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Is ENWorld getting less friendly?

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Dark Jezter

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The general climate on ENWorld definately does go in waves, as Piratecat mentioned earlier in this thread. Threads that concern "Low magic, grim and gritty", rollplaying versus roleplaying, alignment, and the pros and cons of various RPG systems, and the merits of various campaign settings are the ones that seem to be the most likely to start heated arguments.

However, even when it is at its most argumentative, ENWorld is easily the friendlist and most civil public message board I've ever been a member of, which explains why I've kept coming back for over 3 years. I attribute the civil atmosphere of ENWorld to three factors:

1. No Political or Religous threads: No two topics of discussion polarize people and lead to flamewars more often than politics and religion. The descision to make these two topics taboo was an extremely good one.

2. The age demographic: IIRC, the average ENWorld poster is in their 20s or 30s. As a result, the members of ENWorld tend to be more grown-up than members of other gaming forums, who are usually in their teens.

3. Good moderation: I've been to many forums where the moderators were lazy and refused to do their jobs, and it became nearly impossible to have a good discussion there. Even worse were the moderators who would look the other way when their friends were breaking the rules, but cracked down hard on anybody else who did the same thing. The ENWorld mods, OTOH, are very good at their job. They close threads that get out of control, steer wandering discussions back on topic, and move out-of-place posts to their appropriate forums. They also don't make exceptions for their friends.

So, in closing, I'll take ENWorld at its most argumentitive over most other internet forums any day of the week. :)


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I'm the living proof the ENW community is still the best. :D

Hmm, that didn't sound right. What I meant was that it's twice in a row I've been given a CS account by people I never met and to whom I asked nothing. That's an astonishing level of generosity, and says a lot on the friendliness of the community.

PPS: The "Nothingland attitude" mentionned by Dimwhit is more good-natured ribbing between friends than actual hostility.


First Post
As a relative newbie here at ENWorld, I can not fail to say that it has been one of the most polite and welcoming online boards since I was a Dai'Shan at the UO Black Tower guild.

My posts -scarce as they have been- have been met with great response from the people at this board.

The gods know that I work in a profession which constantly puts me in touch with fools, braindead automatons and backstabbing opportunists, and my headaches make me short tempered, but I try not to let it get the better of me. Not that you guys will ever see that side of me.... I don't post enough. :D

But back on topic - I like this place. People here a good. Even if some of you are American. :p


Gez said:
PPS: The "Nothingland attitude" mentionned by Dimwhit is more good-natured ribbing between friends than actual hostility.

oh it that what they call it. :uhoh:

ribbed for your pleasure....

actually, i think they made a Spike Lee movie out of it... "Do the Right Thing."

the temperature, school break, and tv reruns do have an effect on the internet...

i've found the attitude over here at ENWurld to be much less of a downer. i've had a dramatic decrease in the number of "diaglo's" edition h8ters. but that might just be me ignoring more people. my ignore list includes a few mods....before they became mods..... :]


First Post
I haven't been here the longest, but I am here quite a bit. I believe that a minority of posters is disliked/disliking enough to have an effect on the boards as a whole.

I hope it is simply a trend, but do not believe it is.


Gez said:
PPS: The "Nothingland attitude" mentionned by Dimwhit is more good-natured ribbing between friends than actual hostility.
That, and you find out real quick over there that you need to be able to take lumps as well as give 'em. Funny, but I think I've been less snarky over here since joining Nothingland.

As far as ENWorld, though, it's probably a combination of getting bigger and a cyclical spike in snarkiness. Some of it will disappear, some won't. I will agree, though, that it's the mods that keep it as civil as it is.

I know that lately there have been a few times when I have opened up on someone after reading the same negative things over and over again. It's sort of a snowball effect, I hear the negative over and over, I get sick of hearing it, so I say something negative back, which only makes things worse. I used to be much quicker to delete what I wrote before posting it, but there have been a few times recently where I just said "I don't care" and hit Submit Reply. Not some of my proudest moments, but I'll admit to them.

Overall, regardless of the waves of friendliness and unfriendliness, I still prefer EN World over any other boards. I'm registered on many, but after a few posts I realize that it's just not as fun. I still visit some on occasion, but generally as a lurker or to ask very specific questions.

This is where I come ot hang out with people I consider friends, even if I only see them once or twice a year, or more likely never met in person. In real life, friends have arguements and disagree about things, but keep coming back to patch things up. I see the same thing here.

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