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Iron Heroes: Tales of Arnesia Game Thread


I've also saved pages 1, 2, 4 & 5 (couldn't find page 3 though) of the game thread to my HD. Google cached it before the battle however, but if anyone wants them just gimme a shout and I can email them to you.

dalfen said:
Ps: Akoss I think that one line is missing in your character.
"Rholn is the last of the Koliel, living on borrowed time."

Is a very cool line, so please don't erase it ;)
Thanks Dalfen - fixed. :)

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First Post
Erekose13 said:
JEL, check Akoss' wonderful post above for saved characters.

I missed it, scrolling down. Thanks and especially thank you, Akoss.

Here he is:

Father Malich Zachur

Hunter Lvl 4

Str: 10
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 17 (+3)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Child of Faith: Ordination (+2 vs fear effects, +2 on 1 d20 roll/day)
Weapon Bond: Int w/heavy repeating crossbow

Class Abilities:
Tactical Pool (2 tactical tokens/encounter)
Hunter's Eye (1 tactical token/move action 2/standard)
Terrain Advantage (increase/decrease cover by 1/token spent or turn difficult terrain to normal 1 square/token)
Tactical Insight (give ally 1 token/2 tactical tokens spent)
Assess Opponent (+1 to attack and defense/tactical token against 1 opponent)

Athletics 7 ranks
* Climb +7 (+9 w/rope)
* Jump +7
* Swim +7
Perception 7 ranks
* Listen +9
* Search +10
* Sense Motive +9
* Spot +9
Stealth 5 ranks
* Hide +8
* Move Silently +8
Wilderness Lore 7 ranks
* Handle Animal +8
* Ride +12
* Survival +9 (+11 to track)
* Use Rope +10
Diplomacy 5 ranks (+8)
Gather Information 5 ranks (+6)
Heal 7 ranks (+15)
Intimidate 4 ranks (+5)
Knowledge 4 ranks (+7 Arcana, Geography, & Religion; +9 Nature)
Speak Language 2 ranks (Common, Ancient Speech, Abyssal, First Speech, Sea Speech)
Spellcraft 4 ranks (+7)
Use Magic Device 3 ranks (+4)

Lvl 1 - War Leader I (strategic pool, 1 token to give 2 allies +4 on flanking attacks)
Lvl 1 - Healing Lore I (+4 heal checks and +2 to restored reserve points)
Lvl 2 - Beast Lore I (lore pool, +1 attack & damage 1 round/token)
Lvl 4 - War Leader II (give ally extra AoO/strategic token)

Passive Defense: 10
Active Defense: 17
Initiative: +3
Fort Save: +6
Ref Save: +7
Will Save: +6
Hit Points: 35

Masterwork hvy repating crossbow (+8 hit, 1d10 dmg, crit 19-20x2)
Masterwork scimitar (+5 hit, 1d6 dmg, crit 18-20x2)
Masterwork studded leather armor (max dex +5, check penalty 0, dr 1d3/magic)
Lt Warhorse w/military saddle, bit & bridle, and saddlebags
Explorer's outfit
Vestments (carried in saddlebags normally)
10 crossbow reloads (3 carried, 7 kept in saddlebags)
Dagger (+4 hit, 1d4 dmg, crit 19-20x2)
Silver holy symbol
Healer's kit
Flint and steel
Bedroll (kept on horse)
Belt pouch w/50 gold (another 500 gold secreted in saddlebags)
Lantern, bullseye w/3 pints oil (kept on horse)
50' silk rope (kept on horse)

Appearance: A man in his late twenties and of middling height and slight stature, Malich usually doesn't stand out in a crowd to much. His hair is brown and worn in the typical bowl cut of the clergy. His skin is tanned and his face is weather-lined, easily identifying him as someone who spends a lot of time outdoors. His normal dress when not in the field is a simple robe, but of fine material. In the field, he wears a knee-length tunic and trousers under his armor. In either case, there's always a large, wide-brimmed hat on his head.

Background: Malich was a youngest child of a minor land owning family in the city Thalem. He was sent off to the church at an early age, and he now stands as a valued member of the inquisitional arm. He is often assigned to lead small companies of clerical guards into the wilderness to hunt down practitioners of the dark arts or to guard against enemies of the faith. He is currently supposed to be on sabbatical, recouperating from his last mission.

Personality: Malich has an easy-going exterior that hides a keen, analytical mind that is constantly alert. He is naturally very curious and is always looking at things from every angle to find the best approach. So far he is loyal to the church, but one day his questing mind may cause a crisis of faith. Generally, he likes to get along with people, but his position doesn't always make that possible.
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Thanks for the PCs guys, I did a search and nothing came up??? I searched for Tales of Arnesia D20Dazza. Weird.

We haven't got a new RG yet???




First Post
Weapon Master 4


Weapon Bond

Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 20 (+5)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Fortitude +6
Reflex +9
Will +5

Defense 20 (+4 Class, +5 Dex)
DR 1d3
Hit Points 44
Reserve: 44
Damage: 0

Base Attack Bonus +4
Favored Base Attack Bonus +5
Melee +5 (+10)
Ranged +9

Class Abilities:
Primary Mastery: Finesse
Secondary Mastery: Defense
Favored Weapon (Warstaff)
Weapon Pool
Weapon Style: Expert Strike (1 token = +1 to hit or damage; max +4)
Weapon Style: Weapon Agility (1 token = +2 to BAB or Ability-check as part of attack
or defense; max +8)


1st: Improved Trip 2 (Finesse - Use Dex on Trip)
1st: Staff Mastery 1 (Staff becomes Finesse, Disarm, and Trip)
2nd: Staff Mastery 2 (Make extra attack with staff, all attacks at -2 to hit)
4th: Whirlwind Attack 3

Light and Medium Armor, Simple and Martial Weapons, Shields.


Athletics (7 ranks)
Climb +8
Jump +10
Swim +8
Other Skills
Balance (0 ranks) +7
Bluff (7 ranks) +8
Diplomacy (0 ranks) +5
Intimidate (7 ranks) +10
Sense Motive (7 ranks) +8
Tumble (7 ranks) +14
Languages: Common, 1 other

MW Warstaff
MW Reinforced Leather (stats as Studded Leather)
Back Pack
Grappling Hook and 50 ft. Silk Rope
Rations (5 days)
100 pp

MW Warstaff +11 (+9/+9); 1d6+7; 20/x2; Exotic, Bludgeon, Cudgel, Polearm, Finesse, Disarm, Trip
Dagger +6 (+9); 1d4+1; 19-20/x2; 10 ft range increment
5 “Darts” +9; 1d4+1; 20/x2; 20 ft range increment

Gautstav is a slender young man, wearing a suit of white leather and carrying an alabaster staff. He moves with frightening grace, wielding the staff as an extension of his own body. He carries several slender throwing needles across his chest. His past is known to very few, but it is said that he lived and trained all his childhood and youth in a monastery in the mountains.

Tolan Green

Tolan Green, "Bonecracker"
Executioner 4

Str 17 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2) Int 14 (+2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)

City Rat: Burglar

HP: 35
Init: +5
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
Languages: Common, Sea Speech, Thieves Guild hand-talk

1) Improved Initiative
1) Improvised Weapon Mastery 1 (Taken as Finesse)
2) Cleave 1
4) Venom Mastery 1

Defense: 16 = 11 Passive (10 Base + 1 Buckler) + 5 Active (4 BDB + 1 Dex)
DR: 1d3 (Masterwork Studded Leather)

Skills Total skill points = 56 Max ranks = 7
Athletics Group (7 points spent):
Climb +10 (+7 ranks, +3 Str)
Swim +10 (+7 ranks, +3 Str)
Jump +12 (+7 ranks, +3 Str, +2 Syn from Tumble)
Perception Group (7 points spent):
Listen +7 (+7 ranks)
Search +9 (+7 ranks, +2 Int)
Sense Motive +7 (+7 ranks)
Spot +7 (+7 ranks)
Stealth Group (7 points spent):
Hide +10 (+7 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 City Rat) / +12 (+3 Cha when using Nondescript)
Move Silently +10 (+7 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 City Rat)
Other Skills:
Bluff +10 (+7 ranks, +3 Cha)
Intimidate +12 (+7 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Syn from Bluff)
Tumble +10 (+7 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 Syn from Jump)
Sleight of Hand +6 (+3 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 Syn from Bluff)
Ride +3 (+2 ranks, +1 Dex)
Open Lock +5 (+4 ranks, +1 Dex)
Disguise +6 (+3 ranks, +3 Cha) / +8 when acting in character (+2 Syn from Bluff)
Balance +2 (+1 ranks, +1 Dex)
Decipher Script +3 (+1 ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy +7 (+3 Cha, +4 Syn from Bluff, Sense Motive)
Survival +2 in urban environments (+2 City Rat)
All others are purely ability checks at this point.

Execution Pool (2 tokens at start of encounter)
Executioner's Eye (2 tokens with successful Sense Motive vs BAB or Bluff)
Hindering Cut: 1 token (-1 to attack and defense or -5 to move DC 13 + SA dice + additional tokens spent)
Armor-Piercing Strike: 2 tokens (-1 to DR)
Venom Pool (Can create poisons that do 1d2 ability damage)

Dagger +7 attack/1d4 + 3 damage (+5 attack/1d4 +3 damage when thrown)
Masterwork Sap +8 attack/1d6 + 3 damage (nonlethal)
Masterwork Greatclub +8 attack/1d10 + 4 damage
Improvised Weapons as appropriate, dealing 1d4 to 2d6 damage, + .5x to 1.5x Str
All attacks +2d6 when Sneak Attacking.

Tolan is of average height, with hair-colored hair and boring eyes. His build is large, but unremarkable. Your eyes tend to pass right over him... which is exactly what he wants.

Make no mistake - Tolan will be noticed when he wants to be. He can be suave, scary, or seemingly innocent, depending on what will get him out of whatever disaster he's fallen into. When he wants to, though, he can simply fade into the background, no matter where he is or how many people surround him.

Tolan loves thrills, and seeks them out with an almost suicidal fervor. Anything that gets the blood pumping, he's sure to have done at least twice, and he'll partner up if you want a go at it too.

Raised by a pair of tik-tik weed addicts, Tolan was on his own a lot as a child. He had to find his own dinner quite often, and fought with dogs for the best sleeping places. After seeing many of his fellow urchin friends caught at petty thefts, he found the best way to avoid notice by adults was not to hide, but simply to make them not notice you at all.

As he grew older, he joined various gangs, but floated from one to another without commitment. Finally, a bungled burglary ran him afoul of the Guild of Brothers, a thieves guild. Impressed with his natural skill in both stealth and combat, they invited him in, where he spent several productive years learning the trade. Though he is still nominally a member and will respond to any call the Guild puts out, he generally spends his time tooling around with those of a more military bent now.

As a teenager, Tolan was relatively popular with the ladies, and got one of his girlfriends with child. Initially intending to run for it, he found that he couldn't quite get himself to leave. When he first saw his baby girl, Anjou, he was smitten. Though the mother would have nothing to do with him, Tolan found ways to visit his daughter, and often brings her gifts bought with his ill-gotten gains. Now that she is a budding young woman, Tolan is rather protective of her. He knows how young men are. Heck, he knows how older men are. As he himself says, after all, "The best part about having a 16-year old daughter is having her 16-year old friends."
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First Post
As A'koss said we're ready for the next challenge
(Was the insects the first challenge? Not, it was to survive the EnWorld Crash :( )

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