Level Up (A5E) Is it worth adding Tales of the Valiant into my A5E campaign? Anything added?

Whoa, I didn't expect to see a famous D&D person chime in, pretty cool :)

I just think the whole idea of Destiny is cool. Sort of a roleplaying mechanism to develop future backstory for the characters. ToV has Lineage, Heritage, and Backgrounds, which is great too, but it corresponds pretty much with A5E's Heritage, Culture, and Background. But I don't think I've ever seen a 'future' background thingie, to guide characters towards something. Very nifty idea.

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My group is running A5e and we ported over the Luck system to it because I absolutely loved it in my other 5e games. it works just fine. We haven't delved into destinies yet but figure we can just count one inspiration destiny activator as three luck points. Hopefully that works!
This is what we did. Works just fine and no complaints from my players. I don't even notice what they're doing as dm.

Luck is cool, but in my experience it does tend to result in even more player successes and rerolls than A5E Inspiration. It's an even heavier weight in their favor. I moved most of my tables over to it so I don't have to DM fiat it or worry about everyone taking one or two Destinies because they have the most reliable sources of inspiration. Everyone uses Luck.

Yeah, thats one of the things I love about the luck system. I don’t have to think about it at all.
I occasionally say "remember you get a luck point 1/round when you miss or fail a save" to help remind them since it's a new thing- but yeah it's great to not have to keep track of handing it out. And if you DO feel like rewarding heroic behavior or whatever, 1 point of luck is nice but not an automatic reroll.

If I had any criticism of it, it'd be that it weighs things even more heavily in the PC's favor- which 5e already does a lot.

If I had any criticism of it, it'd be that it weighs things even more heavily in the PC's favor- which 5e already does a lot.
It does but almost imperceptibly. A plus on here or there can definitely change the course of a battle, don't get me wrong, but the real benefit of it is psychological. A character failing an attack or check is not only failing, they're also building up karma for something good later.

It does but almost imperceptibly. A plus on here or there can definitely change the course of a battle, don't get me wrong, but the real benefit of it is psychological. A character failing an attack or check is not only failing, they're also building up karma for something good later.
Three or four rounds of combat will get most characters 3 points = a reroll. A +2 or +3 is frequently all that's needed to turn a miss into a hit!
It comes up with a lot more frequency than Inspiration would- even more often than A5E's Sources of Inspiration. It's not like it makes everything an auto-hit, but it definitely swings things :D

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