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Is it just me? Tired of huge books

So I am all for value, and I can see the appeal of having all you need for a game in a single book. But am I the only person who finds that some of these honestly huge hardcovers, clocking in over 350pgs, are just too big? Like, too large to be practical? I know there are digital options, and I own many books in digital format. But I like having a library to gaze upon. I like having a book in my hands, to flip through the pages. However, I am afraid I am growing gunshy on buying some properly huge releases. I would rather have them broken up. To be blunt, if you told me that the core 3 for DnD was all going to be one book, or even that the PHB and DNG were being combined, I would balk.

Is it just me?

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Overly large books are not the status quo among indie games. For every The One Ring 2e there are tons of smaller format books (Blades in the Dark), shorter page counts (Heart), and excellent zine games (CBR+PNK currently on Kickstarter, or various Mothership modules).

Overly large books are not the status quo among indie games. For every The One Ring 2e there are tons of smaller format books (Blades in the Dark), shorter page counts (Heart), and excellent zine games (CBR+PNK currently on Kickstarter, or various Mothership modules).
I'm well aware there is a variety of offered formats. I'm just speaking to huge books.
Example. Coyote and Crow clocks in at nearly 500pgs. I am really drawn to the concepts and ethos of its creation but woof thats a big ol' book.


No it's not just you. I'm also leery these days of giant tomes for games. It's usually an indication that the rules are going to be overly complicated - though occasionally it's just that they have a lot of stuff for the GM/Narrator/Director/whatever term they're using for the DM and it isn't that the game is actually super complicated.


Limit Break Dancing
I like big beautiful bodacious books, but with one very important IF.

IF a book has content for both the GM and the Players, I want it to be split into two different books. Having to share a book at the table is a pain in the neck, and I never trust myself to "Stop Reading Here" when the pages tell me to do so. (I don't know anyone who does, honestly.) One book for each side of the screen, please.

Other than that? Giant books all the way, baby.

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