luck to all competitors.


Ooh, I'll likely be in a casino at that time, but if I remember and have any data service, I'll see if I'm quick enough to get in on this...if not, I'll spectate and enjoy. :)


Steeliest of the dragons
What the hay...just finished judging the Ceramic DM contest. Wouldn't mind flexing my own creative juices (adventure-creating wise as opposed to jsut writing-creative) for a spell.

I'll make sure to pop in on Sat. noon, too, to confirm. But for now, count me in as a contestant.

--Steel Dragons

Voidrunner's Codex

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