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Is 3.5 just another WoTC Shakedown?


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Verdigris said:
Is 3.5 really good enough to drop another $100 to re-buy the core rule books?


Verdigris said:
If I only buy one 3.5 book initially, should I start with the PHB or the DMG? (Keep in mind, I'll be DMing)

PHB. Enough changes in the DMG that you'd want the MM to make full use of the changes.

Verdigris said:
If I don't buy the new books, what couple of 3.5 changes should I be aware of that REALLY make the game better than 3.0?

Buy them and find out. ;)

Verdigris said:
[wincing, hoping no one pummels me visciously, speaking in a wee voice, not looking to cause dischord] Is "harm" fixed in 3.5?

Harm has been "changed", yes. :D

Verdigris said:
How can I be sure 3.5 isn't just another WoTC shakedown?

If by "shakedown" you mean the release of _any_ new product by _any_ company, then yes. If you mean something else, I'll probably puke. :)

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Dragon Lord

I have the 3.5 books. I was skeptical of the changes at first, but after seeing them in their entiretly, they are very much worth the money you will pay for them. They clarify and change quite a few things to make the game that much more fun for all.

They really have made it more fun for just about every class with little changes that affect certain aspects of the game. For example, baatezu and tanar'ri have lower energy resistance because they changed it to per attack. This means that they will still be resistant to energy attacks from energy weapons, but the mage who is dropping an evocation direct damage attack will hit for more damage. Before it was as if the only way to go was sonic attacks, but now you can actually throw an effective cold or acid attack against such creatures.

There are lots of little changes like this throughout the books. The Monster Manual is awsome. The new Holy Avenger for Paladins is much, much more attractive. All in all, just a great update. Very well done. I am impressed. My only hope now is that Andy Collins gets to revise the Epic Level Handbook, and I would especially like him to revise the Epic Spell system. It needs revision.

Holy Bovine

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frankthedm said:
Wotc is playing a game of Profits or Pinkslips with their game master of hasbro. They have to show profits or games over.

You know what? You are absolutely right. WotC does indeed have to show profits (in the RPG section) in order to keep staff and keep publishing books. How this kernel of wisdom has escaped so many I will never know. :rolleyes:

No i don't have an open mind.

Nice to know that is it useless to discuss anything with you then. Thank you for your time

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What I find fascinating is that my opinion 15-20 years ago would probably be different about this than it is now.. Before I had to worry about paying my son's tuition and worry about my retirement fund. Before I realized other people before me had to worry about these things then. Before I realized a healthy economy is a good thing for me.

Before I realized my retirement portfolio included Hasbro stock.... (insert rimshot) :D

Not much to add I guess, but I'll leave you with a bit of Irish wisdom from my grandmother, something I heard her say many, many times: "Are they making money? Good for them."
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Re: re

Celtavian said:
My only hope now is that Andy Collins gets to revise the Epic Level Handbook, and I would especially like him to revise the Epic Spell system. It needs revision.

Andy himself confirmed today at the 3.5 D&D seminar at GenCon that there will be a 3.5 Psionics Handbook, but that no other books would be updated. (No 3.5 Epic Level Handbook, or Manual of the Planes, etc.)


First Post
Benben said:
General Answer to your questions:
Go here and read the 3.5 SRD:

After you've read it you can decide if you want the new books.

> Is 3.5 really good enough to drop another $100 to re-buy the
> core rule books?

Well you won't be paying $100 unless your local game store isn't offering any sort of deal. The deals won't last forever so decide quickly. You'll be paying anywhere from $50 to $70 for all three books.

Or, depending on your country, you could be spending $120+. For me that's clearly too much for the changes.

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