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D&D 5E Is it just me or does Tiamat kind of blow in Tyranny of Dragons?

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Hayden Pagano

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Question, long story short.. Stand back, summon Earth Elemental, make it retrieve two Bag's of Holding owned by player/s, make it carry it to Tiamat, place one bag in another and it creates an abyssal portal to the astral planes sucking up anything within 10 feet. Books state ANYTHING within 10 feet, this in theory includes Tiamat. What do you think of an insta-disaposal of a main story boss like that.

Ultimately, we wanna screw over the DM and leave him in awe. Do you guys think this is doable, achievable, within the rules, Tiamat's specs, etc etc.

Thanks dudes.

- Hayden.


The book showed up yesterday and I flipped through it. Her breath weapons are legendary actions costing 2 each and she can use 5. So basically she has 2 breath weapon attacks in any combat unless she used more than one other LA, which also include bites so if she breathes twice she can only bite once. A regular dragon has a 5-6 recharge on breath weapons and bite is a standard attack action. She has slightly more HP than a Ancient Red, 630 to 546 assuming you don't roll the Red's HP, and only 2 more HD. Her spell casting is just Divine Word. She has a spell immunity to SL6 and lower and resistance on higher level spells which is nice. Was she statted out before the MM was finished and other dragons finished?

Just underwhelmed at the mother of evil dragons on a conceptual level.

And to head off, "Well modify her as you want for you game!" Yes I know I can but just discussing what Kobald did with her.

Edit: Doh I misread the rule which made this thread possible but totally unnecessary!

I agree 100%, she's just a five headed dragon, compare this to her stats and abilities in 2e or 3e, it's pathetic. Tiamat isn't just a high CR mutant dragon SHE IS A GOD, she should have at will Wish at the very least.


I only got to look at it at our store last night. So I am going off of memory, but she is very similar to the Tarrasque, if not more deadly. She also has regeneration which will essentially negate 1 hit per round. She gets two breath weapons per round versus 1 every few rounds from recharging, a bucket of hp, high AC, crazy stats, her bites do elemental damage, unlimited reactions, 5 legendary resistance, 5 legendary actions per turn, high AC, resistance, +19 to hit, automatic save vs stunning, multiattack. She is going to mow through a 4 person party. If you playtested 4 level 20 characters against her similarly to how people have tested the Tarrasque, I doubt the characters would live long. That is only the stuff I remember.

All of which says powerful high CR monster not God, she should have more profound out of combat abilities as well.


First Post
Question, long story short.. Stand back, summon Earth Elemental, make it retrieve two Bag's of Holding owned by player/s, make it carry it to Tiamat, place one bag in another and it creates an abyssal portal to the astral planes sucking up anything within 10 feet. Books state ANYTHING within 10 feet, this in theory includes Tiamat. What do you think of an insta-disaposal of a main story boss like that.

Ultimately, we wanna screw over the DM and leave him in awe. Do you guys think this is doable, achievable, within the rules, Tiamat's specs, etc etc.

Thanks dudes.

- Hayden.

Your first act on this board is to necro a 4-years dead thread?

You thrill-seeker, you.


I just wonder what member or members of this community keep creating new accounts specifically to necro ancient threads. Any time that I see a thread from multiple years in the past it has invariably been necro'd by a fresh account, and yet the new poster writes seriously enough to not be an obvious troll or an ignorant outsider.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I mean, isn't the whole point that she's severely weakened when she's first freed, which is the only reason any kind of direct assault would work on her in the first place? Isn't that the reason for the last-chance desperate assault on the cultist's HQ to either stop the ritual or stop her ASAP, rather than, you know, hunker down on the defensive and come up with a more definitive plan?


I agree 100%, she's just a five headed dragon, compare this to her stats and abilities in 2e or 3e, it's pathetic. Tiamat isn't just a high CR mutant dragon SHE IS A GOD, she should have at will Wish at the very least.

She is a lot tougher than she was in 1e!

EDIT: Relatively speaking she is pretty pathetic in 3e too.
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Question, long story short.. Stand back, summon Earth Elemental, make it retrieve two Bag's of Holding owned by player/s, make it carry it to Tiamat, place one bag in another and it creates an abyssal portal to the astral planes sucking up anything within 10 feet. Books state ANYTHING within 10 feet, this in theory includes Tiamat. What do you think of an insta-disaposal of a main story boss like that.

Ultimately, we wanna screw over the DM and leave him in awe. Do you guys think this is doable, achievable, within the rules, Tiamat's specs, etc etc.

Thanks dudes.

- Hayden.

From the bags of holding description 2 bags of holdings doesn't work (at least not without DM adjudication). Of course, even if it did work, she is only banished to the astral plane making, she is still freed from Hell. She can just gate right behind you - surprise!

Also, if you did allow the 2 bag trick you could rule it sucks in the elemental first and then the gate closes. I says any creature, not all creatures.


I just wonder what member or members of this community keep creating new accounts specifically to necro ancient threads. Any time that I see a thread from multiple years in the past it has invariably been necro'd by a fresh account, and yet the new poster writes seriously enough to not be an obvious troll or an ignorant outsider.

I know I have accidentally necro'd a thread before after googling some subject and just clicking on the thread to comment not realizing the thread had been dead for 7 years or more. But I already have an account so that makes it a little easier of a mistake.

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