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Is it just me...

Rain Cloud

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I feel the need to say this because I can't keep it to myself anymore. You all speak of these issues like there God fearing real life issues when you need to take a step back, breath and realize its a game. Which is just for ammusement or past time. Please just calm down and have fun. So what if your not being noticed as much as you would like to. Realize that your dealing with a few other active and thinking minds which may not be on the same trail as you. Besides, you cannot tell me that you havent got so caught up in plot or RP session that you didnt ignore the flood of colored fonts that didnt match those you were talking to. It happens, life moves on and you still live and breath.

There, I'm done with my little rant. Think what you will, because personally it wont hurt me either way.

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I engage each and every character that intercounters me. You've got to be open and you've got to try. This isn't a story. It won't go the way you want. You have to let things happen.


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Heh, I managed to jump into Ruthia's storyline a but... lips first! It helps that I know a lil about the characters from an outside perspective.


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Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido


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For me (you knew I had to chime in, dint you Deirdre?) it's not the quantity of the role play, it's the quality. I -like- the drama, I -want- the problems, and I -thrive- on the need to make my character's life as troubled as possible.

But, I enjoy the flip-side of that as well. I also like being the antagonist. My problem is that I can't (and won't) play a god character, or a character that falls outside the D&D 3e system, so that necessarily limits some of my potential story lines. Not that I won't interact with those characters, but I try and limit that interaction to conversations and a couple of drinks. But to each their own.

Which is sort of the point I was trying to get to. If you're not happy with the way your role play or your character is turning out, you're the only one that can fix it. Invent some complications in your character's life...and then role play out the consequences. But the key here is, don't make them A) so trivial that they can fixed by a minor invocation of magic, and B) so unreal that they're laughable. I mean let's be real, if your largest problem is that you have a splinter in your big toe - go see a cleric. On the other hand, if the gods themselves are hurling lightning bolts in your direction, don't be surprised when people start avoiding you. -I- don't particularly need any divine retribution, thanks, drive through.

I guess the point to my rambling diatribe is that if you don't like the role play you're involved in, give some serious thought to why. And remember - at it's very core, role play is about entertaining -yourself- not depending on other people to entertain you.

One thing I like to do (and something I encourage my players in table top games to do) is come up with a background for your characters, and then go beyond that to develop an actual personality matrix for them (Jea has another word for this and I disremember it at the moment). Even if it's nothing more than jotting down a note about their prejudices and preconceptions, and -why- they have them. And the why is really the important part. Writing down..."Mortonia is deathly afraid of her older brother" - meh. Who cares. I mean yes, it's enough to get by on, but it's not all that interesting. However, when you know that her older brother used to beat her up regularly and do various other nasty things to her that their father did nothing to prevent you begin to understand why she's so afraid of him, and as a sideline, why she has very little trust for men, and fell in love with a woman. So now, from understanding the why, we've discovered several other important facts that affect the way Toni acts.

In the end, how much you like your role play, and your characters, is entirely in your hands. I have had characters that I couldn't stand, and I quit playing them after two or three attempts. I have had other characters that I play constantly and cannot get enough of. Invariably, the former are ones I didn't put enough thought into, and the latter are the ones that were so well documented all they really needed was a birth certificate and they could have gotten a job.

Anyway, enough ranting - happy gaming! :)


First Post
I agree with most of the people here. But some points. People here lately seem to be doing nothing but trying to hook up,males and females both. It's the only way you tend to get noticed.Now, you are all going to say try something else. Honestly, I did that for the first two years I played. I can count the times I have had people play a second time on one hand during this time.Some people fit right in, others don't. If people talk to me, I talk back. last time I got approached? About a year ago.All of the ideas here are good, but not simple as they seem for some. I am a shy person.I try to play with others,and they ignore/ridicule me.Yes it happens,a lot, as much as you all want to say it doesn't.Thus the shyness gets worse.
Now, like it was said, these things go in cycles.Though you still can not play certain things without people jumping you for it, no matter how well played or original the idea is. Like Drow,lycanthropes,vampires,ninjas and various other things.Take my drow for example, i have had him for seven years now, played him on here for i think four. he is a drizzt/ryld clone.Doesnt matter that the only things he has in common with drizzt is that he is a good drow, and I had him the way he is before Ryld was thought of.
People have a hard time understanding what they have no experiance with.Foe example, people say just jump into others plots, but have probably never been out right told to leave the person alone OOC. To them the people complaining are just whining. This place might be a fantasy game, but it is still just as cliquish, and biased as the real world.
That being said, yes, it is the players jobs to pull this out of the slump, or take a break until it gets better,or follow peoples advise.But I think it would help if everyone that offered anything to this steps back and takes a look at how they judge new players/characters before saying that anyone is whining.


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No, it won't. But posting why you are brored and talking about ways that it might be fixed just might.So far, I don't think that this has devolved into the "I'm bored, play with me" but it could very well do so, just like it could turn into the "you are just whining, shut up" type of thread.
Some one is bored. He asks if others are too, and some are.Okay. Is this a problem? To the bored people, yes. But not to the ones that aren't.

Silen Illuminine

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I'm not entirely sure what to put, because this will only be my first post, I think. I agree, and I've been getting frustrated because I'm trying to do some specific storylines, but no one really seems to latch on. All that seems to happen is guys pining after my character. No biggie, but I'm trying to accomplish something. Not that I mind love, it's a powerful thing in itself and can incite some really spectacular storylines, but it's not necessary. It's not needed for me to expand my storyline one bit.

The other thing I wanted, however, I wasn't sure if I should post here or elsewhere. I've seen a lot of settings here, but there's one I wish I could see here, one that I think could prove to be very fun to roleplay, although I know there's a lot of people here who've never actually played in it. I've recently become addicted to Living D&D campaigns of all sorts, Star Wars, Greyhawk, Dragonstar, and many more, but the one I was surprised wasn't on here is Arcanis. It's an amazing world, and I wish I could see a room dedicated to it. Just tell me if it's a stupid idea, and I won't say anymore about it, but feel free to e-mail me at soft-lullaby@hotmail.com, if you want to hear more about it, because in my opinion, it's awesome!


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*loves on everyone*

Zeliphia gives lots of love, too? Oh, contact someone as head of a group and you'll be bewildered by how the friendship soars. I know I've been warmly greeted and given many hands of friendship. It takes a step with each person to build the bridge 50% on each side so the crossing can be walked upon by all.


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