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D&D 5E Is every Official Adventure Going to be about Saving the World?


I would like to point out that no DnD adventure path is more memorable than any of the classics. Mostly because they never had an adventure path that didn't consist of many modules strung together

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For two alternative campaigns, look in the Story Hour forum at Sepulchrave's Tales of Wyre where the PCs are redefining the cosmos, and Cerebral Paladin's Aphonion Tales which was about PCs running a large kingdom.


First Post
Just popped into my head, The players find a relic that sucks their souls into it and only have so much time to live before their soul is devoured and they are destroyed. There are three other relics the players must get and the whole relic will be complete, then they must must find the Sword of Kos to destroy the combined relic. A possible sequel might be that once the relic is destroyed they release an evil demi god that was imprisoned in one of the four relics.....

So there ya go, epic but instead of saving the world, the players are saving themselves.


Sailor Moon

All I can say is I am tried of the "save the world" adventures. Sometimes I just want to interact with the world as it is and not always have my actions as world changing or the actions of something else as world changing. It really gets boring quickly.


There is plenty of identified source material where the protagonists don't engage in endless world-saving. The notion that that's all there can be shows a massive lack of imagination and awareness of what the game can do.

People focus on Frodo, but forget Conan and Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser,

Agreed totally. This afternoon, I ran a session where the PCs are planning to rescue - wait for it - one person who has been wrongfully imprisoned. I do run adventures with much greater threats (my other campaign recently had the PCs forsee an entire town - and possibly much more - be overrun by undead) - but there's a whole spectrum of adventure between running a bakery and saving the entire world.

Many years ago, I got rather bored of action movies where the world (or universe) is under threat. It's just boring. I think it's the Stalin "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic" thing. Sure, he was bang out of order, and an evil, evil idiot, but he was onto something there.

Sailor Moon

I also think these types of "save the world" games can breed a type of player who expects his characters to always survive and I think that kind of sends the wrong message. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that style of game, but it doesn't appear that the rules were specifically designed for that type of "heroic" play. I've had several players who's characters "bit the dust" rather abruptly due to a well placed crit, or an ambush. I just think there would be more of an emphasis on the DM needing to "fudge" a few rolls in that style of play.


First Post
I don't know about everyone else but one adventure path is enough about saving the world. Tyranny of Dragons takes PCs from first to 15th level with only one goal: Stopping the Cult of the Dragon from summoning Tiamat.

Adventure Paths are awesome every once in a while but there needs to be individual adventure stories as well.

The real purpose of WofTC introducing this adventure path was to sell books while they could - hit while the fire's hot. The reason for them introducing the DMG 3 months after the PHB was to sell the this adventure path. I know they say they didn't blast them out because of errata in information... but c'mon... They didn't want people to get the DMG and start creating their own adventures - otherwise, this original Adventure Path would not have sold nearly as well. It doesn't bother me - I bought these - but, c'mon...

But Adventure Paths are as they are stated - a path for longplay for DMs who don't have time to or the want to freelance mini adventures and tie them altogether - or to keep players on a path that doesn't catch the GM by surprise and force them to improvise a full session on the spot. 4e had plenty of singular adventures - some tied together and some were singles - just like 1-3e. I bet that after the DMG comes out (to everyone) they publish plenty of singles. I hope, anyway...


The real purpose of WofTC introducing this adventure path was to sell books while they could - hit while the fire's hot. The reason for them introducing the DMG 3 months after the PHB was to sell the this adventure path. I know they say they didn't blast them out because of errata in information... but c'mon... They didn't want people to get the DMG and start creating their own adventures - otherwise, this original Adventure Path would not have sold nearly as well. It doesn't bother me - I bought these - but, c'mon...

But Adventure Paths are as they are stated - a path for longplay for DMs who don't have time to or the want to freelance mini adventures and tie them altogether - or to keep players on a path that doesn't catch the GM by surprise and force them to improvise a full session on the spot. 4e had plenty of singular adventures - some tied together and some were singles - just like 1-3e. I bet that after the DMG comes out (to everyone) they publish plenty of singles. I hope, anyway...

My problem is that just because GM wants to use modules for individual adventures doesn't mean he wants his entire campaign done for him. My last 4e game had Undermountain, the Isle of Dread, and Dragon Mountain all intertwined into my campaign.


Add me to the list of people tired of constantly saving the world. It reminds me of Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles:

Mr. Incredible said:
No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!

I do like the Savage Worlds plot point style campaign. An overarching plot, but with lots of freedom for the players and episodes for the GM to use to advance the larger plot when they feel it is appropriate. For most of them that I've looked at, if the party decides to completely abandon the main plot it is okay, there isn't some armageddon clock grinding away towards doomsday.

And count me in as another person desperately missing the old Dungeon magazines, I know that the print magazine business is high risk, but I'd pay $10/mo for 3-5 decent adventures in print, or $5/mo for the same thing in PDF. As long as you don't try to lock me into a subscription by threatening to take away the materials I've already paid for; when WotC decided to no longer make Dungeon/Dragon available to download as PDF is when I made the decision to stop my DDI sub.


The real purpose of WofTC introducing this adventure path was to sell books while they could - hit while the fire's hot. The reason for them introducing the DMG 3 months after the PHB was to sell the this adventure path. I know they say they didn't blast them out because of errata in information... but c'mon... They didn't want people to get the DMG and start creating their own adventures - otherwise, this original Adventure Path would not have sold nearly as well. It doesn't bother me - I bought these - but, c'mon...

But Adventure Paths are as they are stated - a path for longplay for DMs who don't have time to or the want to freelance mini adventures and tie them altogether - or to keep players on a path that doesn't catch the GM by surprise and force them to improvise a full session on the spot. 4e had plenty of singular adventures - some tied together and some were singles - just like 1-3e. I bet that after the DMG comes out (to everyone) they publish plenty of singles. I hope, anyway...

I don't understand why you can't create adventures without the DMG. I've run several already and I haven't DMd for over ten years. True, if you were new to RPGs this would probably be the case (you would need the DMing advice), but really everything we need is in the PHB and MM. The DMG is really going to be the icing on the cake.

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